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Welcome, TRUBRIT

22 Nov 06 - 07:30 PM (#1891248)

TRUBRIT is a lady after my own heart, screaming her entry in CAPS. And she doesn't even have a problem with the infamous CAPSLOCK button.

She is a wonderful lady, a mischievous friend and a first rate real estate agent. Both Jacqui and I got our homes through her. Some of you met her at the Getaway. She of "She's stopped snoring. Maybe she's dead...GOOD!" And I who do not snore was not the target.

Deborah is a regular at my Song Circles and has been growing her collection of songs. I will let her tell you what she chooses about herself. Please welcome her.


22 Nov 06 - 07:41 PM (#1891257)

Jacqui told me that caps were a no go-----I will remember next time!!!! It was so much fun to be around people who didn't think me insane for liking this kind of music!!!!!!! TruBrit is because I am British (get it?????) -- as Mary said I am a realtor and a good one......those of you I actually met will be getting nice to have met you letters....... We do a newsletter about six times a year that has nothing to do with real estate and everything to do with an English idiosyncrasy (? sp) like Boxing Day or Guy Fawkes day and you are on it if you receive my intro letter - let me know if you want to be off the mailing list and it will happen.....

Loved the Getaway, Loved the music, Loved the people - hated the snoring!!!!!

22 Nov 06 - 09:19 PM (#1891322)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: karen k

Sorry not to have met you at the Getaway. Missed it this year for the first time in a long time. Been threatening to get up to one of Mary's sings but something always gets in the way. Hope to meet you one day.

Welcome to Mudcat.

karen k

22 Nov 06 - 09:36 PM (#1891333)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: katlaughing

So what...all the Brit ladies are moving to Portland? **bg**

Welcome, welcome...any friend of Sins is a... *sinner*, really I mean it, WELCOME to the Mudcat. Enjoy and don't mind the loonies. Ask Sins, I'm really not one of them.LOL

All the best,


22 Nov 06 - 09:39 PM (#1891335)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: jacqui.c

Kat - Deb IS one of the loonies- in the nicest way of course.

Didn't we tell you that we are taking back the colonies one by one? Deb has been here for many years though and married to a lovely American gentleman called Tom. i think it takes a special kind of guy to put up with us Brits but we're both lucky in having found a good'un.

23 Nov 06 - 02:28 AM (#1891410)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Micca

Hi TRUBRIT, Hi Debs, A Nice lady and a True Brit and also, and I am glad to say a Friend, Welcome

23 Nov 06 - 03:05 AM (#1891426)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Deb - I don't care what Jacqui says. You seemed quite sane to me. In fact, the ONLY sasne woman from Maine at the Getaway this year....
Welcome to Mudcat!
-Joe Offer, moving this thread to the non-music section-

23 Nov 06 - 03:10 AM (#1891429)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Paul Burke

As an English Brit I'd like to know what we do on Boxing Day (apart from hangover cures).

23 Nov 06 - 04:06 AM (#1891454)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh Paul, shame on you!!!

Well, now the traditional Boxing Day Hunt has been banned, you can go out Mumming with any one of several Mummers in the UK. I'm sure Herga Mummers will need a spare body if you're anywhere near London. Manitas has his own dress these days, but I'm sure we can fix you up with something if you need a costume!


Oh, and Welcome TruBrit from another snoring lunatic!

23 Nov 06 - 06:32 AM (#1891537)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: gnu

Welcome. You're in good company with that crowd.

23 Nov 06 - 07:17 AM (#1891556)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: kendall

What light through yon window breaks? Forsooth, 'tis another Brit I wean.
Welcome aboard Deb. (Don't feed the trolls)

23 Nov 06 - 09:01 AM (#1891636)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Boxing Day? An excuse to dine at Chez Deborah with Chef Tom serving. No fisticuffs unless Jacqui has one too many and tries to drive.
That's it, isn't it?

23 Nov 06 - 09:03 AM (#1891637)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Tinker

Welcome Deb --

YOu survived the travel, the crowds --well almost with a little self presevation resevation -- and are jumping further into the murky waters. Well Met.


23 Nov 06 - 09:07 AM (#1891640)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: jacqui.c

Sins - Jacqui's not the one who tries to drive having had one too many. I value my newly acquired license too much.

