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BS: been made redundant

28 Nov 06 - 02:50 PM (#1894849)
Subject: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Well my bully of a boss has finaly shown his colours and i've been offered renundancy voluntery or otherwise. He has made my time at work over the last three months a nightmare. I want to make sure that I get everything that I'm entitled to and no more.
He chose the 1 year anniversary of my fathers death to tell me. My finishing date is a week before christmas.
Funnily enough I don't hate him I just feel very sorry for him. I think(know) he has mental problems.
I'm in some ways glad that I've been given the kick up the backside to move on.
Everything happens for the best hopefully - why do I want to humiliate him........I know that karma wise thats not good. help!
Pat x

28 Nov 06 - 02:54 PM (#1894851)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: fat B****rd

Sorry to hear that, Partridge. Hang in there and all the best to you.

28 Nov 06 - 02:59 PM (#1894859)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,lox

Get what you can, and if that happens to include humiliating him don't give it a thought. Either way it's not your concern.

You didn't get that Job out of concern for your boss, you got it to make ends meet. So now that you are being made redundant, you need to bear in mind that the future is uncertain and that ends will need to be kept met until you get another job.

Do anything and everything to ensure that you are properly catered for. If that means (if I read between the lines correctly) that you go for some kind of compensation to his detriment then so be it.

28 Nov 06 - 03:00 PM (#1894860)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Divis Sweeney

Sorry to hear that Partridge. Cruel timing. So please let us know what you can turn your hand to and I know it's only happened, but any thoughts what you'll do ?

28 Nov 06 - 03:02 PM (#1894864)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: gnu

Ahhh... a bully? Sounds like the asshole is practicing an age old strategy. Get rid of all the compentent employees and you secure your own position.

Don't humiliate him. Don't do a thing. Move on. And, when you are sitting pretty in a new job, ring up the big boss at the old place and inform him as to his loss when you were offed and as to his loss with the asshole.

28 Nov 06 - 03:05 PM (#1894870)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Cats

Hi Partridge. Are you in the UK? If so he hasn't given you your statutary notice period for redundancy. Have you seen your Union rep? Make sure you get all that you are legally entitled to as a pay out.

28 Nov 06 - 03:15 PM (#1894875)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

It doesn't pay to upset your boss when you are looking for a new job. So keep the lid on it and hope you get a good review that you can offer up to your new company.
If you are in a union, make sure you know what your rights are and use those rights to get the best deal you can.
Above all do your job to your best abilty until the day you have left. You can then be proud of yourself, and your ex boss cannot criticise you. Although they are not allowed to openly make poor references. Try and make him wish he hadn't got rid of you.
Your main concern now is to find another job, which entitles you to go to as many interviews as you like in order to get a new job. Nowt he can do about that.
So get those CV's out to prospective new employers.
I wish you good luck.

28 Nov 06 - 03:20 PM (#1894883)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: John MacKenzie

Ask him for a reference now, so you can apply for another job in good time. Once you have a good reference he can't take it back can he? Also make sure you have a character reference to back it up, so he will look bad if he tries to retract it because you've pushed for your rights.
There are lots of jobs out there, though not all of them are worth doing, but you needn't starve till you find something suitable.
Good luck

28 Nov 06 - 03:26 PM (#1894890)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Leadfingers

Redundancy is never exactly enjoyable , but check your rights with your union Rep , get a reference from him , and THEN hammer him for all you can get !

28 Nov 06 - 03:35 PM (#1894903)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,lox

Though if after talking to your union rep you find that there are grounds for hauling his ass over the coals (so to speak), a reference from him will become less relevant, as his authourity to judge your suitability for any post will be undermined and superceded by any official judgements made as a result of action taken.

ie if he is discredited, then anything nasty he might say about you can be ignored.

28 Nov 06 - 04:02 PM (#1894928)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

Guest lox

thats all very well, but have you seen somebody having to put up with the politics involved in trying to discredit your boss. I have and the person pushing the claims who was 100% correct, finished up a nervous wreck, becuase she couldn't handle the stress involved.

Don't do that unless you have nerves of steel and can wait lengthy periods of time whilst he goes away and covers his tracks etc.

