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BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

20 Nov 06 - 04:12 PM (#1889232)
Subject: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Divis Sweeney

Is it just me are is there anyone else out there thinks that Daniel Craig just doesn't fit the role?

I have always been an admirer of Roger Moore in the role, the guy had it all.The others got away with it and were good, but this new guy strikes me more like someone you would get at the door if you rang a plummer in Yellow Pages.

Your views ?

20 Nov 06 - 04:14 PM (#1889238)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I think Daniel Craig is just great in the role. He comes closer to matching the Bond of the books. I thought Roger Moore was awful in the role, turning the series into a cartoon. Sean Connery is still the best.

20 Nov 06 - 04:16 PM (#1889242)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Georgiansilver

I guess some of the actual spies/agents used in the last world war didn't fit the bill either but they did the job. I don't believe there is a recognised stereotype for a spy in reality...we just expect something with star quality because we are used to James Bond being the macho/ handsome man in films.
I sort of agree with what you are saying in regard to the film stereotype with regard to Roger Moore though.
Best wishes, Mike.

20 Nov 06 - 04:24 PM (#1889255)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

To me, Roger Moore was the worst...unless you want a sort of Playboy fantasy spy figure...and Sean Connery was the best, because you could definitely take him seriously as a dangerous man. I have not seen the new movie, but it sounds like Daniel Craig is playing his role very well from the reviews I've read of it.

The question is, what sort of Bond do you want? Do you want a man who is believable as a tough, ruthless, professional spy...or do you want someone who would look more at home dressed in a $10,000 suit and flirting with a bunch of bunnies at a party in the Playboy mansion?

In my case, I'd prefer the former by a long shot.

20 Nov 06 - 04:41 PM (#1889273)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Divis Sweeney

We all watch Bond movies and expect the unbelievable. They are sheer Entertainment nothing else. I always loved the double meanings that Roger Moore is best remembered for. The songs produced for the films are also memorable.

The new film Casino Royale isn't one of the best from the stable in my opinion.

20 Nov 06 - 04:45 PM (#1889277)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Divis - just curious, how old are you and what was the first Bond film you saw? I find that people who first saw James Bond when Sean Connery had the role had a difficult time with Roger Moore's clowning. I actually thought Tim Dalton did a good job, and Pierce Brosnan was acceptable - but I honestly like Craig and the "new" approach to the film.

20 Nov 06 - 04:45 PM (#1889278)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, some of the best Bond theme songs were in Roger Moore movies, no doubt about that. I specially liked Carly Simon's entry, but then I always like her songs. I agree that one expects to see the unbelievable in Bond films, yes, but I prefer a gritty Sean Connery Bond to Roger Moore's suave Bond character.

20 Nov 06 - 04:51 PM (#1889286)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Herga Kitty

Well, Roger Moore was the Saint before he was Bond.....

(and when I was a teenager reading the Ian Fleming originals, Roger Moore lived a few streets away from me in Stanmore, Middlesex....)

I haven't seen the Daniel Craig version yet, but Connery, Brosnan and Dalton more Bond like than Moore (his movies were fun though!)


20 Nov 06 - 05:37 PM (#1889317)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Divis Sweeney

Dear Ron I am 47. First Bond movie I went to see was "Live and let die" in 1973. I find watching Sean Connery is like watching cardboard act.

20 Nov 06 - 06:23 PM (#1889360)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Watching Sean Connery in what? I find that watching Roger Moore is like watching a male fashion model do a couple of turns on the runway. "Oh, isn't he lovely!"

20 Nov 06 - 06:56 PM (#1889390)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: bobad

Cut him some slack LH, he's still young.

20 Nov 06 - 06:57 PM (#1889391)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Never seen a James Bond film in my life, and doubt if I ever will, but you can't help seeing the extracts and some of the media hype.

This latest one really looks a nasty bastard. Which is fair enough, since he's supposed to be a psychopathic killer - but isn't he supposed to be good looking or something? There was a letter in the paper today from a lady who said she thinks he's even less attractive than Borat, and I think she may have a point.

20 Nov 06 - 06:59 PM (#1889394)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Divis Sweeney

Almost sorry I started this thread now ! Goodnight folks.

20 Nov 06 - 10:40 PM (#1889575)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?


20 Nov 06 - 11:33 PM (#1889599)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I still think the 'original "Casino Royale"' was brillant, but then, I'm a Peter Sellars fan...

21 Nov 06 - 01:35 AM (#1889637)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

This just in: Daniel Craig is ticked. He says he's going to have "a little talk" with Divis about hiring plumbers... ;-)

21 Nov 06 - 04:23 AM (#1889682)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Teribus

The actor Ian Fleming wanted to play as Bond in "Dr No" was David Niven, who turned the part down. They then went for a relative unknown subject to approval by Ian Fleming, who gave the nod to - Sean Connery.

Casino Royale is the first Bond Story and it details Bonds background - Scottish, orphan, affluent family, Commander RN, having been brass-hatted immediately on entry into the zone, commando trained, ex-boxer, like his creator served in Naval Intelligence until transferred to International Export (MI6).

Whereas with Connery, Dalton and Brosnan, they all fitted the above. Lazenby and Moore definitely did not.

I have seen Daniel Craig in Casino Royale and think that he does make a very good job of it.

21 Nov 06 - 05:19 AM (#1889702)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

I thought he was good and that the film was excelent. My first Bond films were the Connery ones with my favourite, at the time, being Goldfinger. On refelction I think the best now were From Russia with love and Dr No. Moore never did it for me though I was a big fan of him playing Simon Templar. After that it all just became too gadget driven. Of course the best was Woody Allen doing Jimmy Bond in the original Casino Royale:-)



21 Nov 06 - 06:19 AM (#1889735)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Grab

Not seen the film yet. But my favourite Bonds were the early Connery ones and Timothy Dalton's two. Even the later Connery ones (probably around the time of Thunderball) became too gadget-oriented.

