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BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!

31 Oct 06 - 11:08 AM (#1873045)
Subject: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Amos

Science is wonderful, a pure discipline of discovery and knowledge among the finest accomplishments of the human mind.

But in a world of madmen, the sane man gets named mad, n'est-ce pas?

Let us raise a glass to two widely disparate accomplishmeents recently announced by Science

One is a dramatic improvement in the shelf life of Koala semen, which will mean a lot to all you lonely-heart Koala spinsters out there reading this and wondering why God gave you ovaries in the first place. Here is your answer!!!!

The second is the resurgence of the American bison or buffalo, once the Major Player in WIsconsin, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, and many other states since infested with Republicans.

Three cheers for Science. Remember, boys and girls, Science knows more than you do!


31 Oct 06 - 11:15 AM (#1873052)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Amos

In other news, using smoke and mirrors Science has finally demonstrated that elephants are aware of themselves. Now, any fool who has ever talked to an elephant knows this, and the families of those life-long dedicated mahouts of India and Thailand have understood this inherently for over three thousand years, passing the wisdom on from generation unto generation on both the human side and on the elephant side.

You may have forgotten this, or not been there at the time, but somewhere around 300 AD, Ptolemy Philadelphus was presented with a young elephant which understood the Greek language of the district where it had been brought up. Hitherto it was believed that elephants understood only the language spoken by Indians. This according to the early naturalist Aelian, in his seminal work De Natura Animalium from the 3rd Century.

But NOW, Science has spoken with high-priced, carefully establish authority to say it has been proven that elephants are aware of themselves. Proven, no less, through the use of mirrors!! The mind boggles! Why didn't they just ask the mahout families?


31 Oct 06 - 11:25 AM (#1873060)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Metchosin

And while we're at it, Three cheers for poo!!!!

31 Oct 06 - 11:33 AM (#1873065)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Geoff the Duck

And I had assumed this was another American Football or Baseball fan thread...


31 Oct 06 - 11:42 AM (#1873071)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: catspaw49

Hell Geoff, I thought it was another wacky band name.........


31 Oct 06 - 12:30 PM (#1873113)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Amos

Makes a great name fer a band all right. Some kind of doo-wop, electric Nashville and jugband blend. Hey Mets, that's great about the Poop Exhibit. Especially the couple offering the added incentive of a sample of Secretariat's dung enclosed in a glass globe. Ya gotta wonder who the glass blower was who got the commission to produce it.

"Yeah, Lunger Glass Works here, how can I help you....yes ma'a'm we do custom blow jobs..price varies on the nature of the job, amount and kind of glass used, yeah....and of course how tricky the blow is...we'd have to estimate based on more information, ma'am, otherwise I can't tell want what? A horse what????? Ummmmm...right... lemme see... Secretariat, huh? Tell ya what,ma'am, let me transfer your call to my supervisor... I think he can help you...he rode a horse one time, I think he said..."


31 Oct 06 - 02:52 PM (#1873226)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: JohnInKansas

The recent issue of Smithsonian magazine has three separate bits with some new, and in part controversial, conclusions about Bonobo society that may be of interest.

Not exactly what's been reported previously, although not radically different for the most part.


31 Oct 06 - 03:08 PM (#1873232)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: JohnInKansas

Mentioned previously in another thread, but some may have missed it.

American Scientist reports on plans to detect and record the noises made by black holes when they collide.

Ho-hum science, since the theory's been around for a while; but the engineering they're planning is rather impressive.

"The Sounds of Spacetime." There's a pdf you can download to read at leisure.


31 Oct 06 - 03:16 PM (#1873239)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: Rapparee

Yeah, them buffs have sure made a resurgence here in Idaho. You can't go anywhere without stumbling over two or three of 'em. Terrible, it is. They're everywhere: laundromats, bars, restaurants, carwashes, bars, courtrooms, dry cleaners, school playgrounds, bars, even up at the hospital emergency room. I'll tell ya, them buffs are a right nuisance. And now there's all that koala semen sloshing around. It's awful, just awful.

31 Oct 06 - 05:28 PM (#1873342)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: JohnInKansas

We've got a State Park about 60 miles north of town that has kept a herd of bison for several decades. They generally have about 100 of them, and occasionally auction off excess. They also mix in a small herd of elk with them, and they seem to get along okay.

There's also a farmer about 40 miles south who keeps a small herd, with meat for sale pretty regularly. I don't know how many he has; but have seen a herd up by the road that looked like 20 or 30, with quite a few calves.

There are, or were, two different commercial producers near Boulder CO some years ago (70s) when I was in the vicinity; but they were a far cry from free-ranging herds. More of a feedlot operation; but I believe "way back then" they were claiming around 800 head between the two places.


01 Nov 06 - 04:36 AM (#1873662)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: GUEST,Master Bates

Hey Man....
I used to be drummer with Koala and the Buffs. Remember the time we was on our way to Woodstock, but we pulled off in a field of cows and got stoned. Think it was stones they was throwin'... Smelt like Bullshirt to me.

01 Nov 06 - 05:22 AM (#1873682)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: John O'L

That's what you get for pulling off in a field.

01 Nov 06 - 02:58 PM (#1874074)
Subject: RE: BS: Hurray for Koala Semen and the Buffalos!
From: GUEST,Basil Brush

BOOM BOOM!!!!!!!