28 Nov 06 - 05:09 PM (#1894987)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Helen

Hi Partridge,

I was bullied mercilessly for 14 months till mid-2000 and finally he got me out of the job, which was a temporary contract so I didn't get a redundancy payout or anything. Just the boot.

I was under enormous stress and got very sick afterwards with a chronic condition, which is now under control. I having been clawing my way back ever since, but I started a run of casual and/or part time work, firstly teaching at adult vocational colleges, then temporary work through labour hire companies (pays peanuts, no conditions like annual or sick leave, but better than nothing, and a foot in the door to get myself known by potential employers and get relevant experience), then a temporary contract with a government agency, then back to the labour hire company because I was asked to come back to the previous government place I had worked at, and now - finally! - a permanent job in a government agency where conditions and pay are fantastic. So I have been in work ever since, had a couple of false starts and managed to get the sort of work I wanted.

I can only look back on the time when I was kicked out as a blessed relief. I waited 9 months to get revenge on the bullying b#$%@^d but it was sweet revenge, and very fitting. I still laugh about it. But I had also reported him at the time to the HR department, the Union and the big boss.

No joy there, but it was part of the final revenge, which was to corner him outside a public meeting that I knew he had to attend, and quietly tell him what I thought of him and then drop the bombshell that I had spoken on a number of occasions about him, not only to HR and the Union, but also to his boss, with whom he has quarterly performance reviews. (I even had my "exit interview" with his boss rather than with HR because she phoned me on my last day and asked me to come and see her. That is very, very rare. Usually someone in HR acts bored and asks why you are leaving and are you happy or unhappy with anything.)

Therefore, by telling him about my meetings with his boss, over the previous 3/4 of a year while he had been waffling on about how great he was to the boss (he is threatened anyway by women managers) she had known about what he had done to me and was evaluating him on that as well. By telling him 9 months after I left, he had to replay every meeting with the boss in his head to re-check what he had said or done. He was always a mess before his performance reviews. He is very high up in a large organisation, and he is on a contract himself. He got sidelined into a lesser job a couple of years ago. I wonder why.

So, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I've been there and I know.

This website saved my sanity and my life. I am eternally grateful to Tim Field. Lots of reading there. Make sure you read the part about why bullies choose their targets. (Briefly: It's because you make him feel threatened because you are a good person and you care about your work.)

Bully OnLine:
Tim Field shares his unique insight into workplace bullying, a cause of stress and ill health and the basis of harassment, discrimination, abuse and violence

Tim Field strongly suggests saving yourself before worrying about taking legal action etc. It's probably more likely that you won't get any joy out of legal action, and the stress will be overwhelming. But, make sure you get everything you are entitled to. Go to the Union and find out the way it is all supposed to work.

Voluntary redundancy is a very specific process, with very specific guidelines about when it can be applied to a position, which usually means that the position is being abolished, and the employee is therefore not required as well, i.e. no alternative positions available. It also usually means that the position can't be filled by someone else when you leave (because it is a redundant position) so often employers/bosses try to say it's a redundancy and it isn't. But don't play that card unless you want to keep your job because *usually* redundancy packages are very good, with enough money to tide you over while you find somewhere to work with *good* people.

(There is a Google Ad link down the bottom of this page right now while I am typing which says it all: "Redundancy: frightening for some but it could be an opportunity for you".)

Look after yourself - in every way.


28 Nov 06 - 05:34 PM (#1895020)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,lox


I hear you loud and clear.

I think it's important though not be too intimidated either.

This thread is full of excellent advice, none of which I disagree with.

I would like, (especially as we don't know the full details) to be as encouraging to Partridge as possible in whatever manner is most supportive, and that means leaving doors open and considering the strengths and weaknesses of every option in regard of Partridges's individual circumstances, rather than recommending some be shut before we have examined what is through them.

I feel that the bias in this thread currently leans towards doom and gloom a little. It could be that there are key factors in this case that could result in a very positive outcome should the route of litigation be pursued.

I would like to reiterate though that ultimately, this isn't about the boss, but about the welfare, happiness and ultimately financial security of partridge.

If achieving those things happens to include the path that results in Boss's humiliation, then fine.

My point initially was that that shouldn't be a factor in the decision making process one way or the other.

