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BS: I know Eragon's author

16 Dec 06 - 07:41 PM (#1911379)
Subject: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Alice

If you like fantasy and plan to read or see the film of Eragon, you may enjoy a bit of info about its young author.

Kenneth and Talita Paolini have a son and daughter they home schooled. The Paolinis had successfully escaped from a controlling new age apocalyptic sect headquartered north of Yellowstone at Corwin Springs. They were helping other cult members who were leaving the group while working on a manuscript about the cult organization and its history. I met them then, in the early 90's. Their son, Christopher, finished high school curriculum at home when he was about 15, right when I was home schooling my son for 7th and 8th grades. Their advice and support to homeschool my son was helpful to me.

Christopher loved the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and he loved to draw. His parent's web site then had great drawings of dragons and other fantasy motifs that Christopher created. While his parents learned to self publish their book exposing the cult,400 Years of Imaginary Friends, Christopher was writing on his own. He began Eragon when he was 15, and yes, you can see the influence of his love of Tolkein in the story, but you can also see the Montana landscape of Paradise Valley, where they live... and I can see a portrayal of the controlling evil of the cult his parents escaped from.

When I read his book, I could picture the places near Yellowstone where he had been hiking and camping with his family and where they live in the country. As Kenneth and Talita were self publishing their own book, they also self published Christopher's book. It was a self published copy of "Eragon" purchased in Livingston that piqued the interest of Random House Publishing Co. A columnist for the Miami Herald who had ties to the parent company, Knopf Publishing Co., picked up "Eragon" for his 12-year-old stepson.

Christopher is young, he has time to grow and mature as a writer, but he has a great start, and I'm happy to see his success. When they left the sect, the leader and her followers labeled the Paolinis as evil for leaving the group, and many in the cult expected their complete destruction as a result of turning away from their guru's "path". The group "decreed" the Paolini's destruction. Well, they have raised their children to be well educated, happy and successful. Their was life after the cult. If you want to know the family's story behind the Eragon story, read 400 Years of Imaginary Friends. I'm happy for them. - Alice

16 Dec 06 - 07:54 PM (#1911385)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: McGrath of Harlow

So the book is worth reading - does that apply to the film as well?

16 Dec 06 - 07:55 PM (#1911387)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Alice

Film is not out yet. Don't know.

16 Dec 06 - 08:17 PM (#1911402)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: catspaw49

Wonderful story Alice and great background.   As another aside, not nearly so neat as yours but.............

The folks who did the movie had the Teutuls of Orange County Choppers build one of their theme bikes for the movie. OCC in the form of Paul Junior do some very cool themed bikes. I am always amazed at how this kid can translate something into a motorcycle. I think the Eragon bike is extremely good and shows just what I mean. From the dragon scaled and armored fuel tank to the chain mail on the exhaust to the shield doing duty as a rear fender, you get the feel of things thru a damned bike.   See if you agree by clicking here. Go to page 6 and by clicking on the bike you get a slide show.


16 Dec 06 - 09:52 PM (#1911438)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Alice

Wish I could see that link, spaw, but my browser is too old for it to work. I think I may have seen that bike on a recent Chopper episode when I was tv channel surfing.

16 Dec 06 - 10:47 PM (#1911457)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Janie

My son (age 13 this coming Monday) has really enjoyed the two books out so far. I have read part of both with him and enjoyed what I did read.

He went to see the movie yesterday with some friends for part of birthday party celebration, and was was very disappointed in it, as, apparently were all of the kids. We had planned to go see it on his birthday before he knew that is what his friend had in mind for his own birthday party. On the way home today from the birthday sleep-over, he commented that he was glad we weren't now going to see it for his own birthday. He is not much of a movie critic, but said the movie did not at all follow the plot of the book.


17 Dec 06 - 02:34 AM (#1911523)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Liz the Squeak

Movies seldom do, much to the chagrin of the authors or the disappointment of the lovers of the book.


17 Dec 06 - 11:49 AM (#1911814)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Alice

Mixed reviews of the movie that I have read basically call it a "teenager" movie, relying on lots of special effects to wow the boys who will be looking for Star Wars type chase scene thrills. Because the next Harry Potter movie won't be released this Christmas, marketers were looking for a holiday season fantasy movie.... maybe they rushed production to make sure they could release it now.

17 Dec 06 - 07:32 PM (#1912195)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: McGrath of Harlow

I saw a trailer and got that impression. Shame, it sounds like it could have been really pretty good.

