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BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

24 Oct 06 - 02:15 PM (#1867435)
Subject: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Do members realise that if you type in your mudcat name on the worldwide web it appears with the thread you posted to ? I was not very impressed to find this. I was under the impression what we said here was among ourselves. Yes I am a member, but will be thinking twice about expressing my views under my name from now on.

Try it.

24 Oct 06 - 02:16 PM (#1867436)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: jeffp

Been kinda naive haven't you?

Nothing on the internet is private.

24 Oct 06 - 02:17 PM (#1867438)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: MMario

guest - virtually anything you post to the internet can be found in a search engine . this forum is open to the public, even though a privately owned site. What did you expect?

24 Oct 06 - 02:25 PM (#1867442)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: greg stephens

This is its strength, being able to find stuff. If I want to find out about the origins of a song, I would hope an internet search would lead me to the relevant Mudcat thread. Which is why the disfiguring presence of the unwanted anonymous trollers etc is so annoying, serious discussions about folk music get dragged into silly abuse quite often, unfortunately.

24 Oct 06 - 02:32 PM (#1867450)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bee

Try typing your real name into Google. It's amazing how much stuff pops up, especially notable if your name is not common. Public meetings you've attended, where minutes are posted on a website, any small thing you've published, letters to newspapers, other people's references to you... at least your Mudcat name is an alias.

24 Oct 06 - 02:49 PM (#1867461)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Paul from Hull

Well, for SOME it is!

24 Oct 06 - 03:01 PM (#1867468)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: katlaughing

Been that way for years. Any genealogy site does the same thing as do most others.

24 Oct 06 - 03:03 PM (#1867472)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Yes Paul for some it is, I have also declined to give my name on Mudacat, on other Sites my e-mails don`t appear, just from this Site, beware Max must be cashing in on this.

24 Oct 06 - 03:13 PM (#1867477)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Stilly River Sage

If you choose a moniker that has common words in other contexts that mixes it up at Google. And if you have a common regular name, you're mixed in with all of the other carriers of your name. I get myself if I plug in my house phone number but my cell phone doesn't come up. I tried my social security number once and got nothing--that is good! I won't try it again because I don't want that number turning up any more in Google's databases of previously conducted searches.


24 Oct 06 - 03:18 PM (#1867482)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rapparee

There is NO privacy on the Internet or the World Wide Web. None, zero, nada, zilch. An email or this posting can be around the world within an hour.

More, it can be intercepted at any of the fifteen or so hops it will take to get it to the Mudcat servers.

The moral is: Don't say anything you wouldn't want to come back and haunt you.

24 Oct 06 - 03:30 PM (#1867496)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: McGrath of Harlow

A few posts seem to turn up, most don't.

Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes

Good advice.

24 Oct 06 - 03:38 PM (#1867501)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: katlaughing

LOL at the thought of Max making ANYTHING off of this!

24 Oct 06 - 03:47 PM (#1867508)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Big Mick

A Google search on "Big Mick" turns up these:

The Big Mick

Big Mick filmography

Big Mick UK Tattoo Studio

Big Mick dot com

Big Mick shows as a performer

Big Mick at

Explore the works of Big Mick

Somewhere around the third page you finally get a Mudcat post. I imagine they are all there.


24 Oct 06 - 03:58 PM (#1867523)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Big Mick

I wish Max would make something off of this.

24 Oct 06 - 04:07 PM (#1867535)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Don Firth

I use my real name, and I thought it was fairly unique, but the first time I did a "vanity search" on it, I was surprised to learn that it's not. Anyone wanting to track me down would first have to figue out which Don Firth I am. Not that hard to do if someone knows a bit about me and is sufficiently persistent.

But as far as political paranoia is concerned, granted, I'm pretty outspoken, but there's nothing I have said or would say about our political "leaders" that I wouldn't be perfectly willing to say to their faces.

Don Firth

24 Oct 06 - 04:13 PM (#1867544)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: McGrath of Harlow

I certainly seem to get around:

a stand up comedian and song writer living in Alberta, Canada and available for hire

Outdoor and Nature Photography

President and CEO of Digital Angel, an Amex listed (ticker:DOC) manufacturer of digital identification monitors. ...

a freelance film producer and, on occasion, a production manager and location scout based in Sydney, Australia

a partner at Reit Asset Management and joined the board

Not currently an MP

manager of AMD's Opteron line

Wireless Group Member

And that is just the first page...

24 Oct 06 - 04:21 PM (#1867549)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: artbrooks

If I search on my full name, I get nothing at all. If I search on my common use name (Art Brooks), I get many many hits, none of which are me.