Connery and Dalton were the only ones who really looked like the killer that Bond is supposed to be. Connery was your classic tough guy, whereas Dalton looked like an assassin - he wouldn't get stuck in a punch-up, because he'd have knifed you first. They were also the only two who used their brains instead of a load of fancy gadgets up their sleeve. Brosnan was tolerable but too gadget-happy, and the invisible car last time completely jumped the shark. And Roger Moore - what can we say? Couldn't act, couldn't fight, and by the end he couldn't even look good with all that fat.


21 Nov 06 - 06:35 AM (#1889748)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Folkiedave

Went last Saturday. I thoroughly enjoyed it all. Daniel Craig was great. Eva Green was a bit tasty too...........................

21 Nov 06 - 06:49 AM (#1889754)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Ron Davies

I've read very positive things on Daniel Craig in this role--but I'd have no idea til I'd seen the film.

I sure haven't seen all the others in the series--but it's certainly true that Sean Connery set a high standard--and the double entendres and understated wit were also there in his films--can't imagine that anybody who saw Sean would have missed these.

21 Nov 06 - 07:32 AM (#1889773)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Ella who is Sooze

He's grrrrrrrrrrrreat!

21 Nov 06 - 10:53 AM (#1889932)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Divis - I am very glad you started this thread, and please do not take my comments or questions as a knock on your choice of Connery.

The reason I asked your age and what was your first Bond film was to check a theory.   I truly believe that the first impression of Bond helps establish what they like or dislike about the character.   Some of the Moore films were great fun - I do enjoy "Live and Let Die" and consider that one of my top 5 favorite Bond flicks.

As you mentioned, your first exposure to Bond was watching Moore. My first film (and I notice Dave said the same) was watching Sean Connery as Bond.   While I realize it is not fair to compare, my expectations of what I want from a Bond film were shaped by Connery.

Also, when I have a vivid memory (and a photo!) from the 1964-65 NY World's Fair of standing next to the famous Aston Martin from Goldfinger. The car was on display, and they let me go right up to the car to pose for a picture, allowing me to walk beyond the railing that kept the car from the hands and fingers of the public. What a thrill for a kid!    This past summer, while visiting the Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. - there was the car on display again.   It was still a thrill.   I understand that there were three or four cars used in the film, so I'm not sure if it was the exact same car - but it still held up pretty well!!

And yes, Goldfinger is probably my favorite Bond film - with From Russia With Love a close second.

21 Nov 06 - 10:59 AM (#1889936)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Midchuck

As I pointed out on another list, in the original books, James Bond was described as having been a Naval Commander in WW II. He'd have had to be in his early 20s, at the youngest, as of the end of the war, 60 years ago - so he's in his early 80s now.

Therefore, Sean Connery should still be playing the role - except that even he's probably too young.


21 Nov 06 - 11:16 AM (#1889948)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Well, the books took place in the 50's and 60's so he would have been in his 30's and maybe early 40's for historical settings. Obviously they are going to update the character for modern times.

After Fleming's death there were several books written by other authors. Some took on the air of the Roger Moore films, others were more along the lines of Fleming's style.

One book by John Pearson, that is long out of print and rarely discussed, was called "James Bond: The Authorized Biography". The book was about a writer meeting with Bond, who was forced into retirement, to discuss writing a biography of his career. The premise was that Bond was "outed" by Ian Fleming in a series of books after the Russians attempted to assassinate him. "M" decided to turn Bond into fiction and had Fleming write accounts of the real adventures in an attempt to confuse the enemy. (Don't ask - it was strange, but it worked well enough in the book.) The book has Bond reluctantly talking about his "real" history - including his early days in WWII.   It ends with Bond being asked back into the service - supposedly with another story.   What was interesting about the book is that it took a number of "clues" and events from Fleming's books and made sense of it all.

Bond has become a part of folklore, and I hope the series of films - and books, will continue for a long time.

21 Nov 06 - 11:27 AM (#1889953)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

Thanks for that Ron - Just put it on my Amazon wish list as high priority:-) Rather than out of print it says 'not yet published'. Sounds like they may re-release in the wake of the renewed interest. Hope so anyway!



21 Nov 06 - 12:32 PM (#1889998)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

The whore known as the queen of england is using the Bond franchise to shake her Luciferian ass in your face:

In a twenty first century update, the new James Bond Movie, Casino Royale, directly references 9/11 and highlights the fact that massive manipulation of airline stocks prior to the attacks account for a leading motive behind the event....

"When they analyzed the stock market after 9/11 the CIA discovered there had been massive shorting of airline stocks. When the stocks hit bottom on 9/12, somebody made a fortune."

Buzzy Krongard, #3 at the CIA, was partly involved in the insider trading:

The terrorists in London and Washington and Tel Aviv carried out 9-11, then they hijacked the Bond franchise to leave you a big fat calling card. So disgusting.

21 Nov 06 - 12:35 PM (#1889999)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Amergin

Connery was definitely the best....after that I would take Dalton....

Brosnan to me did not come close to being a James Bond....I saw Goldeneye and that ws more than enough for unmanned plane dives over a cliff and he jumps after it, freefalling yet manages to catch up with the plane, hop in and begin ascending in time before it crashes on the on bottom.

This new one looks very interesting.