Fisticuffs is reserved for those who open all the salsa jars!

23 Nov 06 - 09:12 AM (#1891647)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Rapparee

Oh, I guess you mean Portland MAINE.

Well, welcome anyway. Too bad you chose to live in Maine.

Don't feed the trolls, and don't take stuff personally.

23 Nov 06 - 10:21 AM (#1891711)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: kendall

Wuddaya mean too bad you chose to live in Maine? We have done right by her! Besides, she is allowed to return to the old country whenever she needs an accent transfusion.

23 Nov 06 - 10:36 AM (#1891729)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Severn

I don't recall meeting you at the Getaway, but I might have been either too busy riding the range or too damn sober to notice and remember. But WELCOME in all caps from some guy down in Maryland!

You seem to keep the best of company up there, and I look forward to crossing threads with you from time to time.

23 Nov 06 - 11:28 AM (#1891780)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Bat Goddess

No, Joe, she's a lovely loonie -- like the rest of us. (If I didn't keep my present level of insanity, I'd go crazy.)

Nice to have Deborah not only at Sinsull's gatherings but here at Mudcat!

(Wish she wouldn't schedule "her" events on evenings Curmudgeon and I can't make it, damn.)

I LOVE her newsletters! (and website) (And Tom's curry at least as much as I love Curmudgeon's curry!)

Linn (who has to go help her Tom with a two-person dinner problem.)

23 Nov 06 - 12:05 PM (#1891815)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: SussexCarole

Deborah! Great to see you here on Mudcat and was a real treat to meet you & Tom on our recent visit.

Hope to see you next year
Carole & Andrew

23 Nov 06 - 12:15 PM (#1891831)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Mrs.Duck

Welcome Trubrit. As soon as our ship comes in we plan to visit the mad mafia of Maine so hopefully that will include you.

23 Nov 06 - 12:29 PM (#1891847)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Gorgeous Gary

I wondered whose car that I know! 8-)

Welcome to Mudcat!

23 Nov 06 - 05:35 PM (#1892059)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Zany Mouse

Welcome TRUBRIT. Hopefully I will get to meet you at some stage.


23 Nov 06 - 05:40 PM (#1892062)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Welcome, TRUBRIT! I look forward to meeting you in person some day. 'Til then, see you around here, and enjoy!


24 Nov 06 - 05:36 AM (#1892319)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Liz the Squeak

OK, so everyone start working on Manitas and telling him how great Maine is and how you don't have to eat lobster there really, and how wonderful it would be to have a holiday in the States..... I'm doing the subliminal bit at home but it needs external input....


24 Nov 06 - 08:05 AM (#1892392)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: jacqui.c

I'm over in February Liz - we'll have to get together and I'll do the Maine PR bit then.

24 Nov 06 - 11:04 AM (#1892504)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: manitas_at_work

I read about Maine in Accordion Crimes... nuff said.

24 Nov 06 - 11:53 AM (#1892538)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Welcome TRUBRIT and don't listen to the non-caps brigade, they're just jealous because their names seem so small and insignificant next to ours.

Also, you'll find a warm welcome on the 85 billion thread, do post.

Up the CAPS!

24 Nov 06 - 12:58 PM (#1892578)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: kendall

Typing with all caps is easier than doing it right. LOL

24 Nov 06 - 01:18 PM (#1892589)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: jacqui.c

Deborah did the whole of her first post in caps - always looks like shouting. The name in caps isn't a problem though - I have a close friend whose mane is also in caps......

24 Nov 06 - 01:23 PM (#1892595)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

OK, that's cleared that up then, thanks jackie.c. The cappers and lower casers are friends again and Mudcat harmony is restored!

24 Nov 06 - 01:24 PM (#1892597)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

jacqui.c - sorry!

24 Nov 06 - 02:40 PM (#1892634)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

I pm'd Jacquie C and said the Welcome TruBrit thread had disappeared but she assured me otherwise so I checked again........I will have to get used to how incredibly active this site is. Thank you all so much for your Jacquie says we will be hosting a song circle at our house on December 2 - love to see as many of you there as possible -- the house is infinitely expandable (Lynn and Tom - beginning to think you don't love me -- you ALWAYS come to Sinsull's and NEVER to me -- oh, all right, I've only hosted one gathering with one to come but that is two you never come to!!!!!) Just teasing - I know you will make one soon. I'll pass your kind words about the letters on to Tom - he is the author.

