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It's a boy!

08 Nov 06 - 01:55 PM (#1879305)
Subject: It's a boy!
From: Max

It's a Boy!

Bodhi Sky Spiegel-Zink was born Nov. 8, 2006 at 12:07pm at 8lbs, 15oz & 21 inches. Our family is now complete. Everyone is healthy and happy and the delivery went off without a hitch. Emily is doing great, Lily and Alexis are thrilled, and Papa is proud.

08 Nov 06 - 01:57 PM (#1879306)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: mg

Hooray. Congratulations to all. mg

08 Nov 06 - 01:57 PM (#1879307)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Cllr

grats cllr

08 Nov 06 - 01:58 PM (#1879308)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: jacqui.c

Congratulations Max. So glad everything went well. Will we get pictures soon? (please!)

08 Nov 06 - 02:00 PM (#1879309)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: MMario

Congratulations to all! Can he do an F-chord yet?

08 Nov 06 - 02:00 PM (#1879311)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: alanabit

Congratulations Max. It's the best news a man (or woman) can have when a healthy child arrives.

08 Nov 06 - 02:02 PM (#1879312)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Dan Schatz

Congratulations, Max! Is there anything you need from some of us local folks? Food?

Dan Schatz

08 Nov 06 - 02:03 PM (#1879314)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Linda Kelly

Well done and congrats Max!

08 Nov 06 - 02:03 PM (#1879315)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Max

08 Nov 06 - 02:06 PM (#1879320)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: MMario

Thanks for the pictures, Max!

08 Nov 06 - 02:08 PM (#1879326)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: SylviaN

Look like he's got musician's hands to me, and he's started singing already, well, he will be, once he uses the same vocal mechanisms in a more controlled way!!

Congratulations Max.

08 Nov 06 - 02:10 PM (#1879331)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Wesley S

Great news.

08 Nov 06 - 02:11 PM (#1879336)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: jacqui.c

He's gorgeous!

08 Nov 06 - 02:13 PM (#1879338)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Leadfingers

So which model banjo are you getting him Max ??

Congrats to you all .

08 Nov 06 - 02:15 PM (#1879342)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: catspaw49

Ah well damn! I was about to get a pool going..........You realize this has undoubtedly cost me money don't you? Say.....Any chance you could just shove him back in there for a day or two?.......... No....I guess maybe that would be asking too much. But maybe you could think about it huh?........ No.....that's okay......I'll write it off as a loss.................

I imagine the lad is in need of some Ohio State gear isn't he? How about I send him some Buckeyes? Make ya' proud it would Max! You could brag all around that, "My newborn boy has got some really big nuts!" Then again, maybe just a T-Shirt..........

Congrats from Karen and I to the both of you and I'm sure you know your kids have more Gramps and Grannies and Aunts and Uncles then you could shake a stick at...if that's your idea of a good time.

Ol' Spaw sends big hugs to both the lucky parents........uh, you are one of the parents aren't you? Yeah.....Sure.....Of course.......So BIG HUGS and the warmest of good wishes from Karen and I.


08 Nov 06 - 02:19 PM (#1879346)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: ClaireBear

This is splendid news that makes an already wonderful morning complete. Hearty congratulations coming your way -- and wishes of much blissful rest, because from the size of Bodhi's vocal cavity, it looks like you might not otherwise be sleeping much for awhile.


08 Nov 06 - 02:26 PM (#1879355)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Big Mick

Bodhi Spiegel-Zink!!!!!! I can't wait to see that name on a CD cover! Welcome to the family, young lad. You will find you have many Auntie's and Uncle's. None so special as big ole Uncle Mick. I fully expect you and Goober Schatz to form a band and invite me to sing with you sometime. Just remember, buddy, no one snuggles like Uncle Mick. I will be by in a week or so to change a diaper, and do a little spoilin'. Watch out for MMario!! He is a big man, but his hugs are definitely those of an amateur. For the real deal, hold out for an Uncle Mick hug.

Great job, guys!! It just keeps getting better and better around here.

Love to all,


08 Nov 06 - 02:33 PM (#1879364)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: catspaw49

Uncle Mick is full of diaper debris!   His "manhood" has fizzled and shriveled like a 7 year old spud. Trust Ol' Spaw on this. Matter of fact I'll put the whole sad and pathetic tale into a thread for your future reference. His hugs just ain't what they used to be, and neither are some of his other functions.