28 Nov 06 - 06:06 PM (#1895061)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Morticia

Sorry this has happened Pat; wanting revenge is a natural reaction but not a good one...yes he can give you a written reference but many are taken up by phone these days so he could say anything he wants outwith the reference. Walk away with your head up and forget him.

28 Nov 06 - 06:49 PM (#1895094)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: artbrooks

If you are in the US (and "redundancy" isn't a word that is commonly used here, so probably not), there is an entitlement to unemployment compensation unless (1) you job was temporary and scheduled to end when it did or (2) you were separated for cause. And the boss pays for this benefit. Where-ever you are, there are going to be people available to advise you on your them out and make sure that you get what you are legally entitled to. On the other hand, stick to your determination to make sure that [you] get everything that [you're] entitled to and no more. As a former Human Resources guy, let me assure you that there are easy - and legal - ways for a former boss to screw you up one side and down the other without ever doing a thing illegal (in any jurisdiction).

28 Nov 06 - 07:07 PM (#1895108)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: kendall

Redundant. that is such a demeaning word!

Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it."

29 Nov 06 - 01:16 AM (#1895266)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

I'm in the UK and the company is a small one, at present 7 employees. I am the admin department there is no HR or union. No one in my present job has lasted as long as i have, Every single one of them has been sacked. I take some pride in lasting as long as I did and doing a good job. I'm taking legal advise on thursday, which is the time limit I have for making a choice on whther i take the voluntery redundancy. I will be hitting him in the pocket which he will hate. I will leave with my head held high and my sanity in tact. My co workers all agree that the treatment I have put up with for the last three months has been designed to try and get me the sack or to walk. I have been looking for another job, but there are very few opportunities at the moment. I'll keep trying.
Thanks for your support, its very much appreciated.

29 Nov 06 - 01:37 AM (#1895275)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rowan

Go, Pat!
If you are the admin dept, I'd agree with whoever it was described "redundancy" as inappropriate. It sounds to me as though your predecessors (all "sacked") and you have been "retrenched", as the admin will still be required and thus the position filled. People are never redundant; it's the position that's redundant. Different industries and different jurisdictions (I'm writing in Australia) have different terms and payout procedures so I can only agree with those who offer you support.

Cheers, Rowan
who is secretary of the local branch of his union but can't be of more help

29 Nov 06 - 02:25 AM (#1895287)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant

Sounds to me like you would be better off taking the voluntary route.

Redundancy of any kind is rarely fun at the time, but 6 months after mine I wished it had come years before! Now retiring 20 years on and I couldn't possibly have been as well off with my old career - it really was the best thing that ever happened to me, workwise.

The main thing is to not beat yourself up about it, you know your own worth, even if you think they don't.


29 Nov 06 - 02:28 AM (#1895288)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Gurney

Partridge, the Villan's original post makes sense. Hold your tongue and temper, and leave on the best terms you can manage.
Pesonnel /human resources(Yechh) managers phone each other for references, despite CV/resumes, and I once happened to overhear "No, we wouldn't employ him again."

29 Nov 06 - 02:50 AM (#1895292)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

I was made redundant whilst working in Amsterdam and within 2 weeks I had another job, which was much better than the one I was made redundant from.
The company was closing its location in Amsterdam (tax reasons) and I was offered extra money to stay on and help close the books down. It was tempting. However, I decided it would be better to find a job quickly whilst I still had enthusiasm and still employed. I went straight to a headhunter and Bob's yer uncle.
Anyway my old company were gob smacked, but they couldn't do much about it, and I still got my deal.

So don't wait around, just get out there and get yourself a new job.

29 Nov 06 - 06:00 AM (#1895391)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Dave the Gnome

If you have access to your bosses computer (or login) at work it is a nice touch to sign him up for various innapropriate newsletters the day you leave and let it slip that you have found 'evidence' of whatever. Depends how nasty you want to be. Anything from S&M (pure embarrasement) to Paedeophilia (Illegal).

