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BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

21 Dec 06 - 05:41 PM (#1916134)
Subject: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

So - It sounds like the new Harry Potter book title has been announced. Anyone ready to sign up for their copy today? And what will JK write after this one?

21 Dec 06 - 05:44 PM (#1916138)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: wysiwyg

I thought the last one was the last one?


21 Dec 06 - 05:50 PM (#1916143)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

Nope that was year 6. This will be year 7. And it's supposed to be the last.

21 Dec 06 - 05:54 PM (#1916145)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Uncle_DaveO

But getting those fat royalty checks is so habit-forming!

Dave Oesterreich

21 Dec 06 - 05:57 PM (#1916148)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John MacKenzie

She earns more in interest a day than most folks earn in a year of working.

21 Dec 06 - 05:57 PM (#1916149)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

She could always send him on a gap year then on to uni, that takes four years, then of course he will want to take a masters, oh and maybe a years work experience and well harry retires early and ...................harry does an adrian mole? I hope not.

21 Dec 06 - 06:00 PM (#1916152)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

Rowling could always start a series about Dumbledore's early days. My predictions for the next book include Harry fighting his own parents after Valdemore brings them back from the dead. And I think Harry will end up as the professor of the dark arts at Hogwarts. I'll probably be wrong. It won't be the first time.

21 Dec 06 - 06:05 PM (#1916159)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: artbrooks

What odds she kills the little bugger off?

21 Dec 06 - 06:22 PM (#1916174)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Geoff the Duck

I heard the title mentioned on a radio news report when I was in the car. I thought it said The Deadly Hellos.
Anyway, what does it matter - i seems that all she has written so far is the title - He'll be drawing his pension by the time she gets the actual chapters written.

21 Dec 06 - 06:32 PM (#1916179)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ebbie

Do I detect just a smidgen of envy and sour grapes? In my opinion Rowling deserves every penny she has made from the contents of her mind and imagination and skill and ability to entertain. And who knows how many children in future will have learned to take pleasure from books because of her.

In a day when being good at hitting a ball around on grass or bouncing a ball on a wooden floor or throwing a ball from one end of a field to the other can garner millions of bucks I admire cerebral achievement.

21 Dec 06 - 07:00 PM (#1916197)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MAG

If you check out her website you will msee that she is hard at work on #7. You can also play a fun game.

MA (checks out the Leaky Cauldron website in a strictly professional capacity)

21 Dec 06 - 07:23 PM (#1916220)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Anne Lister

She also gives a fair proportion of her money to good causes, without publicity - I know this because a friend of mine met her at a charity do.


21 Dec 06 - 08:38 PM (#1916278)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

I'm with you, Ebbie!

Anybody who can get kids to read -- and ENJOY reading -- deserves kudos. And how many kids would have picked up a book that thick before Harry came along?

Plenty of adults like them, too. As for me, I'm eager to find out which side Snape is on!


21 Dec 06 - 08:42 PM (#1916282)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Elmer Fudd

I'm with you, Ebbie. There's a green-eyed monster hanging over this thread. I applaud Rowling for creating a wonderful series that created a frenzy over READING. Anyone who could inspire children to line up around the block at bookstores on several continents to grab the first copies of a book is the most powerful wizard on the planet.

I can't wait to read the new book. Rowling's characters and descriptions are imaginative, humorous and delightful. Apparently she had the basic plot-line of the series more or less worked out from the beginning.

Rowling can write shopping lists for the rest of her life, as far as I'm concerned. However, a persn with such abundant creativivity usually can't stanch the flow. Something else will follow. Hopefully her readers won't typecast her and insist on more of the same if she wants to go in different directions.


21 Dec 06 - 09:13 PM (#1916298)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Bert

Well said Ebbie. I just love the Harry Potter books.

21 Dec 06 - 09:14 PM (#1916301)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: jacqui.c

I agree with Ebbie. I've loved the books so far and can't wait for number 7.

I'll be interested to see what she does once that is finished.

21 Dec 06 - 09:48 PM (#1916331)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: EBarnacle

OOh! OOh! I hope there's a book launching party for this one also.

22 Dec 06 - 08:39 AM (#1916626)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

it's quite well along from what I hear - she had the manuscript with here a few months ago and they tried to prevent her from carrying it on a plane.

22 Dec 06 - 08:54 AM (#1916634)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: clueless don

I am also looking forward to the seventh book.

