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Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06

07 Dec 06 - 09:28 AM (#1902395)
Subject: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

I will be rolling south again in the van this weekend for some nautical singing and if you're anywhere nearby, please join the gathering.

I'll be joining the South Street Sea Port Chantey Sing, Seamen's Church, 8 pm, Saturday, December 9th, in New York City.

According to Eric's directions:

Seamen's Church Institute is located 1 1/2 blocks South of the Brooklyn Bridge, on Water Street. If you reach the Titanic Memorial Lighthouse, You have gone 1 1/2 blocks too far South. Usually, we start getting inside about 7:45 pm, to help set up chairs. You may have to rattle the door to get let in, there's no bell. Once inside you need to go to the second floor.

It's my understanding that the Radio Mexico restaurant, the traditional before Chantey Sing gathering place, has been forced to close. Anyone have a suggestion of what alternative place folks might be gathering before the Sing?

There's always a good group of singers present at this gathering and I'm certainly looking forward to another round!

Cheerily, Charley Noble

Thread title and this post changed per Charley Noble and Barry.

07 Dec 06 - 02:41 PM (#1902638)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

I've been corrected that the Radio Mexico is still afloat until the end of December. I will be meeting Al and some of the rest of the gang there for din-din on or about 6 pm. You and 8 million other NYC residents are cordially invited as well.

Charley Noble

07 Dec 06 - 03:11 PM (#1902657)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Wesley S

I can't promise anything but I'll be up from Texas for the day. My wife has a business meeting way downtown. I'll print out the directions and try to drop by. I'll be the balding Texan freezing his ass off.

07 Dec 06 - 03:20 PM (#1902663)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble


Not to worry! It's supposed to be up in the forties again.

If you're already based "downtown" it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to reach the South Street Sea Port area by subway; it's also a couple of blocks east of Chinatown if that helps, in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge.

It's also my understanding that Debra Cowan is in the City this weekend and may drop in; she's a fine nautical singer as well.

Charley Noble

07 Dec 06 - 06:14 PM (#1902842)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: InOBU

If I can't make it there, I will be there in spirit, cheers lorcan

07 Dec 06 - 06:38 PM (#1902865)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06

Charlie - I hope it goes well. The recent Getaway reminded me that NYC is not - truly - that far away from Maine. Not this time but perhaps another.....

08 Dec 06 - 01:40 AM (#1903158)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Barry Finn

Have a great time Charlie. Ah, this was how I found the other thread. What thread? Don't ask. Ya Charlie what Deb just said, another time.


08 Dec 06 - 03:56 AM (#1903211)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: stallion

Wish everyone Merry christmas and a happy and PROSPEROUS new year from the three of us.

08 Dec 06 - 08:50 AM (#1903390)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Five inches of snow this morning in Maine. How rude! Well, it's always nice to get some morning exercise. Then, it's rolling down the Interstate to old New York:

We're rolling down to them Bowery Docks,
Yes, we're rolling down to them Bowery Docks;
Now we love them South Street girls,
And we'll give them all a whirl;
And we're rolling down to them Bowery Docks!

See you all there!


I'm surprised that at least one of you three are not in NYC this time around. How about next April when we plan our next foray?

Charley Noble

08 Dec 06 - 04:36 PM (#1903833)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Crane Driver

Have a great time, Charley - it's a bit far for us, but we'll be thinking of you!

Andrew & Carole

08 Dec 06 - 09:54 PM (#1904095)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Andrew and Carole-

Well, I was listening to your new CD on the way down; it was good company.

I was also enjoying my new CD's of Stormalong John and The Press Gang Collection.

I did arrive safely in Brooklyn. The worst part of the driving was Maine and New Hampshire, nasty ice on the roads and blowing snow, and fouling up the windshield on a regular basis.

Saturday I get to join my brother's dog run at Prospect Park, and amazing cooperative activity where people are permitted to let their dogs run loose in a large area of the park from 7 to 9 am. The dogs love it and everyone seems to be willing to clean up after their dogs and monitor their behavior. Sadly, I'm going to miss next weekend's annual "Bark the Herald Canines Sing" but if anyone is interested I could post some of the parody songs that my brother's wife has composed.

Tommorow we run over to Red Hook and check out the slow redevelopment of that former working waterfront. There are some lovely old brick warehouses that are being converted into artist and residential space, that I checked out a few years ago. And apparently there is now a new supermarket there with a cafe overlooking the harbor.

Eventually I'll work my way back to South Street Sea Port to join the gang at Radio Mexico at 6 pm.

Charley Noble

09 Dec 06 - 09:08 AM (#1904441)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: JudyB

The dog run is indeed an amazing thing - but I'm not at all sure I could cope with several hundred canines barking along to

   I'm barking of a white Christmas
   Just like the ones I used to know
   Where the fire plugs glisten
   And puppies listen
   To hear squirrels in the snow...

