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BS: Super Hero movies

12 Dec 06 - 05:36 PM (#1907793)
Subject: BS: Super Hero movies
From: RangerSteve

I just saw Spiderman II on DVD. I think both Spiderman films were the best of the bunch. X-Men, i and II were also pretty good, but I never got around to seeing the 3rd one. I never saw the Hulk and Fantastic Four, but judging from the reviews, Marvel should just concentrate on Spiderman movies from now on.
I'm tired of Superman, it's been done from every angle. I can't find any fault with the numberous films and TV shows, but I've just lost interest.
The first Batman and Batman Begins were good, the rest, in my opinion didn't need to be made. They tried to fit too many villains in to each movie, except for the one with the Penguin, which was kind of grotesque, even if Danny Devito did an excellent job.
My picks for future movies: Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Flash. (There was a short-lived TV show of the Flash, and it was great, but the network kept moving it around and hardly anyone saw it.
Back to Spiderman - I liked the idea that neither Green Goblin or Dr. Octopus wanted to be in their respective positions. It was hinted in SMII that it'll happen again in the sequel, and it may get kind of old by then. Of course, no Marvel super hero wants to be a hero either, it's one of the things that made them so successful.
And I like the idea that SM has problems like the rest of us. It's so much easier to relate to a guy that has to make excuses for not paying the rent.
So, what are your favorite Super Hero movies, and who would you like to see on film who hasn't made it yet?


12 Dec 06 - 05:44 PM (#1907802)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Wesley S

I understand they're working on an Ironman movie. We'll see how bad that turns out. To me these superhero movies start out alright - the first hour or so are pretty good. But they get silly at the end - just like most James Bond movies. I'm not sure which character I'd like to see next. I'll get back to you on that one.

12 Dec 06 - 05:45 PM (#1907804)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Cluin

I know this isn't a help, but I hate superhero movies. I think they're stupid. Just my opinion. To each his own cup of tea. Enjoy.

12 Dec 06 - 05:50 PM (#1907811)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Liz the Squeak

The X-Men movies are worth watching just for Hugh Jackman..... drool drool....


12 Dec 06 - 05:54 PM (#1907813)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Lox

Hulk was absolutely superb.

Very highly reccommended.

Very comic book oriented, and requires a little patience initially, but if you last the first hour your patience will be more than rewarded.

Found myself laughing with glee in a way that small children do.

12 Dec 06 - 05:54 PM (#1907814)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Wesley S

Liz - That's something you and my wife seem to agree on.

12 Dec 06 - 06:34 PM (#1907856)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Midchuck

I kind of liked the X-Men movies. Dumb, but I think Whatzizname, Jackman, nailed the Wolverine character surprisingly well.


12 Dec 06 - 07:00 PM (#1907887)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

'The Incredibles' is the best ever.

'Fantastic 4' is actually quite a good film by Hollywood super hero movie standards.

but then, i never bother with reading film critics
or watching TV movie review shows..

so what would i know !!???

and anyway, the DVD was in a sale at woolworths..

..and as for 'Daredevil.. least it seems the writer/director tried to make a darker, nastier,
drama for adults about a psychotic & brual disabled vigilante..
before the studio cut it down for a kiddie audience age rating.

[waiting to see the the recently released directors cut DVD with 30 mins of plot reinstated is any better..]

dunno how well a new big budget CGI extravaganza remake of Dr Strange
would work out !!!???

12 Dec 06 - 07:05 PM (#1907894)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Elmer Fudd

My favorite superhero movie: Gandhi

12 Dec 06 - 07:07 PM (#1907899)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: bobad

The Pink Panther is mine.

12 Dec 06 - 07:09 PM (#1907902)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Becca72

One of my favorite cartoons as a child was "Justice League". I wouldn't mind seeing them put that together and getting all the heros involved.

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice....

12 Dec 06 - 07:15 PM (#1907905)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Cluin

I like hero movies, like Indiana Jones. Just find it silly to see these guys running around in tights trying to look tough. Though the old Batman series on TV with Adam West made it work. *snicker*

I often wonder if Spiderman lived out on the Prairies instead of the big city, would his theme song still be as rousing if he had to walk everywhere?

That or else just keep swinging around and around that one grain elevator, looking for crime to fight.