Any film where you actually notice the special effects, rather than just believing in them, I find annoying. I like it when the penny only drops after the film is over that something you saw just couldn't have happened.

That's where the Lord of the Rings scored, and where the first bunch of Star Trek films were better than the prequels. (Though I admit I couldn't be bothered to go to the third of those.)

Still thanks for steering me towards reading the book(s) sometime, Alice.

17 Dec 06 - 09:01 PM (#1912262)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: paddymac

There seems to be a bit a of a buzz for the books among young readers in this area. I saw the film over the weekend, as a random treat for my inner twelve-year-old. Jeremy Irons gave his usual fantastic performance, but his part was too small and he was too soon gone from the story. The basic story line has great potential, but the film didn't come any where near doing it justice. Maybe it was just that the production didn't live up to the expectations generated by the introductory segment. I just hope that this initial offering didn't poison the well for any follow up effort.

18 Dec 06 - 07:07 AM (#1912488)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author

So the book is worth reading - does that apply to the film as well?

I don't know about the film, but the book is an unstructured, badly-written, badly-plotted mess. I could understand if it was vanity-published but how in hell's name did a major publisher get involved with this stuff? It's AWFUL.

11 Apr 07 - 11:51 PM (#2022852)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: GUEST,Alex

I liked the books alot but the movie.... fell in my 11 year old mind it was not like the book

12 Apr 07 - 07:50 AM (#2023016)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: jacqui.c

I liked the first book so much that I'm awaiting delivery of the second book, Eldest.

The influence of LOTR is very obvious but doesn't detract from the achievement of this young man. For his age he has a very mature style of writing and is wise enough not to venture into areas in which he has no experience - there is no real 'love interest' in the book for starters.

I will be interested to see how this lad developes over the next few years.

12 Apr 07 - 08:52 AM (#2023058)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: MMario

I found it interesting that what "love interest" there is in the book is pretty much teen angst - knowing there is an attraction but not really what to do about it; fretting about it, etc. - and the fact that the object of his affections is several hundred years older doesn't help!!!!

12 Apr 07 - 08:55 AM (#2023063)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: jacqui.c

Yes - and the author has the wisdom not to take it to another level. I'm looking forward to the next book, should get it by the middle of next week.

13 Apr 07 - 07:34 AM (#2024016)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Dave the Gnome

I have read both books now but not seen the film. The difference between the first and second books was quite amazing. The first is, understandably considering his age, quite naive and very simply plotted. The second however goes much deeper and shows how much the author has progressed. I am realy looking forward to the final part now. I will wait till the film is out on DVD I think.



13 Apr 07 - 08:32 AM (#2024074)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Donuel

So it is true he was 15! One critc wrote that the dialog betrays his age perfectly.

Well so did young Motzart's music at age 8.

13 Apr 07 - 08:33 AM (#2024077)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Dave the Gnome

Just spotted on Amazon - The DVD is out on Monday so I don't have to wait long:-)


13 Apr 07 - 08:48 AM (#2024090)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: MMario

Jacqui - the third book is coming out next week?

13 Apr 07 - 09:47 AM (#2024165)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: jacqui.c

No Leo - I'm a bit behind on this and have just ordered the second book, which, I hope, will be delivered by next week.

13 Apr 07 - 07:46 PM (#2024721)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: bbc

Alice, as I think you know, my students are grades 3-5. When they recently voted on their favorite book, Eragon came in 3rd, just behind Green Eggs & Ham & Charlotte's Web. Since the other 2 have been around for years & Eragon is pretty long, I felt that was high praise. I was very impressed when I heard that Christopher was 15 when he wrote Eragon & I've shared that information with my students. They thought that was great! Ironically, I, for once, actually preferred the movie over the book; I found it quite entertaining. With no disrespect intended, I felt that the book read as if it were written by a 15 year old, in both plot & sentence structure. For me, that was a negative. For my students, however, it enables them to both read & understand a lengthy fantasy novel. I'm reading through Eldest now, before I add it to my library's collection.

I hope that Christopher was able to make a good deal w/ Random House & that, between the books & movies, his education will be completely covered. It's impressive for him to be where he is at his age! Thanks for letting us know.



14 Apr 07 - 09:05 AM (#2025061)
Subject: RE: BS: I know Eragon's author
From: Dave the Gnome

As I said before, bbc, try the second book. I think you will be very pleasantly surprosed.