Ol' Spaw give "Good Hug, you betcha'"


08 Nov 06 - 02:37 PM (#1879372)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: MMario

!!!! *sputter* !!!!

Bodhi - so as not to mar your natal day with discord, I shall just say your aged and decrepit Uncle Mick obviously wouldn't know good hug even *if* he was still capable of it!

08 Nov 06 - 02:37 PM (#1879373)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Maryrrf


08 Nov 06 - 02:39 PM (#1879375)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Carly

I am so happy for you! What a cutie... Thanks for the pictures! Now repeat the parental mantra "sleep when the baby sleeps, sleep when the baby sleeps, sleep....."

Love from

08 Nov 06 - 02:46 PM (#1879379)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Barry Finn

Congrats Emily & Max, you're finally getting the hang of it & doing a good job of it too. Keep up the good work. HaHaHaHa. Laugh now & enjoy later. Best wishes


08 Nov 06 - 02:46 PM (#1879380)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: MMario

Tho' I gotta ask - How did you get Emily to agree to the initial BS?

08 Nov 06 - 02:47 PM (#1879382)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Zany Mouse

Wow, what offers of hugs etc. I'm feeling quite jealous.

Seriously, congratulations to all concerned and very well done to Emily - nearly 9lbs, the girl deserves a medal.



08 Nov 06 - 02:54 PM (#1879388)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: jeffp

Major congratulations!!!!!!!!!

08 Nov 06 - 02:56 PM (#1879389)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Janie

Blessings on all of you!


08 Nov 06 - 02:57 PM (#1879390)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Dave'sWife

Congrats! Bodhi managed not to be born on Guy Fawke's day which would have been bad luck or so I've heard. 8 pounds 14.8 ounces! All I can say is OUCH.

Great Pix!

08 Nov 06 - 03:09 PM (#1879400)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Rapparee

Gad! The control of Congress changes hands, Rumsfeld "resigns" and now this!

We shall always remember
The 8th of November.....

Congratulations to the mom and, yeah, you too Max.

08 Nov 06 - 03:12 PM (#1879404)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: karen k

What a wonderful day! A baby, and a boy to boot, was born to wonderful folks and a most disliked 24 year Congresswoman was clobbered by an almost unknown in CT! How could there be a better day. Aunt Karen sends a hug and a cuddle to you Bodhi via Uncle Mick. Hey Lily, there's one for you also.

Max and Emily, congratulations and many years of joy ahead. He's a lucky little boy. Thanks for the pictures and can't wait to see more.

love to you all,

08 Nov 06 - 03:18 PM (#1879412)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: nutty

Wonderful news - wonderful pictures. Congratulations to everybody in the Speigel-Zink family

08 Nov 06 - 03:23 PM (#1879417)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Sorcha

Bodhi Sky? Kid is already mad!

08 Nov 06 - 03:57 PM (#1879455)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Morticia

Wonderful news and he looks like a little darling already.

08 Nov 06 - 04:39 PM (#1879489)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Tig

Congrats to all of you.

Lots of love and hugs
Tig xxxxx

08 Nov 06 - 04:47 PM (#1879501)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Fibula Mattock

Happy Birthday Bodhi Sky!

08 Nov 06 - 04:53 PM (#1879505)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Tinker

Congrats Max and Emily !!! Now don't let all the posturing by the old galoots confuse you Bodhi, as one with a little experience might tell you, try them all out like fine wine and savor the contentment of the good ones. There are a few good vintages to be found, your Dad has created a fine cellar here.

Misses you at Getaway Max but this makes a fine fine ending

Blessings and Light

08 Nov 06 - 04:56 PM (#1879507)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: My guru always said

Oh congratulations! Wishing you all Health & Happiness!

08 Nov 06 - 05:28 PM (#1879537)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Stilly River Sage

Wonderful news! Congratulations!


08 Nov 06 - 05:44 PM (#1879552)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Amos


Tell that brave lady "Well done!" for me. Congrats to you too. I know your part was by far the easier one, though!! :D And hugs to both those tykes of yours.


08 Nov 06 - 06:17 PM (#1879590)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Nancy King

How wonderful! And a cute little guy he is, too. Congratulations to the whole family!


08 Nov 06 - 06:19 PM (#1879593)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Tootler



08 Nov 06 - 06:20 PM (#1879594)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Jeri

You posted 12 minutes after he pooted out?!!!!   ...!!!
Whaddayou - nuts? Dont answer that.