At least not before my second cup of coffee!

JudyB (not a morning person)

09 Dec 06 - 11:19 AM (#1904553)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: stallion

we are saving up for a trip to Boston & Maine in October 2007, (saving up Brownie points you understand!). Take care

09 Dec 06 - 02:21 PM (#1904679)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Barry Finn

Hi Peter
Can you time it for the Getaway on the 1st weekend of Nov? They'll be a bunch from Boston North that'll be heading South.
Stay for a while.

09 Dec 06 - 03:06 PM (#1904712)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Brrrrrr! It was majorly cold this morning when we were running with the dogs in Prospect Park. Danali, my brother's Italian hunting dog had great fun. He's very well padded and everyone loves him, gives him treats, and he's got his own pack of canine admirers, a truly international bunch. Oh, and here's a sampleof one of the holiday parodies:

Bark! The Llaso Apros sing,
Glory to the canine thing;
Treats on earth and mercy mild,
Dogs and squirrels reconciled;
Joyful all ye pitbulls rise,
Join cavorting labs on high;
With a howl we do proclaim
Dog is born in Bethlehem;
Bark! The Llaso Apros sing,
Glory to the canine thing!

The musical entertainment this morning was a children's show that my sister-in-law is involved with, roughly based on the three little pigs. She worked up several of the songs and was doing back-up guitar. The little girls who did the singing and dancing did quite well, as did the big bad wold despite the fact that he looked as if he had had another hard boozing night and a resulting hang-over. But in the end he became a more mellow vegetarian wolf and everyone lived happily ever after!

Lunch at Red Hook's new Fairway Supermarket was a success. They have a sandwich shop and a glassed in porch area where one can view the harbor. It doesn't look as if the surrounding area, the lovely old brick warehouses, has been converted yet into multi-million dollar condominiums but that will eventually happen. Get in early and dig in for the long haul!

Now I'm back at my brother's house relaxing, checking out my songs for this evening. See some of you later this evening at the Radio Mexico.

Charley Noble

10 Dec 06 - 09:57 AM (#1905312)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: JudyB

Hmmm - no update yet this morning. Just how late did you folks sing??

All the best,

10 Dec 06 - 11:45 AM (#1905381)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

So mind them fine flash frigates,
In their flying colours gay,
Or soon they'll clear your lockers out
"Long Ratcliff Highway!

Well, last evening was a fine combination of alarms and diversions!

The evening began promisingly enough as my brother dropped me off within a block of Radio Mexico Restaurant, and when I swept in there were Frank and Al already at a table, and I hove to in a vacant chair and called for a brew. By the time we had ordered dinner several other chantysingers had joined us and everyone had a fine time stuffing themselves with seaboot frijitas and belayingpin tostados. Then we rolled out the door and over to the Seamen's Church and waited for the key-person, and we waited, and we waited. We were running out of verses to Roll the Old Chariot ( Another rum toddy wouldn't do us any harm!) when Sister Mary, who hosts the sings, hove into view. We all gave a cheer! But, alas, she didn't have a key. But she knew who to call. We all gave a cheer! But, alack, she found out that the key-person was sick, and that the back-up person was unavailable. No key... What a sorry lot we was, 30 of us poor souls clustered around the doorway of the Church trying to figure out what to do next. Well, we began moving slowly back to the Radio Mexico when one of our scouts pointed out that the tavern on the corner, Meade's at 251 Water Street, appeared largely vacant and warm, and with a rush and a cheer we occupied the place. We had a fine time singing upstairs for a while, and then were invited downstairs so that the barmaid wouldn't have to walk so far, and we were down below till after 11. A couple of regulars appeared amused at our presence. They offered no resistence being greatly outnumbered. The kitchen staff would periodically appear to check out the unusual singing. I'm sure that the ghosts in the wall cavities were also hugely amused.

Mostly we led traditional chanties, it being difficult to maneuver instruments, let alone tune and play them in the space. I did manage to contribute "Wake Up Susiana" at an early stage as a follow-up to several Santianna chanties; few people there were familiar with this precursor to the Everley Brothers famous hit song but they seemed to pick up on the refrain lines. Eric did a reading of the Ruth Moore poem, "Charlie and the Weir."

Other regulars included Jan, Eric, Hillary, Ali, Ken, Gus and about two dozen others. I'm good a remembering lyrics but bad at remembering names. Other outside guests included Deb Cowan and the friend she'll be singing with next Saturday at the People's Voice Cafe.