24 Oct 06 - 04:44 PM (#1867572)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rapparee

My name seems to be sort of unique. My father's, Ralph, calls up at least three, one of which is him but from a genealogy site.

24 Oct 06 - 05:05 PM (#1867589)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: greg stephens

Among the extremely numerous Greg Stephens I find a professional ghost hunter. He sounds more interesting than the majority of American real estate agents and minor academics, among who it seems to be a very popular name.

24 Oct 06 - 05:13 PM (#1867594)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

I was once courted by a gentleman who did a search on the word "atheist" and arrived at my posting in a Mudcat thread. He married a nurse because had MS. Go figure.

24 Oct 06 - 05:40 PM (#1867608)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: bobad

I appear to be a Swedish bathtub:

24 Oct 06 - 05:43 PM (#1867613)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: GUEST,Dan Schatz cleverly disguising his identity

How do we get a Big Mick tattoo?


24 Oct 06 - 06:15 PM (#1867643)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

We can take care of that for you at the Getaway. Don't give it another thought.
Better pack the large knitting needls.

24 Oct 06 - 06:16 PM (#1867644)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: skipy

Try typing your name into google, see how many hits you get, then try again putting it in quotes, it will take you directly to you.

24 Oct 06 - 06:57 PM (#1867675)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Jim Dixon

I just Googled for "Jim Dixon" and I was surprised to see how many Jim Dixons there are who aren't me. (A notable one was the hero of Kingsley Amis' novel "Lucky Jim.") It wasn't until the second page that Mudcat showed up.

Then I Googled within Mudcat ("jim dixon" and was astonished to see "about 5,600" hits. Ye gods! Have I posted that much?

It raises the question of whether searching within Mudcat by using Google might be more effective, especially for recent posts, than using Mudcat's own Lyrics & Knowledge Search.

Well, I've been posting here for years now, using my real name, with no ill effects so far. But maybe some other Jim Dixon has been getting my hate mail!

24 Oct 06 - 07:01 PM (#1867679)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bill D

Nonsense! I entered the short form of my name that I use daily, and at 22 pages of Google his, none were me (even though is has been posted in Mudcat)...the long form gave 7 pages, but none were me.

It all depends on how common your name is, and whether you do much.

24 Oct 06 - 07:09 PM (#1867684)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bunnahabhain

They're only out there as Max is good enought to keep this palce running. So help, and send some money, or donate something interesting to the auction.

24 Oct 06 - 07:30 PM (#1867697)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Snuffy

With my name there aren't many doppelgangers to hide behind: I put my name into Google and the first 3 pages are all me - but Mudcat doen't appear until number 28.

24 Oct 06 - 07:33 PM (#1867702)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Liz the Squeak

Apparently I'm a pretty good wedding photographer...

Or married to the Rev. Daniel.


24 Oct 06 - 07:38 PM (#1867709)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: skipy

Jim try adding a wild card such as folk or music.

24 Oct 06 - 07:39 PM (#1867712)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Janie

Well, my last name is rather unusual, and when I googled Janie Endres all the hits were of me, Googleing "Janie", on the otherhand....


24 Oct 06 - 08:06 PM (#1867736)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Elmer Fudd

The goods they've got on me are unbelievable. Why, there are even photographs right at the top of Mr. Google's page! Those wascals!!!!!


24 Oct 06 - 08:13 PM (#1867742)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Joe Offer

Well, if you Google for "Joe Offer," you get a lot of music stuff, mostly from me, mostly at Mudcat. There's another Joe Offer in Maryland who's a game warden and a Cubmaster (hey, I used to be one of those), and another in the Air Force who plays drums.

You also get stuff about Joe offering to ravish the buxom blonde, but that's some other Joe...

24 Oct 06 - 08:24 PM (#1867747)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: JohnInKansas

Googling my mudcat name brings up two pages of results, but only three or four that are "me." About half the hits are to "ebay personal profile(s)" and I have NEVER created an account, provided any information, or logged in at ebay.

One of the hits is to a manufacturer/distributor who apparently intended to "quote" something I posted here as a "testimonial." While I didn't think what I said was that favorable it's only partially and ambiguously quoted, without really saying much. The site is "clickified" to provide a link, but it goes only to the mudcat front page, so anyone not familiar with the site would find what I actually said about "three days after hell freezes over."

From above: Then I Googled within Mudcat ("***" and was astonished to see "about 5,600" hits. Ye gods! Have I posted that much?

Does someone not know that clicking the "name" on an individual post has always produced a list of all of the posts under that name?