21 Nov 06 - 12:45 PM (#1890003)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: fat B****rd

Being as how I wanted to BE James Bond (minus the danger) in my late teens, I read all the books then available in about two weeks. The Bit where Jim has his bollocks thrashed with a carpet beater in Casino Royale still makes me shudder. The fact that the new film features this section nake sit obvious that it's goodbye gadgets and hello gritty.
To paraphrase Hitchcock "They're only movies".

21 Nov 06 - 01:01 PM (#1890010)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, Guest, that is an interesting tidbit about the shorting of the airline stocks...something that still seems to be generally underneath the radar of the public at large for some reason.

Now...back to the movie. Good point, Ron Olesko: " that the first impression of Bond helps establish what they like or dislike about the character."

That is absolutely right. First impressions of any character establish an expectation in a person's mind and that makes it difficult for them to appreciate a different version of the character as much as the one they saw the first time.

21 Nov 06 - 01:14 PM (#1890020)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: rock chick

There is only one Bond for me and thats Sean Connery, Mmmmmm he can shake and stir me anytime, Brosnan was ok, but the whole thing seemes to have changed, i liked the gadgets, and there was not so much violance as now, well there didnt seem to be. Watched one the other night, it really was just like another spy film, whereas the orginal Bond films were different, if you get my rift.

21 Nov 06 - 01:28 PM (#1890036)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, they were different, and Connery himself had a great deal to do with that. Movies nowadays rely way too much on a barrage of violent, spectacular, over-the-top action (with a lot of quick visual cuts) that is frankly unbelievable most of the time...and hard to even watch for older people who grew up in a different time.

But that's what the young audience is used to now, and that's what sells tickets.

Dogs and other domesticated animals eat what is put in front of them, don't they? And they do it willingly.

21 Nov 06 - 01:36 PM (#1890043)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

Funny you should mention the quick cuts etc. LH. I was telling someone today that a very good feature of the film, IMO, is a move back to the 'old' linear stroyline. No quick cuts, no plot interleaves, no flashbacks. Just a story from A to Z. Quite a refreshing change:-)



21 Nov 06 - 01:45 PM (#1890046)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Darned right. Whatever happened to normal vision and a logical, linear storyline?

I think the TV music videos and other such stuff (video games? TV commercials?) were a big factor in popularizing the "quick cut" style of movie-making you see so much now. It's apparently supposed to be "exciting" to wrench the viewer's attention repeatedly with split second changes of visual images from THIS! to THAT! to WHAT-THE-FUCK-WAS THAT?... to HEY, THERE GOES A... to OH, NO! to... OR IS IT?>>?>>....

Gimme a break. Then there was the Blair Witch Project, which was kind of like suffering a migraine while falling down a long, long flight of stairs. ;-)

21 Nov 06 - 02:11 PM (#1890077)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Mrs.Duck

According to Dame Judy, Daniel Craig may have trouble fitting anywhere he being of very genourous proportions!

21 Nov 06 - 02:11 PM (#1890078)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

I read all of Fleming's James Bond novels early on. Thumbnail reviews of the movies, in order (but not in the same order as the novels):   

"Dr. No" was very well done, quite close to the novel. Some details were a little different, but one expects some of that in a movie version of a novel. I don't think anyone who saw it could forget when Sean Connery first appeared at the card table in the casino and was asked what his name was. The answer (as he paused while lighting a cigarette):    "Bond. James Bond." I think many of the people in the theater where I saw the movie must have read the novels too, because a spontaneous cheer went up.

"From Russia with Love" was also very well done and followed the novel fairly closely. But the last part of the novel was a fine piece of suspense writing as Bond and Tatiana are on the Orient Express, heading for Paris with the decoding machine, and unknown to them, the British agent, Grant, who has come to assist them, is actually a Smersh assassin. When is Grant going to make his move—and how? And how is Bond going to deal with it? The movie did give this a bit of a nod, but they didn't build the suspense the way Fleming did in the novel. Instead, they opted for a wild-ass chase with a helicopter dropping hand grenades on them, and Bond and the girl escaping by setting fire to a fleet of pursuing speedboats. A touch of Hollywood schlock. Lotte Lenya was great as Rosa Klebb.

Along about "Goldfinger," the Bond movies were starting to come unglued. "Goldfinger" was still pretty good, but "Q," with his load of gadgets and gizmos suddenly became an important bit-part, and although the story held together fairly well, it definitely had a lot of the comic book elements that became de rigueur for the rest of the Bond movies, and eventually took over.

With "Thunderball" they were really heading downhill, and I pretty much lost interest. I did saw a few more of them. Roger Lazenby just didn't cut it, and the only thing "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" had going for it was Diana Rigg (I'd pay to get into a theater and sit there for two hours just to watch that woman breathe!). I have seen a few of the movies with Roger Moore, and I have to agree with the movie critic who said that Roger Moore played James Bond as if he were doing drawing-room comedy. A bit more convincing than casting, say, Michael Palin in the role. But not much.

I had great hopes when Timothy Dalton took over as Bond. I've seen Dalton in a number of movies and knew him to be an excellent, charismatic actor (his portrayal of Rochester in the "Jane Eyre" miniseries was absolutely brilliant!), and if anyone had the panache to step in for Sean Connery, it would be Dalton. I also heard that Dalton had read all the Fleming novels and wanted to return the characterization of Bond to Fleming's original concept. But the movie moguls wouldn't have it, and although I thought Dalton did an excellent job in both of the Bond movies he appeared in, he was swimming against a tsunami of well-established dippiness.

Pierce Brosnan? Well—no. Saw one movie with him as Bond. And—no.