I have been made redundant once - No problem with that - but I also had to leave one job when I was involved in disciplinary procedings for something that the boss did not like and I did not even do; My email addy had been posted on a news group by someone else! I told them I could no longer work with her. Got 3 months pay ex-gratia, one month in lieu iof notice and was working again the following week. I also took great delight in finding out that within the year she had left due to a stress related illness and has not worked since. Nothing to do with me of course;-)



29 Nov 06 - 06:36 AM (#1895409)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Elfcall

It may be redundancy- but if it is as you say there has also been a 'campaign' to force you to resign or seek redundancy then there may also be a case of constructive dismissal. Make sure your legal advice is sound and from an employment specialist. Depending where you are in the country this may even be available free of charge.


29 Nov 06 - 06:42 AM (#1895413)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant

Go see your G.P. now and tell them you are under stress and lacking will or drive. Go in the sick, you will receive £78.00 a week benefit as from that day. You can leave work now, won't affect your redundancy or pay. At least you will have an income when it closes.And sicken the creep.

29 Nov 06 - 06:48 AM (#1895416)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Maryrrf

Although it's hard, it's best to take a positive, proactive attitude and just start going after something else. Sounds like you were very unhappy where you were, so a new job has a good chance of being a better fit than the old. Good luck!

29 Nov 06 - 07:24 AM (#1895429)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Bagpuss

It might be worth contacting your local CAB too, just to find out where you stand.

29 Nov 06 - 07:42 AM (#1895434)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: The PA

I was made redundant three years ago this week. My husband was one of the thousands dumped by John Towers (MG Rover) and his cronies at Longbridge, two years ago. Anyone and everyone, and I mean everyone, who is made redundant has my greatest sympathy, especially if they didn't see it coming, like the printing company across the road from where I work now, who turned up for work last Wednesday to find the whole place shut.
Unless you've experienced it you have no idea what its like.
Good Luck finding another job.

29 Nov 06 - 07:48 AM (#1895441)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: The PA

Partridge, try a website called 'Jobsite'. They were really helpful, found my husband a great job. Hope this helps.

29 Nov 06 - 09:13 AM (#1895510)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: kendall

I once worked for the Mobil Oil Co. and was sacked just before Christmas. Being free of the shackles of a job, I happened to bump into an old friend who told me about the State of Maine hiring conservation officers. I applied, was hired and I haven't bought Mobil products since.

Then the big boss gave me the worst job he had, the patrol boat EXPLORER, and I was stuck with another warden whom everyone disliked. I almost quit, but thought I'd stick it out for a while to see what happened.
One day, while crossing the deck of the ALICE WENTWORTH in Camden harbor, (we were tied up outboard of her) I heard the most beutiful guitar playing ever. It turned out to be Gordon Bok. We became good friends, and that has lasted all these years. Who should I thank? fate? the boss? I'm sure if I had not been assigned to that boat I never would have met Gordon.

The veil that hides the future is woven by the hand of mercy. That may be true, generally, but I would like to be able to see just a bit of the future rather than just trust that everything is going to be ok.

29 Nov 06 - 09:29 AM (#1895525)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant

The initial shock is overwhelming. The new opportunities that open for you can not be seen. Then slowly you begin to see the light.

Once I realized that I hated what I had been doing, I started a whole new life, worked 9 to 5 vs 24/7 and made more money. When that boss became a problem, I quit. I could because I now knew that there was a whole world of opportunities out there.

My move to Maine happened as a direct result of being fired years ago. And I have never been happier.

Hang on. When the dust settles you will be so much happier. PM me for some tips on planning your next job.

29 Nov 06 - 10:08 AM (#1895573)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I know that every case is different but, if it helps, I have been made redundant twice. The first time it happened, I thought that it was the end of the world. Nevertheless, I soon got another job which paid more money. This job was much more stressful and, especially in the early days, there was a fair amount of bullying and intimidation (which affected everyone - not just me). But I stuck with it and got to do some travelling and met some very fine people both in the UK and abroad. These encounters went some way towards countering the negative effects of the various gits and arseholes who seem to be a characteristic of most workplaces, these days.
In time I carved myself a fairly comfortable little niche and began looking forward to retirement. But a couple of years ago there were some big changes at the top and I began to think that my days were numbered. Last August (2005) the axe descended again - as I suspected that it might. I was 57 at the time and thought that that was it for me - but with my slightly reduced pension and redundancy payout I realised that I was considerably better off than I would have been if I had hung on until 60. I did get another job, earlier this year, but hated it so much that I resigned and am now getting by OK on my pension/savings. More importantly I am doing what I want to do - when I want to do it!
At the time that it happened I was pretty pissed-off - especially as I believed that my demise was the result of a fairly noxious combination of politics and ageism. Nevertheless, I banished all thoughts of revenge, getting even etc. from my mind - it's just not worth it. Just try to get as much as you can from it - without putting yourself through too much stress - and move on.