At one point in the evening there was a run of Titanic songs which I was interpreting to the regulars at the bar. The barmaid did quite well with appreciative tips and she was singing along with some of the more familiar chanties. Al led the Harry Robertson song about the Antarctic Whalermen, and we all shivered our timbers in time. Ken and Ali were in great form, and Frank was an inspiration to watch and hear. And what was that new Liverpool song that Jan introduced? At one point Frank brought the house down with "The Old Dun Cow" and three of us had fun adding verses to "When Jones' Ale Was New;" I contributed the verses with "the financeer with a cellphone in each ear" and "the sailor who was no digney bailer." At one point I broke out the banjo for "The Outside Track" but had to retune in the middle of the song; the poor old banjo was getting more and more bewildered about where it was.

It's nice to know that this NYC nautical crowd can still conduct a successful chantey raid. I'm sure they'll find a warm welcome at the Meade's Bar Restaurant & Raw Bar (anyone know a good rhyme for "Meade's"?) if they're ever locked out of the Seamen's Church again, and it may well prove a good place to dine and drink before the next chantey sing, given the uncertain future of Radio Mexico.

Anyway, thanks again for all the hospitality, and especially to Al who dropped me off at my brother's place in Brooklyn afterwards. You're all invited to the Press Room in Portsmouth, NH, next Saturday, from 3:30 to 7:30 pm, where the doors are always unlocked and our corner is cozy warm.

Charley Noble, lazing about in Brooklyn

10 Dec 06 - 06:13 PM (#1905711)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: stallion

sounds like a riot! surprisingly we sang in most of the bars we visited last year and were warmly recieved, even given free beers (maybe "Have this last one on the house" was a hint to leave!)

11 Dec 06 - 08:20 AM (#1906224)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Back to Maine this morning! Looks like a great day for driving, assuming I can find my way out of this City.

I did have great fun here, and I'm looking for even more fun when I come back in the spring.

Charley Noble

11 Dec 06 - 11:09 AM (#1906390)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Greg B

That's not Sister Mary, that's REVEREND Mary...Mary's an
ordained Episcopal priest!

11 Dec 06 - 12:57 PM (#1906504)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: DebC

Yes it was a lot of fun. We had a great time and introduced Sandy (1/3 of our wee contingent) to sea-faring music. She is now hooked. :-)

The friend who was with me and will be with me at People's Voice Cafe is John O'Connor, a fabulous musician and an excellent songwriter. You might recall him as part of a Seattle-based group in the 1980s called Shay's Rebellion.

I have coaxed John out of his self-imposed exile from performing to do the gig with me this Saturday. I have two songs on my website that you can give a listen to.

Hope to see some of you at PVC on Dec. 16. and I hope to do a few more chantey sings with the New York crowd.


11 Dec 06 - 06:01 PM (#1906843)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Rev. Mary! Thanks, Greg, for the correction. You would have enjoyed the chantey raid, I'm sure.


Thanks for identifying your friends. Gosh, I believe that I met John O'Connor years ago when I was running the Portland (ME) Folk Club. I'm glad they were not spooked by the general confusion. I was amused myself, once we got off the street and into some place warm where we could sing (and drink!).

I'm back in Maine after a delightfully uneventful drive. 420 miles, one way, is a little much for attending these chantey sings every month but I will plan a multifaceted foray for this spring.

Charley Noble

12 Dec 06 - 05:21 PM (#1907769)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble


12 Dec 06 - 05:28 PM (#1907779)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: GUEST,Spindrift

Charlie, Thanks for the narrative. I didn't realize how much fun we were having until it was almost over. ................ Al

13 Dec 06 - 01:30 PM (#1908557)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble


There were some tense moments before it became a glorious evening.

I don't think we scared anyone away but I was surprised that they were so empty on a Saturday evening. That may not bode well for Meade's long-term survival.

Charley Noble

13 Dec 06 - 07:32 PM (#1908934)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Greg B

Most of the business that South Street places get is during the
week--- the Wall Street and allied crowd, after work, drinking
the stresses away. Saturday night is really pretty quiet. Folks
are further uptown in the clubs on the weekends.

Perhaps this was a proof-of-concept. It's always good to have a
fall-back for a chantey-sing. A pub-sing venue isn't a bad idea
anyway, and perhaps someone could persuade said Tavern to host
a pub-sing in between chantey-sings. Or maybe Pinewoods could
use them as a venue.

Heaven knows, singers drink enough beer!

13 Dec 06 - 10:53 PM (#1909037)
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to NYC 12/9/06
From: Charley Noble

Meade's is not a bad tavern. I've certainly been in worse ones (in fact Roll & Go was singing in one this evening in Portland). We initially tried out the 2nd floor which was set up for dining and that space in my opinion worked better than the bar area in terms of overall space. Well, that makes logical sense given that there wasn't a bar upstairs. Still, if the 2nd floor is used an effort needs to be made to leave a few tables available for evening diners, say the ones closest to the stairway.

I'm not sure that there was much beer consumed (I did my share), but I was pleased that someone got the idea of passing the hat so that the barmaid got a reasonable tip for our use of her workplace.

Charley Noble