"Casino Royale" was the first Bond novel I read (and Bond's first appearance). I have no plans to see the movie because I just don't want to see how badly they've munged it up. If I see it at all (might watch it on television when and if it comes around), it will be because Judi Dench is in it.

Don Firth

21 Nov 06 - 02:25 PM (#1890085)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Don, I've never been of fan of comparing books to film. They are two different mediums, and there are usually two different creators involved. The author of the book uses his or her talent to tell the story as they see fit. The director of the film is also trying to tell a story as they see fit. Using the book as inspiration, the director should be judged on how well they tell THEIR story, not how well they translate another individuals ideas.

I really enjoyed Goldfinger, which was different from the book, because of all the comic book elements that were being added to make for an enjoyable movie. It was a great popcorn flick, like many of the Bond flicks.

As for Casino Royale, I think it would be a disaster trying to translate that novel verbatim from the book. If you are a fan of the Bond character from the books, I think you would enjoy the film if you do not try to compare the two.

21 Nov 06 - 02:26 PM (#1890086)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Paul from Hull

I havent seen the new film yet, & although the trailers make it look good, Daniel Craig just doesnt look like a Bond to me.

I'm the same age as Divis, but Connery was the first Bond I saw, though cant remember which film. I never really took to Roger Moore, it seemed like the ones he made were all about grand spectacular sets & scenes, gadgets and 'witty' lines than about real substance.

Unfortunately, the Connery ones look really very dated now, & I like Timothy Dalton...its a shame he made only the two - The Living Daylights being excellent, & Licence to Kill being less good, IMO. Its a shame he didnt go on to make more....would have liked to see his more 'gritty' style rather than Brosnan's Moore-like suavity. The biggest weakness in those two, though its only a niggly little point, is the awful portrayal of Miss Moneypenny.

Timothy Dalton apparently tried out for the role before Moore was, but turned it down himself, feeling he was too young for the role, being in his mid-twenties at the time.

Sam Neill was also auditioned for it, I assume pre-Brosnan.

I disagree a lot with my brother (who is very much a Bond fan, whoever it is). I can't see how he can be such a fan of the films (paticularly Moore & Brosnan - who is HIS favourite) having read every one of the books (even the post-Fleming stuff). I have read most if not all the Fleming ones (before the films in some cases) & just couldnt picture Roger Moore as I was reading them, even though it was his era in the role.

I suppose I might go see this new one with my brother though.

21 Nov 06 - 03:29 PM (#1890133)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

I am fully aware that novels and movies are two different media and many things need to be handled differently. Internal dialogue (getting inside a character's head) for example, works well in novels, but trying to convey the same information in a movie by doing a voice-over is actually kind of limp. I didn't expect the James Bond novels (or any other novel—including the Lord of the Rings trilogy) to be reproduced exactly on film.

But it is a little disheartening to read a good novel, then go to the movie adaptation and find that they've gone for the lowest common denominator by replacing a good, tight suspense scene the cheesy way, with a car chase or a shoot-out, and generally loading it with other semi-brainless stock movie gimmicks.

But I guess it sells a lot of popcorn and Milk Duds.

Don Firth

21 Nov 06 - 06:58 PM (#1890296)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

"Diana Rigg (I'd pay to get into a theater and sit there for two hours just to watch that woman breathe!)."

God, so would I!

21 Nov 06 - 07:19 PM (#1890310)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Folkiedave

Then you will love Eva.......

And Daniel Craig is not just eye candy for the women, he can act.

21 Nov 06 - 07:44 PM (#1890333)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Just goes to show opinions are like ...opinions.

Fleeting glances at my initial contact with the James Bond character - hairily played by Connery, it reminded me of a monkey in a tuxedo - his patronizing slaps to women's bikini-ed behinds as they wiggled by... put me off Bond films for a long time, until...

Pierce Brosnan came as close to emulating the debonnaire, confident, and culturally sophisticated character James Bond has come to represent over the years as any actor could.

Needless to say my interest in the Bond persona has waned recently.

22 Nov 06 - 06:34 PM (#1891189)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Charmain

Connery was cool
Moore was cheesey
Lazonby was good but a little too smooth
Dalton was ahead of his time
Housewife's choice Brosnan had about as much depth as your average pavement puddle - and if you are serious about the role you need a little depth at least

Daniel Craig is a very fine actor and being a fine actor is able to
give that depth to the character.
Eva Green is steely but vunerable in her role and makes it believable.
This film is not the usual Bond - it departs from the previous films in many ways and in doing so comes closer to the books and to reality.

Plus of course Craig looks like he could easily shoot you with your own gun and then sleep with your wife - what more do want from Bond?

23 Nov 06 - 07:14 AM (#1891553)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Diva

Well I've always liked Connery for me he is the quintessential Bond but I'm looking forward to seeing Daniel Craig

23 Nov 06 - 08:52 AM (#1891630)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

I think he is the best bond...ever. Roger Moore was a bit to twee.

23 Nov 06 - 09:51 AM (#1891676)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Slag

Moore was always so full of himself. I could never get into the fanrasy as his ego kept blocking the screen, the plot, the other actors, etc. Connery was certainly the best with Brosnan a close second. Lazybee was quite laughable. I kinda like the Craig portrayl as it adds a bit of realism to the fight scenes and the struggles (a bit, that is). He's not as cool as Connery, doesn't exhibit the quick wit in any situation. Alas, Bond is becoming a mortal like the rest of us. I like Felix Leiter as a black guy. Very refreshing. Well, the Cold War is over and the conflict of the 21 st Century, or at least it's beginning, is terrorism but now things are looking up. Bond is back on the job!