Since I don't have a life, I'll share my hopes for the last book:

I hope she doesn't pull a St. Elsewhere or Dallas (i.e. all of the events of the series were in the imagination of the one-year-old Harry, whose parents are very much alive, or were a dream) or a Douglas Adams (i.e. kill off Harry as a means of ensuring that she never has to write another Harry Potter book.) If she kills off Harry because she feels the story demands it, that's a different situation.

Most of all, for my daughter's sake, I hope she doesn't kill off Hermione.


22 Dec 06 - 10:08 AM (#1916696)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Uncle_DaveO

Killing off your main character as a means of escaping from a wildly popular series would be nothing new.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle grew to hate Sherlock Holmes, and killed him off in order to end the series. There was so much pressure exerted on him that he had to resuscitate Holmes (I forget just how) and go on with the series.

Dave Oesterreich

22 Dec 06 - 10:27 AM (#1916720)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

Even if he is killed - who says he has to stay dead ? It's about magic after all.

22 Dec 06 - 10:32 AM (#1916722)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

She has stated pretty firmly that there will be only 7 books with harry. But she could probably do at least 4 about the founding of Hogwart's -

Or 5 - one for each founder and one "collective"

22 Dec 06 - 11:00 AM (#1916764)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Snape is Harry's biological father. His mother was failing Potions, see, and needed a little "help" and, well, anyway, Snape wanted a little quid pro quo....

22 Dec 06 - 12:37 PM (#1916838)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ebbie

Rowling is still young. It will be interesting to see if she will start another series with a different character, one that may become as popular and as much a part of the culture as the Harry Potter series.

I expect there have been writers who have been able to carry that off but I don't think it is common.

22 Dec 06 - 03:10 PM (#1916937)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Fran

Anybody figured out who R.A.B is yet? I think it might be Regalus Black Sirius'Brother, I can't wait for book 7!


22 Dec 06 - 03:17 PM (#1916946)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Snape's loyalty or lack thereof is killing me too. I don't think things are as simple as they seemed at the end of the last book. Without undue spoilers, there *was* that whole Unbreakable Vow thing...


22 Dec 06 - 03:18 PM (#1916947)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

P.S. My general point was, I think there's still a chance for Snape to redeem himself.

P.P.S. I gotta say, I'm not crazy about the new title. :(

22 Dec 06 - 03:44 PM (#1916966)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Professor Snape

Rapaire is correct. Were he or she a student I would award five points to his or her house.

The details are no one's business except mine.

22 Dec 06 - 03:45 PM (#1916967)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: wysiwyg

I imagine the sequel-series will be about how Harry suddenly undergoes a transformation to a much younger body, so they can find another young actor to replace the so-aging Harry of the current batch of movies.


22 Dec 06 - 07:36 PM (#1917101)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Nigel Parsons

So, Is Dumbledore dead? and explain the reasons for your response!

Nigel (who has an inkling that Dumbledore set up the whole scene just to keep Snape looking like a baddie, and enabling him to work from the inside)

22 Dec 06 - 07:39 PM (#1917106)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Nigel Parsons

Then there's always the story of the Naked Quidditch Match


22 Dec 06 - 08:03 PM (#1917121)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Anyone see last week's Simpsons Xmas episode? If anyone else Stateside didn't know the BIG SPOILER, guess they're screwed now...;)


P.S. who thought it was handled beautifully...

07 Feb 07 - 05:34 PM (#1960424)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

I see that Barnes and Nobel is taking orders for a "deluxe" edition of the book that will list at $65.00 and sell for around $40.00. But there no mention of what exactly makes it $65.00 worth of "deluxe". Any ideas?

07 Feb 07 - 05:42 PM (#1960435)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Usually cloth bound, hard back covers; high grade, full rag paper with gilt edges, hand sewn binding and a really good bit of PR make 'deluxe' editions. You can count on the pages not to fall out at the first reading.

When I worked in the library, I got sick of new hardbacks falling apart after only a couple of reads.


07 Feb 07 - 06:37 PM (#1960506)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: JeremyC

Ah, I remember when the last HP book came out. I posted a Craigslist personal titled "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" in the men seeking women area and got quite a few angry emails.

I find Harry Potter books to be a lot like "Wheel of Time" in that I love the story and concept, but I hate the writing (to the point, in the case of WoT that I couldn't bear to read anything past the fourth or fifth book).