My best wishes for the future.

29 Nov 06 - 12:51 PM (#1895720)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland

I wish I had a job Part time or otherwise, so that I could be sacked. I have been offered a job for 25 years.


29 Nov 06 - 03:07 PM (#1895847)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

well tomorrow is my last day. He wants me out quickly. The offer for voluntary redundancy is better then the compulsary one. I'm taking legal advice tomorrow lunchtime and then I'll make up my mind.
Thank you all for your help and support, please know it is very much appreciated.
love Pat

PS My santee - its a little bit difficult as you don't know who I am I just hope that I manage to get thing all sorted. Once you know my identity you can look back and make allowances

29 Nov 06 - 04:26 PM (#1895935)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,lox

I must confess that the Villan approach is drawing me ever in. Stress is a cause of much illness in life and can be avoided. Ultimately, getting a new job or saving the current one are two equally valid ways of dealing with the situation.

The new job angle is clearly the less sressful.

Perhaps I have been lucky, or I have a good nose for an argument, but I have been succesful in this kind of situaton twice. In one of those cases I saved somebody elses job against the odds, in the other, I won custody of my little girl against the odds. (in the UK -anyone living here knows that Fathers win custody of their kids very rarely in UK courts)

You do have to be very determined. I don't know about nerves of steel, but you must certainly have focus.


Your way with words is sublime. I take my hat off to you.

29 Nov 06 - 11:58 PM (#1896224)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Im not able to sleep. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.
Pat x

30 Nov 06 - 01:45 AM (#1896242)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

Guest ,lox
>>I won custody of my little girl against the odds. (in the UK -anyone living here knows that Fathers win custody of their kids very rarely in UK courts)

I did something similar.

My mother was ill and as a result I had to allow her to go into a Nursing Home. I begged with the Council at the time to let my father go in as a resident. They were aged 86 and 87 at the time.

They refused it. My father was going round the bend and clearly not able to cope. I pleaded with them on Human Rights grounds especially as they had been married for over 60 years. They wouldn't budge.

So, through the Internet, I managed to find an excellent lawyer who dealt with human rights.
She took the case up and within 2 weeks, the Council backed down and allowed it. Whats more I was allowed to move them up to Lincolnshire in a home of my choice.

Streesful at the time - it was horrendous, but I wasn't prepared to cave in.

30 Nov 06 - 01:54 AM (#1896246)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

Don't get stressed over it. You are going to get one deal or another.

It looks like you will be leaving, so accept that and get on with life.

If your lawyer thinks you should go for unfair dismissal or something like that, then just consider whether you can handle the stress of it all. You may get succes at the end of the day, but it will make you bitter and your mind won't be on your new job and you may well fail with that job.

Just go in today with head held high and smile, don't be negative.

Good luck

30 Nov 06 - 02:32 AM (#1896254)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Head held high and positive thoughts. thanks again for your support.

30 Nov 06 - 04:13 AM (#1896280)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Zany Mouse

Pat: I'm so sorry to hear, although, to be honest, it sounds like you're better off without the wretched job.

I had a boss like that at one time, who again got rid of me just before Christmas. As it worked out it was the best thing EVER for me. I printed out a load of CVs and dropped them into all the major firms of solicitors in central London. Several contacted me and I landed my plumb job, which lasted until the end of my working life. I hope you have a similar experience.

My old boss was so awful that when he was diagnosed with cancer he asked me if I would tell the rest of the department. I went round everyone and, to a man, they all grinned and said things like "Oh I DO hope it won't hurt him. Laughter". If this makes my old department sound dreadful, they weren't!

Anyway, enough of that. Just want to wish you all the luck in the world. Go along to see the Citizen's Advice Bureau to see if they can help, so send you to a freebie agency that can. When you have all you can get out of him, then MOVE ON and enjoy a new challenge.