23 Nov 06 - 02:24 PM (#1891933)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Saw it last night. Damn good movie for a James Bond tale! YES, he bloody well does fit the role. In fact, I think he may just be the best Bond of them all so far, because he is quite believable as a spy. A real spy, not a fantasy figure.

That certainly was a very realistic rollover with the sports car. What a mess.

23 Nov 06 - 03:39 PM (#1891986)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

Sports car! SPORTS CAR!!! That was no mere sports car, LH, that was an Aston Martin. Have some heart...

Well, ok, it was a Ford...

:D (tG)

23 Nov 06 - 05:50 PM (#1892070)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Oh? Well, I've never been much of an expert when it comes to identifying sports cars. Sorry. ;-)

23 Nov 06 - 06:37 PM (#1892102)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Grab

There's been a black Felix Leiter already in "Never say never again"...

Off-topic: My previous job (as of three months ago now) involved contract software for Aston. If you've seen any other factory floor, their production plant is incredible. You say what colour you want your dashboard trim, and the leather, and the car, and various other bits and pieces. It all starts on one end of the line with some standard bits (like body shell), pre-ordered individual bits (like wood trim) and some rolls of different colours of leather, and it finishes at the other end with a complete car just like you ordered. And amazingly, they don't often get it wrong either. Given that most car plants can hardly fit a hubcap without getting something wrong, it's pretty impressive.

Now Ford are selling them again, I just hope they get bought by someone who wants to keep them going, not just run them into the ground and asset-strip them.


24 Nov 06 - 03:27 PM (#1892667)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Wesley S

I just came back from seeing the movie this morning. I have to agree with Little Hawk. Craig is a great James Bond. I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't full of silly gadgets. Just guns,knives and fast cars. Possibly the best Bond flick so far.

24 Nov 06 - 06:02 PM (#1892755)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

Bit of trivia:   the first Felix Leiter, in "Dr No," was Jack Lord, who went on to play Steve McGarrett in "Hawaii-Five-O."

Don Firth

25 Nov 06 - 11:22 AM (#1893236)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Slag

Oh!? You mean Jack God???

25 Nov 06 - 12:27 PM (#1893286)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

Well . . . I heard (gossip on late-night talk shows, if I recall correctly) that Jack Lord was a bit proprietary about "Hawaii Five-O" and was pretty dictatorial about what went on in the show. Basically it was said that he had to dominate every scene or he could get pretty snarky. One actor who did a guest role on the show commented that he got the impression that Jack was considering having his first name changed to "The."

Don Firth

25 Nov 06 - 12:53 PM (#1893300)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

That show had great theme music... ;-)

"Book 'em, Dan-o."

25 Nov 06 - 12:57 PM (#1893305)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

Jack Lord trivia:   

The reason Jack Lord was never cast again as Felix Leiter was that the Powers That Be in the Bond films felt that Lord had a strong enough personality and screen presence that they were afraid he might possibly "upstage" Sean Connery. That might be debatable, but Jack Lord did have a real "presence" when he was on-screen in "Dr. No."

Items from Wikipedia:
Jack Lord was considered for the role of Captain Kirk on "Star Trek;" the role ultimately went to William Shatner. Because Lord wanted to co-produce and have a percentage in ownership of the series, he was ultimately rejected by both Gene Roddenberry and Desilu Studios.

Game show host Richard Dawson made fun of Jack Lord on the first episode of "Family Feud" when it debuted in 1976. His first line was "I haven't been this excited since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair!"

Originally, he wanted to be billed "Jack Ryan" (Ryan was his real last name), but another actor had already registered that name with Actor's Equity. He wanted a short name that would fit on a movie marquee, so he became "Jack Lord" instead. [Interesting choice in the light of the next item -- DF]

Dubbed "the Lord" (behind his back) by the cast and crew of "Hawaii Five-O" because of his imperious manner.
Don Firth

25 Nov 06 - 12:59 PM (#1893307)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

He did have a very strong screen presence. He was, what, maybe 6 foot 4? At least he looked pretty tall to me.

25 Nov 06 - 02:14 PM (#1893365)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

The images of secret agents and spies in the Bond films and others (with a few exceptions, such as the movies and mini-series' based on John Le Carré novels) are basically fantasy. Both Sean Connery and Jack Lord (as CIA secret agent Leiter) , and a few others who played Bond (particularly, at least to my mind, Timothy Dalton), are the kind of guys that are very noticeable in a crowd. In fact, when they were casting for the first James Bond movie, when Connery walked into the room, one of the producers leaned over to the other and said, "My God! He walks like a panther! There's our Bond!"

Which, of course, makes him unsuitable as a real secret agent or spy. Real agents need to be innocuous-looking and able to fade into the background. This was the view expressed by "Wild Bill" Donovan, who organized the OSS (which later morphed into the CIA) in a book on espionage that I read some years back. Donovan was talking specifically about the Bond movies, which he said he enjoyed, but they were anything but realistic.

But wothehell. . . .

Don Firth

25 Nov 06 - 04:25 PM (#1893454)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: ard mhacha

Don Firth how true, I remember listening to Malcolm Muggeridge who after his service with MI5 during and after WW2, became a well known broadcaster with the BBC.
Muggeridge was asked about Connerys role as Bond and how did he fit in to such a role, Muggeridge mentioned a few of his friends that were also in MI5, and suggested they were all like himself hardly able to climb a flight of stairs, "they certainly were nothing like the agent portrayed by Connery", he said sitting behind a desk was as far as most of them got.
Muggeridge called the role sheer fantasy and far removed from their role as spies.