(The Google search cited found "about 5,600" of the 6,749 posts found by mudcat "usersearch.")

Far too many for one person to have said anything intelligent in most of them, one supposes(?) (BG)

Fortunately/unfortunately my "real" name is so common that anything about me is hidden somewhere in the several million results that can't be displayed at Google. Even applying rather restrictive "modifiers" I've never found a Google search string that produces anything about me.


24 Oct 06 - 08:25 PM (#1867749)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: katlaughing

I cannot believe there is actually another "katlaughing." Never ran into that before. She is Asian-American and apprarently a student!.

First one that shows up is me, though, in the Mudcat MIDI section.:-)

My full name turns up a nurse of 25 years.

Nice tats, Mick!

24 Oct 06 - 08:28 PM (#1867751)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: The Fooles Troupe

So you say Joe - but we'll believe you.... :-)

24 Oct 06 - 09:54 PM (#1867814)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: kendall

Some time ago I typed in my full name and I was amazed at how much information is wrong!
Apparently, there are only two men with the same men, the is a football coach.

24 Oct 06 - 09:57 PM (#1867818)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: number 6

"6 (six) is the natural number following 5 and preceding 7."

Well ... if we didn't know that

biLL (there is a name behind the nmber)

24 Oct 06 - 10:01 PM (#1867822)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: kendall

The owner of the Maine Humor site died and it looks like his widow has removed the site.

25 Oct 06 - 12:29 AM (#1867874)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rowan

Reading the above I tried it, and if anyone Googles my Mudcat name they'll wade through counties, trees, comedians and archbishops (inter alia) for untold pages without finding anything I'd recognise as 'me'. Not even Mudcat. And I tried it from work where I'm listed on our web page, which I never found. I wouldn't have thought it was a particularly common name. Even when I Google my name as listed on my work web page there's a lot of other characters out there who are listed but have no other known connection to me.

Cheers, Rowan.

25 Oct 06 - 03:11 AM (#1867915)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: The Fooles Troupe

Rowan is used in the SCA....

25 Oct 06 - 03:54 AM (#1867933)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: GUEST,Buxom Blonde

Wull Dangit all to hayell....

I done goggled joe offer and got all exciterated but now he says it aint him.

Whats a girl gotta do to get ravished round here?


25 Oct 06 - 04:04 AM (#1867940)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ravi Shed is Out to Lunch.

25 Oct 06 - 08:11 AM (#1868072)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bunnahabhain

First hit that's me is on page three. Most of the rest are references to a set of chemistry prizes at MIT.

25 Oct 06 - 08:16 AM (#1868076)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Paul Burke

First hit that's me is on page three said Bunnahabhain. Murdoch must be getting desperate.

I don't seem to appear as a catter or anything else at all, only some actors and rugby players. And certainly not on page 3.

25 Oct 06 - 08:22 AM (#1868082)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Clinton Hammond

"thinking twice about expressing my views under my name from now on"

If you can't say it with your own face to it, then it's not worth you saying it at all.

I've been using my own name on the 'net' for longer than I care to remember. I never saw the point in 'nicknames'. If someone wants to find you, they will....

Google me, and you'll find me....

25 Oct 06 - 09:01 AM (#1868127)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: The Fooles Troupe

Google me!

25 Oct 06 - 10:23 AM (#1868245)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Has made me think of posting here.

25 Oct 06 - 01:41 PM (#1868446)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Fibula Mattock

I am confident of being the only Fibula Mattock.
I take up most of the hits on Google when I put my real name in, mostly from my work web site and any papers I've authored. There are at least 5 other versions of me out there, one of whom is fictional, but I like to think I'm the original.

25 Oct 06 - 02:07 PM (#1868474)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Dan Schatz

I thought I was the only Rev. Daniel around here, and I'm reasonably certain I'm not married to Liz. I do, however, share my name with a police chief who had some involvement in the LA Rampart scandal and a college student in, of all places, Pennsylvania.

I wonder if they know.

Incidentally - were you really knitting a Big Mick tattoo?

Dan Schatz

25 Oct 06 - 05:28 PM (#1868610)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Joe Offer

I had to cheat and use my IP tool to see who "Buxom Blonde" is.
Now I know - but I'll never tell.

25 Oct 06 - 05:44 PM (#1868622)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: GUEST,...

Could've been a visitor sharing his/her computer, though ...
a buxom blonde one maybe?

25 Oct 06 - 05:51 PM (#1868631)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

As A member of mud for a number of years I typed in my mudcat name into Google and yeah, all my posts here came up. I am on three other forums under the same name, and not one came up. Taught me a lessson.