07 Feb 07 - 09:57 PM (#1960671)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Another thing you should know about the coming book (and my copy is on order):

Harry walks in as Ron is "forcing himself" on Hermione. Being a gentleman, Harry is torn between walking away from such a tender scene and helping Hermione but offending Ron (he doesn't consider helping Ron and offending Hermione). Instead, Harry performs a rather complicated spell and finishes by shouting "Kretuttok!" But instead of simply making Ron "soft" Harry also softens everything for 20 kilometers around -- Hogwarts itself is turned into a pile of semi-solid jelly. This makes it quite easy for The Dark Lord to take over and ensconce his minions in the White House and Number 10 Downing Street, to name but two places they become ensconced.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all that survive of Hogwarts and become a singing group doing, of course, soft rock.

07 Feb 07 - 11:07 PM (#1960710)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: EBarnacle

Harry has quit Hogwarts, remember?

07 Feb 07 - 11:14 PM (#1960713)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Yeah, yeah. That's what you're supposed to think.

08 Feb 07 - 12:28 AM (#1960739)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Incidentally, has announced the release date for Book 7! July 21st, 2007. Wow, that's soon!

And only a week or so after the new film comes out. Sort of odd timing, IMHO. But who cares? :)


08 Feb 07 - 01:16 AM (#1960748)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wordsmith

Yes, and has said it will sell the book for about $20. They also said they don't mind taking a loss on it because they're hoping people will order other books as well. I think it's a wonderful marketing concept that other would do well to copy. As for the actual final book, I really can't speculate about it. As others have mentioned, I think Rowling deserves every penny. I only wish I had half of her imagination and attention to details. The ability to create a whole world and inhabit it with such complex characters. I've said on other sites that I wish they could've done the movies consecutively as the Lord of the Rings series were done. But, since there's seven books, and she's only finishing the last, that wasn't even a possibility. What might've helped the series is if they could've at least had the same director, but maybe there were creative differences. I wish Dumbledore wasn't killed either, but who knows...maybe a resurrection spell? As for Snape, Alan Rickman is a marvelous choice...greasy hair and all...and I think he's just pure evil. I've read the books, seen the movies, and can't wait, but don't want HP and friends to die. I've been to the Leaky Cauldron, MuggleNet, and Everyone's got an opinion or point of view. I know from what I've seen that three key characters are going to, well, you know. BTW, is a nice site, too. She restored my desire to read more than just magazines and newspapers. Thanks, JK!

08 Feb 07 - 03:06 AM (#1960798)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MBSLynne

I agree with Ebbie too. Wonderful to be aware, in your own lifetime, that you are up there with the classic childrens writers like A A Milne, Kenneth Graham etc. She deserves the money she earns much more than some of the company directors and politicians who get large amounts.

I think she'll probably write something completely different after this. With such a gift, why continue with 'sequels' and tie yourself down by staying in the same area?

I've never believed that Dumbledore was really dead and I don't believe that Snape is on the dark side either. Dumbledore wouldn't have been that badly mistaken and he had absolute faith in Snape.

I hope she doesn't kill Harry; I don't think that would be a very good ending. Though one of the professors is a ghost isn't he? Binns is it?

Can't wait!!!

Love Lynne

08 Feb 07 - 03:07 AM (#1960799)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Anne Lister

My best ever teaching assignment was working as a tutor on the film set for the second film .... and the best day was when we watched Alan Rickman and the other actors in the Duelling Club scene. Rickman is the most wonderful actor - really helpful and friendly before the cameras started rolling, assisting the young Draco with his acting, and then becoming nasty old Snape (complete with power) as soon as the scene started. That evening I saw him in the West End in a Noel Coward play, as a complete contrast.   What a man ...*swoon* ...He also has a degree of charisma that affects every female within a fifty yard radius. I wasn't the only one with wobbly knees!


08 Feb 07 - 04:14 AM (#1960838)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Dazbo

It is repeatedly stated that in Harry's world once you're dead you stay dead (with the exceptions of returning as a ghost or to in habit a magical painting).

Harry, Ginny, MacGonnigle, Malfoy, Mr Weasley, and Voldemort will all die with Longbottom as the ultimate hero. Snape will become headmaster of Hogwarts. Bill will marry Tonks, Ron and Hermione will get off with each other.

08 Feb 07 - 04:17 AM (#1960840)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Charmain

Has anyone heard the theory about Mcgonagall being a death eater? Its a good one - can't figure out those blue clicky things as am very dim but type it into google and I'm sure something will come up. I always wondered why JKR named one of her major characters after the worst poet in the English language...

