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Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave

09 Dec 06 - 06:31 AM (#1904354)
Subject: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,Andy

Information for all folkies within striking distance of Kiveton Park Folk Club. Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher are guests at our Xmas party on Tuesday 19th December. Firm club favourites these two guys and increasingly popular on the festival and club scene. Great musicianship,   two fine voices, a warm stage presence and a good dose of wit will make this a grand festive bash. There'll be plenty of seasonal grub, the usual cheap bar, a welcoming crowd of folks and some great gob-oppening chorus songs. Entry will be £5 and for that you'll get one of the best evenings to be had in the area for many a while. Space is limited, for safety and comfort but there are a few seats left. If anyone fancies a visit give us a ring on Sheffield 2879592 to reserve a place,(but be quick!!) Please don't arrive unannounced, the 'house full' sign may be up and I would hate to turn folk away. Kick-off 8.30 by the way.
Regards and Merry Xmas to all.


09 Dec 06 - 06:59 AM (#1904368)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Zany Mouse

I love KPFC Christmas parties - some of the best around. Mick and I will be there.


09 Dec 06 - 09:45 AM (#1904480)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Goldengob

And we're certainly looking forward to it - will there be room for us to get in?
Dave F

09 Dec 06 - 09:51 AM (#1904484)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Zany Mouse

Maybe not!!!


09 Dec 06 - 09:58 AM (#1904491)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,Andy

Certainly plenty of room for you Dave, mainly at the front. Also for that other bloke what comes with you, whatsizname??

See yer then mates.


09 Dec 06 - 12:05 PM (#1904590)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Sooz

Will Bill be wearing a Santa hat and a smile?

09 Dec 06 - 01:47 PM (#1904666)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,John

As a Kiveton regular, I've already got a seat booked for my bum, so no worries for me, but I'd recommend the club and the guests to anyone and everyone.Pity there's limited space, because with Bill and Dave it's going to be another of those great Kiveton evenings. Grab a space if you can but hurry, they'll go fast!

Big J

09 Dec 06 - 04:04 PM (#1904762)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: r.padgett

Santa hat smile and nothing else??

10 Dec 06 - 06:35 AM (#1905196)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,Andy

Ray, you have put a very disturbing picture into my head with that last comment!! Shan't sleep tonight because of it. Bill Whaley in nowt but a Santa hat? Horrific! We want folks to turn up, not stay away. I shall insist that Bill remains fully clothed for the whole evening, don't want to put people off their grub! Seriously though, were heading for a fantastic club night, if anyone wants to attend, please ring first to confirm a seat.


11 Dec 06 - 03:12 AM (#1906042)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,Andy

Eight days to go and there are only spaces for 12 people left, get in while yer can!


11 Dec 06 - 03:21 AM (#1906043)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Rasener

Have a good one with Bill & Dave. The salt of the earth from Lincolnshire :-)

17 Dec 06 - 07:54 AM (#1911663)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: GUEST,Andy

Just two days to go now to our Xmas bash with Bill and Dave. Six spaces left till we're full. Anyone wanting to come should ring me on the number in the first posting, to reserve a seat. Looking forward to a great night!

Regards and seasons greetings to all.

17 Dec 06 - 10:40 AM (#1911772)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Sooz

Bill told me that he's planning to wear a red thong with white pompoms.

20 Dec 06 - 10:56 AM (#1914807)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave

Thanks to all who braved the cold night to come and see us last night - the "seasonal grub" was worth the trip!
Hope you enjoyed listening to us as much as we enjoyed singing for you
Dave F

20 Dec 06 - 11:14 AM (#1914837)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Strollin' Johnny

Sorry to have missed it, Andy Dave and Bill. I'm sure it was a great night. I was busy rehearsing! ("Bloody good job, you need it", I hear you chorus! LOL!)
Have a good Christmas guys.

21 Dec 06 - 04:19 AM (#1915481)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Sooz

Did Bill wear the thong?

21 Dec 06 - 06:23 AM (#1915551)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Goldengob

He didn't even thing the thong!

21 Dec 06 - 06:44 AM (#1915563)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Rasener


21 Dec 06 - 07:34 AM (#1915593)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Strollin' Johnny

My God, what a thought!!   ROFL!

21 Dec 06 - 08:28 AM (#1915628)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Banjo-Flower

21 Dec 06 - 08:32 AM (#1915632)
Subject: RE: Kiveton FC Xmas Party with Bill &Dave
From: Banjo-Flower

Is that the title of the next C D "Thinginging thongs with Bill&Dave"

Gerry (who hits the "submit before writing the message dyslexit or what