30 Nov 06 - 04:34 PM (#1896859)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Richard Bridge

Take the deal - it sounds as if it isn't Acas (or lawyer) approved, so you can't waive unfair dismissal rights. Take the money. Then complain and file unfair dismissal. Employment Tribunal will be very helpful.

Before it happens again, join a union.

02 Dec 06 - 01:25 AM (#1898060)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

I've got an interview on either tuesday or wednesday. Its with a company that make special caps for people going through chemo. It stops their hair falling out.They were good customers when I had the other job. I e-mailed the MD with my CV just before I left on thursday,and he liked it. I've seen the job spec and I can do it. I'm being positive about this and feel its right for me.

Pat x

02 Dec 06 - 01:45 AM (#1898064)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: JennieG

Fingers crossed Pat!

Several years ago I left a job because my boss was a bully - he couldn't see it, but he was. He took over as my boss when I had been in the job for a few years, and I stayed 2-1/2 years until it became too stressful. I didn't pursue it further, as I just wanted to get away and have nothing more to do with him. When I left I walked out with my head held high, smiling; people who knew me knew why I was leaving, and that was all I cared about. But when - as my boss - he made a speech farewelling me, he couldn't speak highly enough of me....and all I could think was "you hypocritical bastard!"

I have had 3 jobs (by choice) since then, have been in my present one for over 4 years, and all is well in my world.


02 Dec 06 - 06:08 AM (#1898164)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

Well done Pat.

How did it go with the redundancy issue? I don't mean how much you got or whatever, but more about how it was all handled on the day.

02 Dec 06 - 06:16 AM (#1898170)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,memyself

'he couldn't speak highly enough of me....and all I could think was "you hypocritical bastard!"'

I don't mean this as a comment on your experience, but just a general observation. Sometimes people don't realize how abrasive they are. My sister once worked for a man who, she says, was constantly criticizing her work and was generally unpleasant to her. When after a year or two she told him she was quitting, he seemed very disappointed - and was quite surprised when she told him bluntly that she felt she was doing him a favour by quitting, since it had seemed clear that he had always been dissatisfied with her work ...

I realize that's not the same as someone out to make your life hell ...

04 Dec 06 - 12:11 AM (#1899334)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

The redundancy was handled in a very legal fashion. I was consulted on the monday and was out the door on thursday. I took some advice first, just to make sure that I was getting the right deal.

The knowledge that I never have to listen to my ex boss shout and swear, or bang his head on the desk ever again make me feel happy.
Particularly the head banging, it always made me feel a little scared, like he was out of control.

Its monday morning and I feel fine.

Pat x

04 Dec 06 - 01:27 AM (#1899355)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Micca

I remember that feeling Pat, I wish you good luck and all the best in your future ventures, I am thinking of you, Micca

"The moving finger writes, and having writ
moves on, and all your pety nor wit
can call it back to cancel half a line
nor all your tears wash out a word of it"
Omar Khyyam trans Fitzgerald

04 Dec 06 - 05:50 AM (#1899439)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: JennyO

Yes, if your boss bangs his head on the table, you would have a faint suspicion that he is out of control ;-)

I'm sure there's a much better job out there waiting for you, and one day you will be able to look back and see that he did you a real favour letting you go. Lousy timing of course, just before Christmas. Just hang in there, do what you have to do and things are bound to get better soon!

The bad timing reminds me of a job I had some years back. My boss who had hired me a couple of years earlier, who was a lovely guy, became terminally ill with cancer. Meanwhile the company had been swallowed up by a bigger company, and a lot of us knew our jobs were uncertain. They chose the day of his funeral to hand us our notices. Really crummy!

04 Dec 06 - 08:29 AM (#1899540)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: kendall

Guest lox, thank you. I wish you had been around to say that to my old Chief of enforcement. He didn't like my report writing because I refused to use that gobbledegook called "governmentese".
He sent me to report writing school, and the first thing the instructor said was, "If you want to say 'Mary had a little lamb, then say, Mary had a little lamb. Do NOT say, Mary possessed a diminutive sheep."
Others were surprised that he sent me to school because they appreciated my clarity of thought.