Harry Potter Rules - I can't wait for book seven (or indeed film 5 - although neccessarily very different to the books, the screen adaptations get better - those annoying little children of film 1 seem to be growing into half decent actors bless them...)

08 Feb 07 - 06:18 AM (#1960922)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cats

I agree with Lynne. I don't think Dumbledore died. The only person who could stand up to Voldemort was Dumbledore and Voldemort was afraid of him. With him 'dead' it gives the opportunity for Voldemort to come into the open which is exactly what has to happen if Harry and friends can overcome him. Yes, Snape is really a goody too. All the signs are there, you just have to look for them.

08 Feb 07 - 07:04 AM (#1960954)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Grab

I'm with Nigel - Snape's working from the inside, same as he did the time before.

I also suspect that Harry *won't* be killing Voldemort. The prophecy is that one kills the other, but it doesn't say which. My money's on Voldemort killing Harry, and some curse put on Snape killing him as a result of Voldemort's death. Who actually does kill Voldemort, I dunno - maybe Snape, or maybe even Draco?

I'm also waiting for the fact that Ginny Weasley's a seventh child to come into play somewhere, although that might just be a red herring.


08 Feb 07 - 07:41 AM (#1960994)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Dazbo

JKR is on record as saying that Dumbledore is definitely dead!

08 Feb 07 - 08:38 AM (#1961046)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: jacqui.c

My theory is that there is such a strong connection between Harry and Voldemort that they both have to die for Voldemort to be defeated.

08 Feb 07 - 08:42 AM (#1961053)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: JeremyC

Can't powerful wizards like Dumbledore make contingency plans that will allow them to come back to life? I thought the whole phoenix thing was implying that, but then I've been out of the loop for a couple of books.

I like Snape a lot, so I hope he's one of the good guys. Alan Rickman playing him in the movie versions helps quite a bit, too, because Alan Rickman is awesome.

08 Feb 07 - 09:14 AM (#1961091)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Book 7 Highlights:

1. Dumbledore comes back, not being really dead, looks around at the rest of the characters, exclaims "What a bunch of twits and fools!" and goes over the join his twin brother, Tom Riddle.

2. Snape, being Harry biological father (see above), realizes the power that a child of Harry and Hermione would have and puts a compulsion spell on them (or at least that's what they claim when McGonagle catches them).

3. Ron "comes out of the closet" holding hands with Neville Longbottom.

4. Hagrid is named as the new Head of Hogwarts and immediately has all the floors reinforced and the ceilings raised, necessitating an immediate increase in tuition. As a result, no one can afford the school any longer and all the students transfer to the University of Louvain and study interpretive theological dance.

5. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle go to law school and set up as junior partners in the firm of Dumbledore, Riddle, Crabbe and Goyle. The firm promptly sues the hell out of everybody, including Buckbeak.

I'm under a geas not to reveal the stunning conclusion, but from the foregoing you should be able to figure it out for yourself.

08 Feb 07 - 11:50 AM (#1961250)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Malfoy is not a named partner in the law firm because, well, his grades weren't all that good.

08 Feb 07 - 12:41 PM (#1961303)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Donuel

Indeed Voldemort comes back. He is not satisfied with only being lord of the wizard world and establishes minions in the Muggle world to do the lord's work. Potter is literally crucified by the religious right in his attempt to stop Valdamort who has now entered the business of religious braodcasting and politics.

08 Feb 07 - 01:22 PM (#1961348)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cats

Have alook at this site,

08 Feb 07 - 01:22 PM (#1961349)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cats

Sorry, the blue clicky thing didn't work but it is the site.

08 Feb 07 - 03:16 PM (#1961510)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

What's the betting Harry gets all Oedipal and runs off with Ron's mum!


08 Feb 07 - 03:39 PM (#1961529)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rapparee

Harry gonna run off with Ginny, and Bill and his brothers will track them down and make Harry marry her. Hermione, obviously pregnant, will run up the aisle yelling, "Stop! He's mine!" Eventually a polygamous relationship will be established, Harry will feel "trapped", and will run away from both homes to join the circus.

08 Feb 07 - 07:52 PM (#1961792)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

ARthur Weasley kidnaps the Dursleys and puts them in Shozyatits, the Wizard Zoo for Muggles, where Petunia over feeds Dudders til he bursts and she has multiple orgasms over the amount of cleaning up to do.