Congratulations, Max, Emily, Alexis and Lily.

Li'l bugger looks strong!

08 Nov 06 - 06:20 PM (#1879595)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Gorgeous Gary

Conga Rats to Mom, Dad, and lad! 8-)

-- Gary

08 Nov 06 - 06:29 PM (#1879602)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Roughyed

I acquired a new grandson recently too so I know just how you feel. Congratulations, isn't it wonderful to have all that hope and joy in one little parcel. Celebrating with you...

08 Nov 06 - 06:45 PM (#1879613)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Welcome to the world, Bodhi Sky- we're all counting on you to make it better! Max-he IS a democrat (at least a Liberal), isn't he?    Love and blessings, Jean

08 Nov 06 - 07:29 PM (#1879643)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: katlaughing

He's got to be with that birthdate, Jean!*smile*

Welcome to your world, Bodhi Sky. You picked the right parents and sisters, now meet the rest of your family!

COngratulations, Max, Emily, Alexis, and Lily. Good to know so soon that all is well and what a solid little guy he looks...powerful lungs, I can tell just from the pictures.:-)

Are you pronouncing it Bow-deye of Bow-dee?


08 Nov 06 - 07:48 PM (#1879662)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: GUEST,Dani

Yay to all! Congratulations and good JOB, everyone!


08 Nov 06 - 08:36 PM (#1879705)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Joe Offer

Congratulations, Max.

08 Nov 06 - 09:02 PM (#1879725)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: black walnut

~black walnut

08 Nov 06 - 09:45 PM (#1879775)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!

Way cool, Maxster!
Is this Bodhi's namesake?
Bodhi: The Psychedelic Tourist

08 Nov 06 - 09:48 PM (#1879781)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: JennyO

Bodhi Sky Spiegel-Zink! Now there's a name to be reckoned with!

My compatriots in Oz don't seem to have caught up with the news yet, so from the "bottom" end of the world:


08 Nov 06 - 10:23 PM (#1879830)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Max

Bodhi is pronounced Bo-Dee. It is a budhist thing:

08 Nov 06 - 10:26 PM (#1879835)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!

And, Little Bodhi,keep in mind that those bloated beer bellies are no where near as comfortable as the variety of ample bosoms waiting to enfold you.
Much love,
Auntie SINS

08 Nov 06 - 10:33 PM (#1879844)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: wysiwyg



08 Nov 06 - 10:33 PM (#1879845)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: catspaw49

LMAO.......Y' know Max, this kid is gonna' kill you in your sleep one day...........LOL......I love it! Great video of this "awakening".........Lily looks so damn cute.

Forget all my ribbing.....You are a blessed young man. We love you. Give them all a hug for me.........


.....I think I need to go tell Shambles that you're posting pics and videos on a thread. He's already pissed he doesn't have enough letters in thread titles and the clones have more. This may put him over the edge!!!

09 Nov 06 - 12:13 AM (#1879899)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Little Robyn

Well done Emily.
From Robyn in NZ

09 Nov 06 - 12:31 AM (#1879909)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Big Mick

That video is absolutely priceless!!! Lil is so adorable, did you see her face while she was holding the lad?



09 Nov 06 - 12:35 AM (#1879910)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!

WOW!! Heartiest congratulations, Max!! You've a very sweet family! Thanks for sharing them with us! GREAT video!!! Best to all oif you~

09 Nov 06 - 12:40 AM (#1879912)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: GUEST,Partridge

Its a brilliant name for a perfect little soul. Much love and congratulations from he other side of the puddle.

Pat xxxxx

09 Nov 06 - 01:04 AM (#1879918)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Sandra in Sydney

magic! Max & Emily, thanks for sharing this moment with us.


09 Nov 06 - 01:38 AM (#1879929)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: JennieG

Congratulations to you all! I'm sure Lily will enjoy being a Big Sister. Love the video, unfortunately the sound on my puter is buggered so will have to watch it again tomorrow at work.


09 Nov 06 - 01:50 AM (#1879932)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Chris Amos

Well done, he is a beauty.


09 Nov 06 - 02:29 AM (#1879938)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: The Barden of England

All the very best for your new addition, and the rest of the family too. I hope the next few months aren't too sleepless.
John Barden

09 Nov 06 - 02:52 AM (#1879940)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Wilfried Schaum

And all the very best from me, too. Congratulations.