25 Nov 06 - 07:33 PM (#1893567)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Divis Sweeney

The film lacks a story line, A guy owes money and plays cards with Bond, the guy looses, he wants it back off Bond. Usually Bond girls are remembered as beautiful and a figure to die for. The one in this film escaped from either Dachau or Sachsenhausen concentration camps.

If you want to see Casino Royale go to ebay and buy the one with David Niven in it.

25 Nov 06 - 07:41 PM (#1893575)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

If ya mean that she looked more like a real dame with a real personality than like a plastic got it right, Divis. She had personality. But, hey, whatsamatter? Weren't the other two dames in the movie slinky enough to do it for ya, even if the main dame wasn't?

Man, if Dachau was like that there woulda been people linin' up at the gate just to get in, I figure.

25 Nov 06 - 08:42 PM (#1893614)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Daniel Craig

The real question is, does the old Divis Sweeney still fit the role? My opinion is that he is long past his prime. His tired routine is getting really "old", to use the popular vernacular. I expect he will be retired soon and a younger and far more marketable face will be found to replace him. This can only result in improved box office, I would think. Why hasn't it been done already?

25 Nov 06 - 08:52 PM (#1893618)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Lacks a story????? If anything, there is probably more story here than in any other Bond flick.   After seeing it and giving it some thought, this may be my favorite of the Bond flicks.

The Casino Royale with David Niven is unwatchable. I tried to put it on a few days ago and found it full of stale British humor from the 60's and it just wasn't funny. It may have been great to watch in its day, but the film is a pile of crap when viewed in modern times.

Go see the "new" Casino Royale with an open mind and I think most people will agree with the rave reviews. There is enough chases and excitement to satisfy the Bond jones that we fans have, but the addition of the twisting story, good cast, and beautiful cinematography made it a wonderful picture.

To say that Eva Green looks like a concentration camp victim is a sign that you need to have your glasses checked, or you need to take lessons on making jokes. That one did not work. She was brilliantly cast in the role and played it well. She looked great.

For the first time, I did not miss Sean Connery. Daniel Craig OWNS James Bond now.

25 Nov 06 - 10:46 PM (#1893662)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

"Casino Royale" was Ian Fleming's first Bond novel. It grew out of a stunt that Fleming and a couple of other Naval Intelligence people came up with during World War II. They were in Lisbon, and they found that several German agents were busily cleaning up at the chemin de fer tables with the idea of using their winnings to finance espionage operations. Fleming's idea was for British agents to gang up on the Germans and wipe them out at the tables, scuttling their scheme. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and there were various reports as to what actually happened, but less biased reports said that the plan was a flop. Fleming and his cohorts wound up losing their butts to the Germans.

But Fleming thought it was a great idea—in theory. And when he turned his hand to novel writing, he assigned his newly hatched fictional agent, James Bond, to give Le Chiffre, an agent for SMERSH, a Russian assassination agency, a drubbing at the baccarat tables. As I recall, Le Chiffre had made some bad investments with SMERSH's money (string of brothels, I think), and if his bosses found out, his ass was grass, so he was trying to replace the funds with his winnings. Bond was known to be a handy fellow at the tables, so he was assigned to make sure Le Chiffre lost, and let Le Chiffre's bosses "neutralize" him. The plot took off from there.

The novel was good. I saw the movie with David Niven on TV and thought it was generally idiotic. Four James Bonds? I mean, what in the hell were they trying to do? The best thing about the movie was Orson Welles as Le Chiffre. I am filled with fear and trembling at the thought of what they've probably done with this one.

Don Firth

25 Nov 06 - 11:05 PM (#1893676)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

They did the old one strictly for laughs, Don. (God knows why they bothered though!) David Niven as James Bond has gotta be for laughs, right?

This Daniel Craig guy is totally believable. He couldn't possibly be better, even if he were a chimp!

You know what it took for me to say that? I hope so.

I'm gonna go see it a coupla more times. I would date Eva Green any day of the week...and twice on Sundays.

I wonder if those German agents in Lisbon included Otto Skorzeny? I bet he was there. One sharp and dangerous man, lemme tell ya. If the Germans had won WWII, he would be the inspiration for their equivalent of James Bond at the movies.

I'm glad they didn't, though. They took a very dim view of chimps, unless they were in cages.

25 Nov 06 - 11:33 PM (#1893686)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

Nuthin' wrong with a good spoof, but the first "Casino Royale" wasn't even that. It was just downright silly. I'm sure glad I didn't pay good money to see it at a theater.

Don Firth (0067/8*)

*That's not a license to kill, it's a license to gaze at and wonder what they might have been thinking--if anything at all.)

25 Nov 06 - 11:39 PM (#1893688)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Actually, the David Niven version was the second Casion Royale. The first was television production with Barry Nelson as "Jimmy Bond" and Peter Lorre as Le Chifre.

26 Nov 06 - 06:42 AM (#1893813)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

I watched the Niven one last night. Some good humour in the early part. Niven stuttering until he took the 'driving seat' tickled me. Allen esacping from the firing squad by climbing over a wall - only to be facing another squad. Sellers in a pissoir(sp?) checking the other guys credentials. Old stuff now but still funny. It definitely lost it in the last hour though. Sellers going into a goons character. The whole thing in the casino at the end. Only worth watching to see how bizzare some things can get!



27 Nov 06 - 09:18 PM (#1894186)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

The King is dead - long live the King!!!!!! I saw it this weekend and Daniel Craig rules!! He is James contest. Love M's comment about the cold war.

Note to Don Firth - Firth was my maiden name - not a name you see commonly over you have British ancestry?