08 Feb 07 - 10:02 PM (#1961863)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

I firmly believe that a) Dumbledore and Sirius are both REALLY dead (waaaaaaahhh!) and b) that Snape didn't want to kill Dumbledore, but was forced to by the Unbreakable Vow (which he had to take in order to avoid suspicion). I really do quite pity him.

As for his nasty behavior afterwards, well, the last time you did something really horrible--something you really weren't proud of--how full of sweetness and light were you toward your fellow man? All I know is, when I'm particularly ashamed of myself, I turn into a Bitch On Wheels and am unfit to be around. ;) Plus he had to then run off with the Death Eaters, and couldn't exactly be acting remorseful, now could he?

If my theories are correct, I think Rowling handled it all beautifully, even though it totally sucks. ;) I just hope that Hermione and Ginny both make it out of Book 7 alive (and Harry, obviously). Ron, to be perfectly honest, I could take or leave. *grin*


09 Feb 07 - 02:19 AM (#1961968)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MBSLynne

No, his nasty behaviour is because he's Snape. Even if he is on the 'goodies' side, he is still an unpleasant man. An anti-hero perhaps?

I think Sirius is dead though. It's just that Dumbledore was really the central character and sooo powerful.

Love Lynne

09 Feb 07 - 11:05 AM (#1962290)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Geoff the Duck

I am afraid tha I will be just as disappointed with the final bok as I was with the previous couple.
Sirius Black disappears behind a curtain. Everybody says - well now Harry, he's dead and we can't do anything about it! - no explanation why he should be dead. No explanation what the curtain was, or why going behind it should be dangerous or deadly. I found the whole business totally unsatisfactory.

09 Feb 07 - 11:08 AM (#1962292)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

A play on the phrase "beyond the veil".

29 Jun 07 - 02:27 AM (#2089735)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Fran

Not long to go now.

29 Jun 07 - 03:54 AM (#2089771)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

Dumbledore is definitely dead. But Snape is still a good guy - he knew Dumbledore was dying anyway, and to stay "embedded" with the death eaters he did what he had to do. But Dumbledore ought to join the portraits in his own office now, so perhaps Harry will be able to keep communicating with him...

JKR has said that she won't kill Harry off.

I have to say, I'm not sure I agree with some of the other posters about it being "great" children's literature. Conceptually there have been some wonderful moments, but the writing itself can be quite two-dimensional. She's also pulled some turkeys, in my opinion, because she committed herself to seven books from the beginning, she's had to engage in some plot devices and spinning out of the storylines that hasn't always worked. Order of the Phoenix was, for the most part, just wheel-spinning. It's the book she had to write in order to get to the promised seven, but it didn't really progress the over-arching storyline much at all.

I think it's more of an enjoyable romp than great literature. And its huge popularity now is neither testament to its greatness, nor to its endurability: look at hugely popular Victorian children's writers like Mrs Molesworthy. Who reads them now?

Philip Pullman, on the other hand, is a bloody good writer.

29 Jun 07 - 04:08 AM (#2089777)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Geoff the Duck

Strange to tell, I am currently in greater anticipation to find out what happens in Shrek 3 than I am with Harry Potter.
I will read it because I've read the rest of the saga, but I'm not sur if I care any more how Potter wins.

29 Jun 07 - 05:20 AM (#2089821)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Ruth - If you go back and read the penultimate chapter of 'Half Blood Prince' you'll see that Dumbledore DOES have his portrait in his office - "And a new portrait had joined the ranks of the dead headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts ... Dumbledore was slumbering in a golden frame over the desk"...


29 Jun 07 - 05:35 AM (#2089832)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

I forgot that! Thanks, Liz. Well, there we go: another effective plot device.

The thing that winds me up sometimes is when I don't understand the internal logic. I mean, why can't Sirius come back as a ghost? You've got all these ghosts wandering around the halls of Hogwarts for comic effect - they just feel like set dressing. Why are some people ghosts and others not? Why can't Harry's parents come back as ghosts?

And with the portraits: you never really understand what's going on there. Is it some sort of afterlife? Is the person's soul contained witrhin the portrait?

29 Jun 07 - 05:49 AM (#2089838)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Crystal

I'm going to my first (and last) midnight launch with the last one, just so I can say I did!
To be honest I've been starting to HATE Harry with a passion since book three, he is such an angsty little brat, it makes me wish Hermione (or Ginny) would give him a slap round the chops and tell the little twerp to GROW UP!
one of the funniest Harry Potter fan creations is This

29 Jun 07 - 07:03 AM (#2089886)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

The thing I've never understood is the scoring in Quidditch. If games only end when the Snitch is caught, with 150 points, what's the point of scoring goals?

