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BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

28 Oct 06 - 02:55 PM (#1870928)
Subject: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

A lot of the usual debating members aren't about at the moment. Where is everyone ?

28 Oct 06 - 02:59 PM (#1870936)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: bobad

Let sleeping dogs lie.

28 Oct 06 - 02:59 PM (#1870937)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Ebbie

If you were to identify yourself, we would know that you are here.

28 Oct 06 - 03:00 PM (#1870938)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Paul from Hull

Well, you clearly come here quite a bit Guest, to comment on that. Why not join, or are the posts you make or threads you start such that youre too cowardly to put a name to them?

28 Oct 06 - 03:03 PM (#1870945)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

Yes I do visit this site along with a few others. Why the hostility ? I only asked a question.

28 Oct 06 - 03:10 PM (#1870951)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Ebbie

"lot of the usual debating members " Guest

Why the "hostility"? Look at how you phrased the remark, Allison.

28 Oct 06 - 03:14 PM (#1870956)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Rapparee

Allison, when you've been bit as often as some have you become defensive.

28 Oct 06 - 03:19 PM (#1870961)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Paul from Hull

We have found its usually warranted with those who Ebbie/Allison quite rightly said seem to come here looking for an argument.

I'm guessing you refreshed the Cromwell thread & started the one about Irish threads.

True, or not?

28 Oct 06 - 03:19 PM (#1870962)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.


People here are very unfriendly to Guests. If you don't take a silly fake name then you will be persecuted.

28 Oct 06 - 03:22 PM (#1870966)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

Alison is just another plastic paddy who only participates in Irish threads on the whole. Are you missing tic tac toe?

28 Oct 06 - 03:24 PM (#1870970)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Paul from Hull

Oh yes, failing to join in by adoptiong a silly fake name is far more likely to raise the ire of the members than postion something controversial, inflammatory, insulting or just plain stupid.

28 Oct 06 - 03:25 PM (#1870971)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Nobo

This is site has become very, very nasty to anyone who isn't -
1 pro IRA
2 pro Democrat
3 pro England

28 Oct 06 - 03:31 PM (#1870976)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Lox


Pro IRA and pro England


Folks I hope you know better than to bite.

28 Oct 06 - 05:33 PM (#1870977)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST, Topsie

Well, EVERYONE has gone very quiet at the moment. Max has done his update and I feel like I'm the only one left on the planet!

28 Oct 06 - 09:58 PM (#1870994)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Richie

I tried to open the Disscussion forum and got a MY SPACE recording. It was like Mudcat was digatially hi-jacked.

What gives?


28 Oct 06 - 10:00 PM (#1870995)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: wysiwyg

See Help forum thread about Upgrade on that.


28 Oct 06 - 10:05 PM (#1871001)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

The simple mention of the name ALISON

In threads from the past...would be enough to rally a dozen lances to your cause.

Today, you are forgotten, one of the idles of past kings.

28 Oct 06 - 10:07 PM (#1871005)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.

I'm not a member

and neither are not another!

What is it to either of us to bother?

29 Oct 06 - 03:02 PM (#1871561)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Amos

One thing to bear in mind is that when a deluge of dishwater-dull twit-postings get thrown onto the site, people with something intelligent to offer often shut up and wait for a more auspicious environment to evolve.


29 Oct 06 - 04:35 PM (#1871602)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Then too, there are better things to do. Like have a beer at Frankie's or go to the ball game.

29 Oct 06 - 05:08 PM (#1871625)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Lately, I find myself lurking more and posting a lot less. It's more fun to watch idiots attempting to chew new assholes for each other than to have them trying to chew a new one for me.

29 Oct 06 - 05:25 PM (#1871632)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: number 6

"wait for a more auspicious environment to evolve."

well ... I'm waiting.

"or go to the ball game."

Sorry chump ... the World Series is over. No more ball games 'til next season. Guess you'll have to sit endlessly in a drunken stupor at Frankies.


29 Oct 06 - 05:58 PM (#1871659)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Raptor

B-Ball my good man B-Ball!


29 Oct 06 - 05:59 PM (#1871662)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Amos

Auspiciousness, dear 6, is in the eye of the Auspiciousee.


29 Oct 06 - 06:21 PM (#1871676)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: alison

must be a new "Alison" guest

it wasn't this one


alison (the forgotten one... hahahaha)

29 Oct 06 - 06:28 PM (#1871678)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Big Mick

You are hadly forgotten,FAIR ONE

29 Oct 06 - 06:44 PM (#1871694)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Bashful

I'm quiet 'cos I'm shy!

29 Oct 06 - 06:51 PM (#1871699)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Doc

I'm quiet 'cos I'm doctored

29 Oct 06 - 06:52 PM (#1871702)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: old girl

I'm Welsh so I'll be allright, I found that I get more fun just reading your answers,

29 Oct 06 - 06:53 PM (#1871703)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Snow White

Thanks Doc! That news will keep me quiet for a while!

30 Oct 06 - 12:54 AM (#1871897)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yeah, Number 6? Yeah??? So, bite my banana! I was just providin' an example of a coupla possible alternatives to make a point, ya dope. I KNOW the World Series is over, and I wasn't born in the back of a Greyhound bus like you probably was.

31 Oct 06 - 07:44 PM (#1873436)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Alison M

Guest, I hope you are not referring to me because if you are I know your name Andy Harris.

31 Oct 06 - 07:51 PM (#1873442)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Alison M

I was referring to Guest Nobo.

31 Oct 06 - 07:57 PM (#1873449)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: DougR

Wow! What an informative thread!


31 Oct 06 - 08:05 PM (#1873453)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Alison M

I was also referring to Guest, or is it Andy?

31 Oct 06 - 08:09 PM (#1873457)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: McGrath of Harlow

Once again I find myself agreeing with you, Doug. This can't go on...

31 Oct 06 - 08:10 PM (#1873458)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Bobert

Well, as fir debatin'??? I'm a tad worn out and with the elections comin' up most folks have allready made up their minds and aren't up to discussin' much of anything that has more than one side to it... Me included...

I mean, lets get real here... Yer either with Bush or you ain't and next Tuesday should provide a litmis test of how many folks fall on which side...

Maybe after the elctions things will be ripe for arguin' and carryin' on but right now??? Nah... It's all been said for now...

Right, Dougie???


31 Oct 06 - 10:01 PM (#1873539)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Stilly River Sage

What kind of threads usually interest you, first guest Alison? Since the work Max did a few days ago a lot of threads disappeared way down the list. You may have to go find them and post a message to refresh them. It was an odd effect of the restoration--threads I'd posted to just a few days before were buried way down under stuff that hadn't been looked at for months.


31 Oct 06 - 10:39 PM (#1873553)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

31 Oct 06 - 11:56 PM (#1873585)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Stilly River Sage

Speak up, Art! Is your computer back home and running?


01 Nov 06 - 11:57 AM (#1873904)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp


01 Nov 06 - 12:53 PM (#1873945)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Liz the Squeak

Back of a greyhound bus?   Born....? No.




01 Nov 06 - 12:55 PM (#1873950)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Little Hawk

He may have meant to say "conceived". I'll ask him when he comes home.

01 Nov 06 - 09:50 PM (#1874357)
Subject: RE: BS: Lot of members very quiet at the moment.
From: Little Hawk

Yes, evidently he did mean "conceived", although he now says "it kinda works either way in Number 6's case". He seems to be peeved with Number 6 at the moment.