12 Dec 06 - 07:34 PM (#1907919)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: RangerSteve

How could I forget the Incredibles? That was definately among the top 5.
I don't know if the Phantom rates as a superhero, but it's also one of my favorites, partly because I grew up with the comic strip, and he has now super powers, or even gadgets like Batman has, but he still does OK for himself.
I also enjoyed "The Shadow", again, maybe now a Superhero, and it didn't do well in the theaters, but I liked it as light-weight entertainment and the acrophobic views of New York were great.

Lox, you sold me on the Hulk. Even if it's bad, DVD rentals are pretty cheap.


12 Dec 06 - 07:51 PM (#1907932)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

Btw.. "Shark boy and Lava Girl" 3D was a good laugh..

but i was blind drunk on farmhouse cider
and having problems focusing
through the 3D glasses..

12 Dec 06 - 08:53 PM (#1907963)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Amergin

The dark Batmn movies were pretty good...I love Batmn Begins....

V for Vendetta is fabulous....

13 Dec 06 - 05:20 AM (#1908203)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Geoff the Duck

Enjoyed X-Men and Spiderman. Believable super powers and characters with personal and moral "issues". I enjoyed Michael Keaton as a very "screwed-up" batman.
Hulk was abysmally bad. The story had abslutely nothing to do with Bruce Banner being a hero. The Hulk didn't appear until about the last 20 minutes of a 7 hour movie (At least that's how long it felt watching the paint dry on the walls of the set) and when he did appear all he did was run away in extremely badly animated "magical leaps" of about a quarter mile per step.
Main trouble with too many films about characters which already exist (Comic books, Old TV series (Addams Family / Beverley Hillbillies)etc.) is that the whole film is a story of how they became the character. WE KNOW the characters already, what we want is a new fun story seeing them do what we already know they can do.


13 Dec 06 - 07:50 AM (#1908294)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: jacqui.c

Favourite - X-Men and I liked the third film - saw it on the plane crossing the Pond this year.

I do like the Spiderman movies a lot and my grnadson and I enjoyed Fantastic Four last Christmas. He's six and I'm trying to make sure that he gets a good education now!

Basically I'll watch just about any superhero movie - I liked The League of Extraodinary Gentlemen as well.

Luckily we have two TVs - Kendall just rolls his eyes at my choice of entertainment.....

13 Dec 06 - 09:36 AM (#1908386)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: ranger1

Well, me, I'd like to see Doc Savage done well. Not really a super hero, just a pulp novel character, but one of my favorites. They did a really awful movie in the late 70s. It would be nice to see a good one. Loved The Shadow, Batman Begins, Spiderman and the first two X-Men movies. I have reservations about the third one, due to having grown up reading the comic books.

13 Dec 06 - 09:41 AM (#1908392)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

The Spider-man films have been my favorites of the genre. They nailed the spirit of the comic books.

I am very please that Sam Raimi will be producing (and hopefully directing) a new version of The Shadow. The Shadow is probably my all-time favorite superhero, and the Baldwin film wasn't that bad. Earlier incarnations of the Shadow on film never "got it".   Raimi is also a big fan of the pulps and radio verison, and the script is supposedly being written by someone who worked on a well received DC comic book version back in the '70's.   High hopes for this one.

Also, The Spirit has much promise. I understand it is being done by the people who created Sin City so it should capture the feel of the Eisner stories. The Spirit is a close second, sometimes first, on my all-time favorite list.

Even the "bad" superhero films have had moments. Hulk was boring, but some of the scenes captured the essence of the Hulk. The scene where he destroyed a tank was true comic-book come to life.

The Daredevil directors cut was better than the theatrical release, but not by much. A few scenes helped establish motives a bit more clearly, but overall it wasn't a great effort.

13 Dec 06 - 01:42 PM (#1908575)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: Dave the Gnome

I love superhero movies of all types. I think the Flash TV series contained a made for TV film which was quite enjoyable. Green Lantern would be a must for me though - Loved the comic books as a kid in the late 50's / early 60's. I have an unusual movie on VHS - Dr Strange. Made for TV again but pretty good - John Mills as the old magician teaching Dr Strange his trade. I also have Charles Veils comic book of folk ballads - which is brilliant - and Marvel 1602. Both excelent.

Incidentaly did you know that the X-Men have a character called Madelyne Pryor. Yes, she was named after Maddy:-)



13 Dec 06 - 06:25 PM (#1908837)
Subject: RE: BS: Super Hero movies
From: ranger1

I can't bring myself to see Daredevil. That was my absolute favorite comic book and I can't stand Ben Affleck. Not to mention the leather costume...