28 Nov 06 - 01:52 PM (#1894810)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth


Scottish, actually (assuming that Orkney folks consider themselves Scottish). My great-grandfather, Robert Firth, was from Orkney, and like a lot of Orkneymen, hired on with the Hudson's Bay Company around 1850. He was sent by Chief Factor James Douglas at Fort Victoria to survey and assess San Juan Island for raising sheep. Charles Griffin was put in charge of the Belle Vue Farm sheep ranch on San Juan Island. My great-grandfather replaced Griffin in 1861, leased the land from the Hudson's Bay Company, and eventually gained ownership. He raised nine children there, one of whom was my grandfather, Robert Firth Jr. My father, also named Robert Firth, was born on San Juan Island. I have cousins all over the islands. I, on the other hand, was born in Los Angeles, but I live in Seattle.

The name isn't too common around here, either. Time was when the only two Firths listed in the Seattle telephone directory were my father and one of my aunts. Now there are eight, but as far as I know, we aren't related. I presume that "Firth" is a place name and since there are a lot of firths (sort of like a fjord in Norway) in and around Scotland, I imaging that the name sprang up here and there among people who were not necessarily related. A whole collection of British actors:   Peter Firth, Colin Firth, and Jonathan Firth.

Where is your family from? Who knows? We may be related. (PM me if you wish, so we don't drift the thread too far.)

Don Firth

28 Nov 06 - 03:01 PM (#1894861)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

I know a very good guitarist named Kevin Firth. He's in the Barrie, Ontario area (Canada). He used to host a once yearly musical get-together called "FirthFest". He favours expensive luthier guitars, like Laskin or Manzer, and has a very ornate and precise playing style.

28 Nov 06 - 03:18 PM (#1894879)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Don Firth

Hmm. Apparently not a dominant internet presence. About all I found googling "Kevin Firth" was a swimming teacher in the U.K. and a bunch of stuff that didn't seem to relate. A search for "Firth Fest" came up with miscellaneous female fans of Colin Firth. He's kind of a stud-muffin, I guess.

. . . a cross we Firth boys have to bear. . . .

Don Firth

28 Nov 06 - 03:44 PM (#1894908)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Georgiansilver

Does the role fit the new James Bond?
Considering the original "Casino Royale" film starred David Niven and although recognised as a 'good' film it was somewhat lacklustre by todays standards...the remake of it is a good film in its' own right. However..for those who have been nurtured on the Bond series of films...the lack of 'Q' and the lack of gadgets and incredible stunts, may make it a less interesting proposition.
I is a good film in its own right but many who have followed the Bond series of films will perhaps find it a little shaded.

28 Nov 06 - 10:26 PM (#1895205)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Perhaps. I found it a lot more gripping than watching flying submarines, diving cars that transform into telephone booths, rocket-shooting fountain pens, and other such unlikely gadgets...

28 Nov 06 - 10:53 PM (#1895220)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Don - PMing you about possible shared ancestry but VERY new to Mudcat so may not do it correctly!!!!!!!

29 Nov 06 - 01:23 AM (#1895268)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Great. Now when is someone going to PM Chongo about shared ancestry? He needs something to pick up his spirits. Come on, people.

29 Nov 06 - 04:59 AM (#1895352)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Has to rate as the worst Bond flick EVER. Average movie, average storyline and average actors. Daniel Craig is laughable in the role, looks like a corner boy in a dinner suit. East End gangster movie actor.
Avoid it.

29 Nov 06 - 08:08 AM (#1895455)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Teribus

I don't think that anyone from the Orkneys or Shetlands think of themselves as being Scottish.

Back in the 1970's when they had a referendum on Scottish independence, the SNP was going on about Scottish Oil, the Shetland and Orkney Islanders told the SNP in no uncertain terms that if independence or home rule was the case, then the same rules would apply to them and that they could elect to go it alone or vote to stay with Westminster, at the time their preference was the latter. That's when the SNP took a good look at where all "Scotlands" oil fields were (All major production fields are up north around the Shetlands).

29 Nov 06 - 09:54 AM (#1895557)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

See it and make up your own mind. While the troll may call it the worst Bond flick ever, the individual is not telling us what their standards are.   If you like the far-fetched hijinks of the recent films, if you are looking for a plot that doesn't take much effort to follow, if you are looking for a bubblegum shoot-em-up flick, then stay away.

I felt that there were many twists and turns to the plot - which used to be the hallmark of good spy flicks and novels. It was nice to see that brought back instead of watching Bond doing tricks that would be out of place in comic books.

To say that Craig is laughable in the role sounds like the "critic" is holding him up to the standard set by Moore and Brosnan. No, he is not a pretty-boy that waltzes through a role on his looks. Craig is actually a good actor that looks the part he is supposed to be playing.

If you do not walk into the film with pre-conceived notions, I think you will find this to be a good flick. If you like the popcorn feel of the Brosnan and Moore flicks, then you should probably stay away.

Give it a chance - it s a new Bond for a new generation of movie goers. I think it is the first Bond flick in decades with any substance.

29 Nov 06 - 07:24 PM (#1896014)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Liz the Squeak

Saw it this evening.... like it considerably better than the last Bond film.

As an action hero/spy Craig's pretty damn close to brilliant... But Ian Flemings James Bond he ain't. Mind you, he's a bloody sight closer to Bond than Timothy Dalton ever was and WAAAAAY ahead of Roger Moore's eyebrows.


29 Nov 06 - 09:20 PM (#1896102)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Roger Moore amuses me. He would be soooo perfect to take over from Hugh Hefner as big cheese at the Playboy Mansion...or he could become chief editor of Victoria's Secret.

30 Nov 06 - 06:59 AM (#1896384)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Liz the Squeak

He'd have to train a whole new set of fuzzy caterpillars if that happened!