Georgeous - yes, that was my car. We realtors are not subtle -- any advertising opportunity is one not to be car is well known in Maine!

I feel very welcomed and very happy to be part of a group that doesn't think I am totally wierd for loving this odd music and wanting to sing it - voice or no!! Tinker, keep the pillow - if my experience of a houseful of teenagers is the same as yours, one can never have too many pillows!!!!

Happy day after thanksgiving to one and all.

24 Nov 06 - 05:23 PM (#1892722)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: ranger1

Hiya Deb! Congrats for finally making the jump.

And Joe, whaddaya mean by that remark about Deb being the only sane woman from ME at the Getaway this year? What did I do to earn the loony designation (other than be seen in the company of Sinsull and jacqui)?

24 Nov 06 - 08:54 PM (#1892860)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Before you take Joe too seriously, remember who was jumping around joyfully in a battery-operated blow up horse costume. The pot calling the kettle black.

I serve but do not cook or eat lobster. You can join me in a steak, hamburger, hot dog or steak 'n kidney pudding. Your choice.

25 Nov 06 - 01:20 AM (#1892967)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker

Hi, TRUBRIT. I had fun talking to you at the Getaway. Very glad to see you here, as well.

25 Nov 06 - 09:20 AM (#1893157)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Maryrrf

Welcome Deb. I enjoyed meeting you at the Getaway! Glad you have joined Mudcat!

08 Dec 06 - 01:34 AM (#1903157)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Barry Finn

I some how missed you & this thread Deb. I'm glad to see that you're here. I wished I could've made it up north for the 2nd but it wasn't in the cards. It's nice to have another delightful Main-e-ack amongst us, we just can't have to many.
Liz if you do come over you don't have to eat the lobster but you do need to watch the rest of us/them tear into them. It's some site to behold. New Englanders forget their manners altogether & whatever table ware there was set out. They start with hands & fingers ripping them apart, pounding with fists on the shells that won't shred, pulling legs from sockets & sucking & grinding them til there's not a drop of meat or juice left, snapping the backs in half & reaching into their cavities to slide their inards out with their tounges. This is the ritual & it's done so the folks that don't know about lobsters won't try them. So when you do come over can I have yours?
I should've asked Deb, do you eat lobsters? I know Mary's a bit squimish about them.
Now I forgot how I came across this tread, anyway, glad to have found you.
Hopefully we'll cross paths soon.
Happy Hoildays

08 Dec 06 - 08:02 PM (#1904017)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Barry - thank you for the welcome! Nice to hear from you. The 2nd finished up being tiny, but that is ok -- it was there for them as could make it.

It took me 7 years of living in Maine before I could eat one, but I do eat lobsters. So when Liz comes over from the UK, I'll fight you for her lobster! I don't do too much with the innards and the tongue but perhaps I am still a novice.............??

So happy to have met you at the Getaway. Hope our paths will can really sing!!

09 Dec 06 - 01:15 AM (#1904238)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Barry Finn

We can share Liz's lobster but she may want to try it after watching how it's done & I'll show you how to do the tounge & innards thing. You really have to be born to the New England coast to suck lobster with your tounge. Kinda of like Cindy sipping cider thru a straw.
Se ya soon & happy hoildays

09 Dec 06 - 03:41 AM (#1904278)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT
From: Peter Kasin

Welcome, TRUBRIT!


09 Dec 06 - 03:54 PM (#1904751)
Subject: RE: Welcome, TRUBRIT

Barry, well, if you have to be born in New England to really appreciate lobster in every possible way, then I labor under a slight disadvantage having been born in Egypt. Perhaps there is no hope for me? Perhaps that is why I discard the legs (? - are they legs??) disdainfully and eschew the green stuff. I'll await the lesson with bated breath - truly!

Liz - hope to be in England briefly in October of 2007 -- perhaps I can look you up? Smuggling lobsters in is probably not on the cards -- they are alive (til the fateful moment of the pot, of course) so it's a little bit unsubtle to stroll through the Green line at Customers -- carrying a brown paper bag with water dripping out (from the ice) and wriggling.....!!!!

Chanteyranger - thank you, too, for the welcome!