An example of governmentese, A critical, high response area. Translation, a potential trouble spot.

04 Dec 06 - 09:36 AM (#1899607)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Lox

I really must remember to sign in.

My pleasure Kendall.

I didn't say anything about your clarity of thought though. ;'p

04 Dec 06 - 11:14 AM (#1899709)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Micca

You can always rely on kendall to call a spade a vertically applied soil lifter and digging implement

04 Dec 06 - 11:41 AM (#1899741)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Donuel

Corporations save money when people quit vs. being fired so cruelty is designed to make people quit. For those who do not succumb to cruelty there are impossible transfers designed to make people quit.
For those who still hold on a false report of an infraction, demotion or a fire - rehire within 24 hours without benefits are common. By this time the people who still hang on are at a pay level originally desired by the corporation.

What strikes you as cruelty is a carefully designed deliberate plan.

04 Dec 06 - 04:52 PM (#1900007)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rowan

kendall & lox (and anyone else interested in defeating 'management speak' might be interested in "Death Sentence", a book by Don Watson, castigating the deliberate fouling of people's ability to think and express themselves clearly. Don wants his epitaph to read "He used verbs."

There's also a great website
that gives a free download of a Windoze- and Word-compatible program that allows you to detect and filter management-speak. There's a great back story about the download hidden on Deloitte Touche's website

Sorry about the lack of hotlink.

Cheers, Rowan

05 Dec 06 - 05:26 AM (#1900333)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Flash Company

Hi Pat, Been there! They always time it to happen just before Christmas.
When it happened to me in 1997 I had a word with a friend in the legal profession who put me in touch with an employment expert in his company. He gave me all the info I needed to fight the thing on my own for free over the telephone.
I also had any number of Employment Agency Contacts built up over the years, and started calling in favours.
The outcome was that I had a temp posting in my normal line of business in three days from being given notice and I also talked my redundancy package up to more than double the original offer (they couldn't risk a tribunal!)
Also, as I was 60 at the time, the rules of the Pension Scheme were such that my departure had to be considered 'Early Retirement' and my pension under the scheme had to paid out immediately and enhanced to age 63.
I temped my way through the 5 years to normal Retirement age, during which time I was out of work for just one day, and had a load of fun, If you are not employed by the bastards, you don't have to take the bull!
My main advice would be to grab any work that comes your way, you have a better chance of progressing if you are in the tent....... well you know the rest of the saying!


05 Dec 06 - 01:43 PM (#1900779)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Mrs.Duck

Sorry to hear this, Pat. I am now into my second year after being made redundant and still no sign of a new job but I'll be thinking of you and look forward to hearing that you got the job after the interview!

05 Dec 06 - 01:49 PM (#1900782)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Got a phone call this aft and the interview is tomorrow at 3.00pm.
Any positive thoughts in my general direction very happily received.



PS Hope 2007 wiil be the year you get your perfect job Jane, pat xxxx

05 Dec 06 - 02:17 PM (#1900810)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Alan Day

Being made redundant is the best thing that happened to me .It requires a positive attitude.You start work at the same time as you did before you were made redundant and work until your normal finish time 9-5.You create your own luck by your efforts.Do not sit back and wait for the work to come to you it does not happen.
If you wish to start your own business it is possible whilst drawing the dole.If you are honest they will accept that you will notify them when you receive money and subsequently sign off.The fact that you may hold up payment to yourself is not illigal and organise it to suit yourself when you are ready.It has been the making of many,you choose what you always wanted to do and finally you can go back and piss into your ex bosses inkwell!!

05 Dec 06 - 03:25 PM (#1900874)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Helen


I'm sending you all the best wishes I can, and then some. You don't know what might be waiting for you now that you are not tied to that negative situation. Better things ahead!


05 Dec 06 - 04:59 PM (#1900956)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: kendall

I usually endevour to eschew obfuscation.

06 Dec 06 - 12:01 PM (#1901580)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Er........"eschew obfuscation"

Anyway, I had the first interview at 3.00pm today and have just received a call from the general manager to say I'm through to the second which will take place next week sometime. I asked him about my interview and he said they had been impressed with me - how good is that.
So I'm having a glass of wine and thinking positive thoughts for the future.
Thanks for all your kind words and support

your friend,

Pat xx

06 Dec 06 - 02:31 PM (#1901703)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Mrs.Duck

Sounds very promising - will be rooting for you!