25 Oct 06 - 07:06 PM (#1868680)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rowan

Joe, please tell an ignoramus from west of the Pacific what "SCA..." is.

Cheers, Rowan

25 Oct 06 - 07:51 PM (#1868701)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: GUEST,Wesley S

Rowan - try here - SCA

25 Oct 06 - 08:54 PM (#1868729)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rowan

Thanks Wesley,
Us fondlers of leather ferrets are used to anachronisms, some more creative than others. The 'concertina' in the soundtrack of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean episode being one of them.

Cheers, Rowan

25 Oct 06 - 09:20 PM (#1868746)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bunnahabhain

Fondlers of leather ferrets?!?

Is that a euphamism for something, and if so, do we want to know what?

25 Oct 06 - 09:30 PM (#1868753)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rowan

I know of two nicknames for concertinas in Australia, apart from the concer and 'tina diminutives. The more common is "constant screamer" but they have also been described as "the leather ferret". Why? I can only imagine!

Cheers, Rowan

25 Oct 06 - 10:28 PM (#1868791)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: JennyO

I've never seen a concertina run up anybody's leg!

26 Oct 06 - 10:28 AM (#1869106)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bunnahabhain

I should have guessed it's Australian, the natural home of so much of the worlds utterly inconprehensible slang...

26 Oct 06 - 02:17 PM (#1869289)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: katlaughing

Joe, I'll bet it was KoKo in disguise!

26 Oct 06 - 06:56 PM (#1869486)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Rowan

Bunnahabhain, Australian slang isn't incomprehensible to us at all! If you're flat out like a lizard drinking it usually means you're fully engaged in some hard yakka. If you're anticipating a full day of it you'd better start with more than a dingo's breakfast or you might just kark it.

Perfectly comprehensible.

Cheers, Rowan

27 Oct 06 - 09:43 AM (#1869939)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Grab

Never use you own account. Never use your real name.

Unless you happen to stand by every word that gets printed under that name. And if you don't, I'm with Clinton on what value your sayings have.

Interestingly, a search for "Graham Bartlett" comes up with some fencing champion thing! :-) "Graham Bartlett Grab" mostly shows up my EPE (electronics forum) posts rather than Mudcat - ah well, same difference.


27 Oct 06 - 08:31 PM (#1870412)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: HuwG

Apparently there is another HuwG contributing to Gwlad!, a Welsh rugby union forum. It isn't me; if they didn't want me to play prop-forward for the national rugby team, well then ...

The same, or another HuwG may also be a member on aquariacentral, a forum for aquarium owners, on avforums, a forum for those interested in audio-visual equipment.

I also discover that the website is for sale, in the region of $4025; and that I am the Hastings Urban Wildlife Group.

Truly the web does give us the power "to see ourselves as others see us".

27 Oct 06 - 08:51 PM (#1870419)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: The Shambles

Our posts there for all the world to see

Yours may be..................

28 Oct 06 - 08:51 AM (#1870692)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Ron Davies

All people have to do is think first--and be willing to stand behind everything they write--as several others have already noted.

And this shouldn't even have to be mentioned.

They should have no problem with "the world" seeing their posts-- be happy about it, even.

28 Oct 06 - 09:36 AM (#1870715)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

So how can do I get to see all my other posts from the three other forums I am on ? Typed my user name into google and only got the ones fron here.

28 Oct 06 - 09:49 AM (#1870724)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bill D

Google indexes based on some arcane algorithm....if other forums are set up differently, it might not 'follow' the internal links.

( fascinates me to think my wisdom & brilliant analyses are available for the world at large to read. Maybe there IS hope for educating the masses after all!) ;>)

28 Oct 06 - 10:26 AM (#1870747)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Thanks Bill. So would it be possible to do something else to see if my posts on the other sites come up ?

28 Oct 06 - 11:44 AM (#1870783)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bill D

well...if they're not indexed by a search engine, they're can enter various terms, but only you know what names you have used.
you cab try OTHER search engines..

28 Oct 06 - 10:53 PM (#1871057)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: JohnInKansas

Just as at mudcat you can search on anyone's user name, many other sites have a "see all posts by" link on the site. For maximal exposure you might insert links to the search result for your username in "indexible" threads ...

Having Google ads at mudcat may slightly increase the odds that mudcat gets indexed, while other sites where you post may get indexed only when "something interesting" gets posted. (not an intentional assessment of mudcat content...)