09 Nov 06 - 03:30 AM (#1879954)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Lin in Kansas


What a beautiful family you have! Congratulations from the Heartland.

Lin and John
In Kansas

09 Nov 06 - 03:51 AM (#1879964)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Ella who is Sooze

Max and family,

Congratulations, what a corker you have and thank you for sharing your wonderful photos and video. Great news. Well done to you all (most of all mom though :-).

He's a right cracker!

All the very best

Ella who is Sooze

09 Nov 06 - 07:15 AM (#1880043)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the clarification, Max. I knew it was a Buddhist thing, but i've heard it pronounced both ways. Either way, I think it is a GRAND name!!

Thanks for the video and for sharing. You have a very wonderful wife. Not sure I would have ever allowed a video so soon after!**bg**


09 Nov 06 - 09:51 AM (#1880162)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: ranger1

Congrats, Max.

09 Nov 06 - 10:01 AM (#1880170)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: GutBucketeer


Congrats! The video is great. Bohdi is a fine young man, and both he and Emily or healthy. Have a CIGAR!


09 Nov 06 - 10:04 AM (#1880174)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: JennyO

Wow again - now that I've seen the video. It is great, and Lily is a gorgeous little kid. I felt like I was watching my family - well, it's my Mudcat family. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Well done all! You are truly blessed!

09 Nov 06 - 11:03 AM (#1880230)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: jacqui.c

What a wonderful video - I got the warm and fuzzies as well!

Emily is such a pretty little girl and she's got off to a good start with her baby brother.

09 Nov 06 - 11:14 AM (#1880240)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Hollowfox

Wow. Congratulations to Dad, knowing smile and embrace to Mom (a kid that big brings a new focus to the word "labor") and hugs to the Big Sisters! Looks like a good set of pipes on that lad. He looks like he could handle Gilbert and Sullivan with no trouble, much less blues&folk. Aunt Mary (on break at work; what a treat to have such good news!)

09 Nov 06 - 11:16 AM (#1880243)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Flash Company

That makes two weddings A 90th Birthday and a birth I've been in on this year. He looks as if he has a healthy set of lungs!
Congratulations from Sheila & I


09 Nov 06 - 02:39 PM (#1880435)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: katlaughing

The video didn't play al the way through the first time. I've now seen the rest with Miss Lil singing to her brother. How priceless and beautiful Plus, my Morgan, who will be three next week and has an eye for the ladies, is talking about Lil and wanting to know all about her. He says she is *pretty*. The Kid's got taste!:-)

09 Nov 06 - 03:23 PM (#1880482)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: treewind

Congratulations, love and blessings.


09 Nov 06 - 05:30 PM (#1880610)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: SharonA

Hmmm... According to Wikipedia (see Max's link), "Bodhi is always present and perfect"... Max, remember this when he's a rebellious teenager staying out past his curfew and driving you crazy.




09 Nov 06 - 05:56 PM (#1880628)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: skipy


09 Nov 06 - 08:17 PM (#1880741)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: gnu


10 Nov 06 - 05:02 AM (#1881027)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: fat B****rd

All the very best and congratulations to you.

10 Nov 06 - 06:33 AM (#1881082)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Hawker

Congrats to you all, love the piccies!
Cheers, Lucy

11 Nov 06 - 02:43 PM (#1883262)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Stilly River Sage

What a wonderful little family you have there, Max. Congratulations again!

I wonder if the Secret Santas are going to run amok this year. . .?


11 Nov 06 - 02:52 PM (#1883272)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: skarpi

Dear Max and Emily and lily, to congratulations I hope you all
are with good health, and may god keep an eye on you .

All the best from Skarpi Iceland.

P.S I hope to see this proud family next year at the Getaway.

11 Nov 06 - 09:29 PM (#1883573)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: jaze

Congratulations Max!

11 Nov 06 - 09:57 PM (#1883593)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: Dave'sWife

Max - I can't get the vid to play properly - can ya maybe post a link to all the photos, vids and so on that's offsite where they run better? You know how much we all like to go OOOH Kyoooooot over new babies!

11 Nov 06 - 10:17 PM (#1883609)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Congrads - pink pup and mother so grey.

The Mohel did his thing ... and kid now has a handle on his name.

Well, done. May your family prosper and grow ten-fold.


12 Nov 06 - 06:24 PM (#1884197)
Subject: RE: It's a boy!
From: vectis

That looks like a sauncy lad you've both got there. Congratulations Max and Mrs Max.