06 Dec 06 - 05:06 PM (#1901856)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rowan

That's excellent Pat!

07 Dec 06 - 12:31 PM (#1902541)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Good on ya!!!!

07 Dec 06 - 03:18 PM (#1902662)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: fat B****rd

What else can I say. Go Girl.

15 Dec 06 - 02:38 PM (#1910440)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Partridge

My interview was cancelled and rescheduled for monday 18th @ 4.00pm.
Any positive thoughts at that time would be appreciated,



15 Dec 06 - 02:41 PM (#1910445)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: fat B****rd

Same again from me, Pat. Good Luck.

15 Dec 06 - 04:38 PM (#1910524)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Greycap

I've been made redundant once too - it's absolutely hateful. Just remember it was only a job, you have your self-respect and you will get another job, you will.
Don't let the piss-poor Christmas timing get you down, things will improve-for a start, you don't have to work for that pillock much longer,
Be sturdy at this time,

22 Dec 06 - 11:28 AM (#1916787)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Partridge

I got a phone call today from the MD to say that if I wanted the job I could start on 15/01/07. king Brilliant!

Its a good company to work for with all sorts of benefits. I felt it was a good place to be.

I'm so happy, it was worth putting up with over two years at my last job just to get this. I believe 2007 is going to be good.

My very best to all of you who kept my spirits up.


Pat xxxx

22 Dec 06 - 11:47 AM (#1916804)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: jacqui.c

What good news - the Christmas elves have been working well for you.

22 Dec 06 - 12:29 PM (#1916831)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: artbrooks

Good for you...congratulations!!

22 Dec 06 - 02:22 PM (#1916903)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: fat B****rd

I'm pleased for you, Pat. Well done
PS Would somebody please look at my thread Tune Req. What Is This Tune Please.

22 Dec 06 - 04:56 PM (#1917008)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Slag

Once there was a man who went to his Doctor and said "Doc, I have this terrible pain in my butt and I don't know what to do about it." The Doc said, " Well take off your dawers and let's have a look." The man dropped his trousers and underware and sure enough, the man had little red sores all over both buttocks. Some were infected and there were many scars where other sores had healed. The Doctor said, "I've never seen anything like this. Do you have any idea of what may be causing this?"

The man replied, "Oh, I know what is causing it. It's from sitting on tacks."

"Well," said the Doctor, "I would think the solution is self-evident. Stop sitting on tacks!"

"Oh, I would, I would," the man sobbed "but I can't. That's my JOB!"

Bid a greatful Farewell to your tacks, Partridge. May God bless you with a more fulfilling vocation or location, whichever will give you a more comfortable position for your posterior!

22 Dec 06 - 10:25 PM (#1917201)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rowan

Hope you have a happy Christmas Pat; you're sure to have a great New Year.

Cheers, Rowan

22 Dec 06 - 11:49 PM (#1917257)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: JennieG

That's good to hear! Best wishes for 2007, it will be much better than the last couple of years have been.


23 Dec 06 - 03:24 AM (#1917287)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Rasener

Proves the point - when one door closes another opens.
Well done Pat

23 Dec 06 - 05:59 AM (#1917337)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Paul from Hull

Ah, good for you!

I'm pleased for you!

23 Dec 06 - 09:29 AM (#1917413)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: GUEST,Noreen

Great news, Pat! What timing too- you have an extended holiday over the festive season whilst knowing you have a lovely new job to start, with time to prepare. This will be good!

I got good news today too- I will be promoted on April 1st in a permanent job I'm thoroughly enjoying, working with lovely people.

We always knew things would get better :0)

23 Dec 06 - 02:43 PM (#1917601)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Partridge

Too right Noreen, it was the only way to go!
Have a brill christmas, it would be nice to meet up sometime in 2007 - I've missed you

Pat x

23 Dec 06 - 05:00 PM (#1917692)
Subject: RE: BS: been made redundant
From: Zany Mouse

Very well done. You've earned it. I hope the new job is everything you want it to be.