Sites with a .org disignation seem less likely to be indexed, and .edu and a couple of others generally are never indexed by most of the major search engines. Stuff on .edu sites may show up if they're linked from another kind of site, but the main search machines don't "crawl" these sites as a rule. There are special purpose search indexes for some of these sites, but for others you have to "penetrate" the site and use their local search engine.

There are a number of "tricks" that sites can use, either to increase the odds that the site will be crawled and indexed, and/or to reduce the odds that search results will appear associated with "objectionable" terms. Some people spend a lot of time and money trying to affect how and where their stuff turns up.


29 Oct 06 - 06:04 AM (#1871212)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

After I visit some forums (not this one) I get loads of "Spam mail" in my email box. When you visit a forum I know they can see your IP address, but can they also obtain your email address ?

29 Oct 06 - 06:18 AM (#1871215)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Grab

Absolutely not, Guest. But they *can* get your browser to download spyware which will dig into your Outlook email setup and everything else. Usually you can stop your browser doing the download, but not always, and there's always some prat who hits the "OK" button.

And the other possibility is that those forums have sold your email address to a spam merchant. For that reason, I have a dedicated account (on Hotmail) which I use for *everything* that happens with people or organisations I don't know personally - logins, licenses, signup details, contacting people off forums, etc - and I just accept that this account *will* get spam. I only check that account every couple of days. My main email address which I use for emailing friends and family stays private and only gets handed out to individuals I know, which pretty much stops any spam hitting it. Most long-term and/or serious internet users have a similar setup.


29 Oct 06 - 06:31 AM (#1871220)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

I can constantly view my e-mails by typing in mudcat, i am not talking about threads, my e-mails are there for all the world to see, this only happens with Mudcat.
My advice to new mudcat users , don`t give mudcat your e-mail address.

29 Oct 06 - 06:42 AM (#1871223)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Graham,thanks for taking the time to explain this. I haven't joined any of the other forums I visit, yes I post on them, so they don't have my email address. So my sever or browser must have my email address and passed it on ? It concerns me when I see so much spam arriving and ask myself, if they can get into my email address what else can they obtain.

29 Oct 06 - 10:38 AM (#1871364)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Nigel Parsons

I found myself on the first page of Google (but only the 10th hit!). However, it seems I share my name with the head honcho of Al-Jazeera and an Australian photographer.


29 Oct 06 - 11:27 AM (#1871406)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bill D

Help! The paranoids are after me!

29 Oct 06 - 12:35 PM (#1871463)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

What a bogus thread. Govt operative trying to stifle the free exchange of ideas. Chilling effect. Govt-sponsored terrorism. Screw 'em. The terrorists (the U.N./Bush torture junta) only wins the internet war if they actually succeed in making you quit posting.

29 Oct 06 - 04:19 PM (#1871593)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bunnahabhain

To all the worried people remaining as guests, why not get a free hotmail or such like account you can use for mudcat, and any other forums. If that's still too risky for you, then I belive there are some nice abandoned mines in the Rockies with enough rock overhead to disrupt the satellite mind control transmissions.

Personally, I've been using my main email adress for mudcat for years, and have never had any trouble from it, but maybe the FBI aren't out to get me as I've only been on Anti UK goverment protests....

29 Oct 06 - 08:23 PM (#1871756)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see

Buy guns and use your First Amendment right of freedom of expression. And buy plenty of ammo. Lock it away from the kiddies, but have the tools there to protect yourself and your family from abusive govt intrusion.

29 Oct 06 - 08:59 PM (#1871771)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Bill D

oh, RIGHT! You have a disagreement with Uncle Sam? Shoot him! Why do I hear "Waco" and "Ruby Ridge" echoing in my ears?

Anyone who truly thinks guns would have any effect on a serious "govt intrusion" needs their head examined....and shaken!

"tools there to protect yourself and your family" include not getting INTO those kind of confrontations!

   You cannot WIN that kind of battle. You can "go out in a blaze of glory" if that makes you feel better...but, sheesh!

29 Oct 06 - 09:20 PM (#1871785)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: Big Mick

What an idiotic statement. All you do is give credence to the anti gun factions with ill thought out statements.

29 Oct 06 - 09:27 PM (#1871790)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: GUEST,Dani

I apparently make great shoes, belts and pocketbooks.

Pretty funny since I don't wear the first if I can help it, don't wear the second at all, and have never even OWNED a pocketbook!


29 Oct 06 - 10:32 PM (#1871845)
Subject: RE: BS: Our posts there for all the world to see
From: katlaughing

Mudcat has always had my private email (for trusted friends and family) and I've never had any kind of spam, nor found it posted anywhere on the internet.