What... you thought those were real eyebrows?


30 Nov 06 - 07:46 PM (#1897024)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Cluin

Roger Moore finally played the right role for himself in Boat Trip.

Connery was definitely the best Bond, if only `cause he got there first.

01 Dec 06 - 04:58 PM (#1897823)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Becca72

Being in my mid 30's my first Bond film I think was Octapussy...sadly. Back then I thought Roger Moore was the bee's knees...but then I grew up and now can see that "nobody does it better" than Sean Connery, followed closely by Pierce Brosnan, IMO. I haven't seen the new movie yet, and probably won't for some time as I'm terrible at going to new movies, but this Craig fellow doesn't strike me as being physically what I'd expect for Bond. But I was upset when they ditched Brosnan, anyway...

01 Dec 06 - 07:24 PM (#1897914)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Liz the Squeak

Ian Fleming himself declared that Sean Connery (ah, be still, my beathing heart) was the closest anyone could ever come to being Bond.


15 Dec 06 - 11:09 PM (#1910744)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Yes, but Fleming was dead before Daniel Craig played the role. I can only think if Fleming had seen this version of
Casino Royale, he would have asked Connery to move on over......again, the King is dead, long live the King!!!

22 Dec 06 - 09:47 PM (#1917186)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

BTW-On Fresh Air this week, Teri Gross had the film critic of - I think - Vogue on ----the person is also her critic at large. He maintains the new James Bond is the best in excellent semi believable movie. I rest my case!!!

23 Dec 06 - 04:13 AM (#1917295)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: freda underhill

Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan & Timothy Moore were all like male shop dummies - pretty and wooden. I'm glad David Niven never did it - he's too prissy. And Sean Connery, while more rugged, was a caricature of himself, loud and lacking in subtlety.

Daniel Craig is the one.

23 Dec 06 - 07:13 AM (#1917363)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Dave the Gnome

David Niven did! See the original Casino Royal. Crap film but a good send up of 60's 'hip'. Dunno what Mr Niven was thinking - probably hopes that everyone forgets it like Freda:-)



23 Dec 06 - 07:18 AM (#1917366)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: freda underhill

..oops, no I haven't seen that one, Dave!

23 Dec 06 - 08:16 AM (#1917386)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Epona

SEAN CONNERY. I vote Sean Connery as the best! It's the accent....


23 Dec 06 - 05:03 PM (#1917695)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Yeah Freda - Daniel Craig is the man. You can believe in him as a human being!!!!!!!! After that I think Connery and then Brosnan. Moore was a light weight and Lazarus, say no more........I must have forgotten someone important ....

11 Feb 07 - 06:25 PM (#1964365)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: GUEST,Keith Morrison

See the film industry shared the feelings of the rest of the country at the awards ceremony tonight by ignoring that new guy Daniel Craig who never made the expected impact in the role of James Bond. Well done I say, good old Sean Connery will never be replaced.

12 Feb 07 - 02:06 AM (#1964591)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Alec

Daniel Craig is easily the best actor to have played the role & Casino Royale is more faithful to Fleming than any Bond film since OHMSS.As for Connery well we all loved him but You Only Live Twice,Diamonds Are Forever & Never Say Never Again were all amongst the worst Bond films.

12 Feb 07 - 06:23 AM (#1964666)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Grab

So tell us, Keith, when did Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton or Brosnan win awards then...?

It's an action film. With rare exceptions, action films don't get awards, except for the stunts. I'd put the acting in Die Hard and Aliens up against anything you like, but awards? none.


12 Feb 07 - 09:10 AM (#1964757)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Scrump

Well, I saw th film over New Year and I reckon it's one of the best Bond films (not that that's saying a lot). I'd go so far as to say probably the best, IMO. Since when did these films require much acting ability anyway? The action sequences were good, and the film was great entertainment. What else do you want from a Bond film?

Before seeing it I had my doubts about Craig, as I didn't think he had the right 'smooth' looks for Bond, but in the event I didn't really notice or care about that.

12 Feb 07 - 10:05 AM (#1964799)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Having seen Daniel Craig in the part, I can finally say: "This time they got it right."

Connery was quite good in the part. Craig is even better.

16 Feb 07 - 08:50 PM (#1970273)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?

Amen - Craig is awesome!!!!

17 Feb 07 - 05:31 PM (#1971019)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Leadfingers

I cant make up my mind twixt Moore and Connery - though I havent seen anything of the latest one yet !

17 Feb 07 - 05:31 PM (#1971020)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Leadfingers

But I DO like 100 th posts

17 Feb 07 - 05:37 PM (#1971024)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

Chongo saw the film. He likes it. But after he saw it, he still said, "I could take him...."

31 Oct 09 - 04:06 PM (#2756890)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: michaelr

Hi Tina --

down here at the bottom of a James Bond thread, few will see your post. Better to start a new thread ("Hello, I'm new here" or something like that) and tell us a bit about yourself. Since this is mainly a folk/blues music discussion site, tell us what music you like.

Welcome to the Mudcat!


31 Oct 09 - 04:08 PM (#2756892)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: michaelr

Woops - Tina's post disappeard as I was typing... wtf?

31 Oct 09 - 04:19 PM (#2756904)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: Little Hawk

All that's needed for a great James Bond film with the present actor is a great script. He's perfect for the role.

31 Oct 09 - 04:29 PM (#2756910)
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
From: CarolC

Coming to this discussion rather late... My own opinion is that Craig is the best James Bond they've had so far (Timothy Dalton is second, not because he was convincing or right for the part, but because he was more interesting than the other Bonds). I don't enjoy James Bond movies on the whole, but I enjoyed that one.