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BS: The earth closet - the future? (closed)

21 Dec 06 - 09:52 AM (#1915705)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: Wolfgang

You may have missed the following as Shambles has not stated his reason for starting this thread in the first post. But you can find an explanation here


21 Dec 06 - 10:08 AM (#1915722)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: Paul from Hull

Wolfgang, I, for one, guessed what it was all about when I saw who'd started this thread.

Its a shame that such an innovative device (for its time) should be sullied by an association with sh*t...

21 Dec 06 - 10:15 AM (#1915734)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: The Shambles

Can you think of a better thread subject than this one for certain posters who show a compulsion and are now encouraged to litter every thread (whatever its clearly titled subject) with scatological references (and worse)?

Bert is that true about club root?

If it is - is there not a way to prevent trouble with one's brassicas and still use the earth closet?

21 Dec 06 - 04:40 PM (#1916063)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: Bill D

".....certain posters who show a compulsion and are now encouraged to litter every thread..."

where DO you get that locuation, Roger? No one is 'encouraging' anyone to do any such thing.

But you know how it is...threads are often subject to 'creep', and what happens depends on context.

22 Dec 06 - 05:09 AM (#1916488)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: The Shambles

No one is 'encouraging' anyone to do any such thing.

Oh No?

The latest example.

Shamby-Pamby what is your problem man? Every swingin' dick in the joint has prettty much told you to get bent but you can't take "Fuck You" for an answer! Let me repeat for your benefit.....FUCK YOU!.....and the horse you rode in on. Matter of fact, you need to notice that your horse was killed by the last windmill you failed to topple but a broke-dick fanook like yourself probably beats animals. Matter of fact we DID see that from you before didn't we? Why not drop this sillyass vendetta against Max? You DO relaize that it is Max you're attacking here don't you? Probably not.....what a fuckin' mook............


Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 08 Dec 06 - 02:04 PM

Well, I used to give you equal treatment, Shambles - but you kept badgering me about that being repressive censorship.
So, you got what you asked for. Catspaw can say what he likes about you, until such time as you stop your incessant campaign against the way we do things here. You are not a nice person, Shambles. Do not expect to be treated nicely.

But you know how it is...threads are often subject to 'creep', and what happens depends on context.

As you are perfectly aware and as demonstrated - this particular 'creep' is a quite intentional attempt now seen to be encouraged by our 'moderators' to encourage other posters that they have some right to prevent other posters from posting their views and to indulge in online group bullying in an (obviously futile) attempt to drive posters away.


Is the problem of club root simply one of brassicas needing a lighter touch - rather than any real problem with rotted human waste as fertiliser?

22 Dec 06 - 05:45 AM (#1916503)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: fat B****rd

Amazing (c. Zara Phillips) that a thread about taking a c**p turns into a mudcatpolitical debate.

22 Dec 06 - 05:47 AM (#1916505)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: John MacKenzie

It was started with that intention.

22 Dec 06 - 09:08 AM (#1916645)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: The Shambles

Complaining about thread creep in the course of carrying out a blatent thread creep of his own - you just couldn't invent The Shambles, could you?

Kevin -

Thread creep is not my concern. I was trying to enable discussion on the earth closet by starting a thread devoted to this subject.

But perhaps you could explain to our forum the difference between what is described as thread creep and what is described as intentionally trying to hYjack a thread?

A posting 'crime' of which I seen to be accused, convicted and am currently serving my punishment for and which certain posters (without receiving any judgment from you) are now seen to be free and encouraged to do by the current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team. With posts containing only personal attacks and name-calling in foul and abusive language from certain favoured posters.

As you do not make any judgement of this - I take you approve of this example being set?   

For would you accept that one's treatment from our 'moderators' and those who would blindly support this unfair treatment (as long as it is imposed on someone else and not them) seems to be to less what is posted - but of who may be posting it?

22 Dec 06 - 09:25 AM (#1916659)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: John MacKenzie

The Unofficial Mudcat Dictionary

Thread creep. adj.
A person who creeps around other peoples' threads on an internet discussion site, adding his own posts, usually totally irrelevant.
AKA. Dipstick, Broke Dick Mammalucca, Fuckwit, Shamby Wamby.

22 Dec 06 - 09:51 AM (#1916675)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: Bert

Shambles started a perfectly reasonable thread about earth closets.

It's not his fault that other $*&*ing idiots don't stick to the subject.

22 Dec 06 - 10:11 AM (#1916700)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: McGrath of Harlow

But it was his fault that he didn't stick to the subject.

22 Dec 06 - 10:42 AM (#1916736)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: The Shambles

But it was his fault that he didn't stick to the subject.

Who was it in the second post to this thread did not stick to the subject and ensured that this thread could not simply be taken at face value?

Why is that poster (and other posters who did not stick to the subject and yourself) not also to subject to your rather selective judgement?

For I assume you also judge it was also my fault that a thread clearly titled 'Closed threads & deleted posts' is seen to be be to be intentionally littered by the current chief of the Mudcat Editing Team with the spam posts that other 'moderators'are busy trying to delete?

And also my fault that it is subjected to intentional attempts to discuss any subject, other that the one in its title including our 'moderators' being seen to encourage (from certain favoured posters) the foul and abusive personal attacks that our forum is assured our 'moderators' are there to protect us from?

Whatever you may think of me - are you prepared to be seen to be willing compromised into indulging in and supporting the bullying and double standards use to justify waht our 'moderators' are now seen to indulge themselves in and encourage other favoured posters to indulge in?

I think the answer is yes. For that is what you are demonstrating.

22 Dec 06 - 11:46 AM (#1916799)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: McGrath of Harlow

There's thread creep, thread drift and thread lurch. I think that last was extreme thread lurch, where a poster desperately heaves at the tiller to move the thread to aiscussion of something important to them, but totally at odds with the thread subject.

This here is thread drift, where the subject reaches out to related areas -
The Disbanding of Shit Shovellers Local 232

I'm reminded of the introduction to the old army Colonel Bogey song -

"We are the shit shovellers shovelling shit on the shit parade.."

22 Dec 06 - 11:49 AM (#1916806)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: John MacKenzie

Methinks this has become another of Roger's hobby horses, another attempt to break out from the imaginary Stalag Einthread.

22 Dec 06 - 11:52 AM (#1916807)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
From: The Shambles

Merry Christmas.
    Thread closed by Joe Offer, for obvious reasons.
    Merry Christmas.
    -Joe Offer-