29 Jun 07 - 07:25 AM (#2089905)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Grab

why can't Sirius come back as a ghost?

Someone hasn't read that bit at the end of "Order of the Phoenix" where Harry asks Nearly-Headless Nick the exact same question. Although that does beg the question of how the paintings of ex-Heads of Hogwarts can be hanging around.

I'm with McGrath on the Quidditch scoring - the Ireland-Bulgaria match was obviously supposed to show us that it *could* be done, but still not exactly convincing.

I don't think Pullman is particularly good writer myself. Yes, he's better at putting words on a page than Rowling, but the plot of the "His dark materials" series was pretty limp. Plus the truly terrible characterisation (ie. there wasn't any).


29 Jun 07 - 07:41 AM (#2089914)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

I diaagree - I think HDM was stunning. Northern Lights is my least favourite of the three as it's quite slow, but the other two are truly great children's literature, IMHO. The concepts are complex, and the characters equally so. There are no pantomime villains in HDM - even Mrs Coulter turns out a complex and interesting character.

There are loads of people who love Snape in HP - I think this has far more to do with Alan Rickman than it does with JKR. I don't find his bullying in the books believable - nor did I find that awful toady head teacher remotely plausable. It's too OTT - they're too one-dimensional in their villainy.

Thirded on the Quiddich scoring thing, BTW. Not very well thought through, really.

29 Jun 07 - 08:32 AM (#2089947)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

But you *can* have the other team ahead by more then 150 points and catch the snitch, and end the game causing your own loss. I believe that happens at one point to one of the other houses.

29 Jun 07 - 08:37 AM (#2089951)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John Hardly

"The thing I've never understood is the scoring in Quidditch. If games only end when the Snitch is caught, with 150 points, what's the point of scoring goals?"

I agree. It's like watching the NBA. What's the point?

29 Jun 07 - 09:43 AM (#2090010)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow


Possibly a slight surfeit of initials there...

29 Jun 07 - 10:14 AM (#2090040)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Crystal


29 Jun 07 - 10:16 AM (#2090044)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

Sorry to offend sensibilities, Mcgrath - was in a hurry!

29 Jun 07 - 11:27 AM (#2090093)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: EBarnacle

The purpose of the point in Quidditch is that they are points awarded to the house, whether or not you win the individual match.

29 Jun 07 - 11:45 AM (#2090119)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: artbrooks

I dunno about that, EBarnacle...aren't there professional Quidditch teams?

29 Jun 07 - 12:10 PM (#2090136)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John Hardly

I'm sorry EBarnacle, but that last post is going to cost your house 25 points. I don't like doing it, but it's the rules. I'm sure you understand. If not, that will be another 25 point subtraction.

29 Jun 07 - 12:45 PM (#2090165)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

And international tournements.

Personally - I find it far less confusing then football, soccer, rugby or cricket.

29 Jun 07 - 01:07 PM (#2090177)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Grab

After Mrs Coulter's "change of heart", I spent the entire rest of the series waiting for it to be a setup, because it was utterly out of character and unbelievable. It didn't show she had a complex character, it was just poorly written to switch from one character to another with no believable reason. And the subplot with the homicidal monk was pointless too, except from the POV of providing another "let's bash the religious" angle.

Which was another big problem with HDM. I thought the quality of writing was no better than any other kid's book, which is OK if that's all it is. But then the whole point of the book as I saw it was to say "religion is evil" - not that "religion can be used by evil people", but that it's inherently evil in itself, and good people involved in it are being manipulated. That whole theme became more and more heavy-handed throughout, and I found that a rather disgusting exercise in propaganda.


29 Jun 07 - 02:27 PM (#2090249)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

C'mon, folks... it's just a yarn. Relax and enjoy.

29 Jun 07 - 07:51 PM (#2090497)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

Relaxing isn't the only aspect of enjoyment. Otherwise people wouldn't enjoy such things as doing crossword puzzles, Morris dancing, or playing musical instruments.

29 Jun 07 - 10:17 PM (#2090583)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: EBarnacle

JH, you are being too rigid. The rules of intramural scoring are not the same as those of professional quidditch. All points scored are considered as earned by the house team and are awarded to the house, whether or not the team wins the match. It is not a winner take all situation.

Try to duck next time the quaffle comes your way, please.

30 Jun 07 - 04:35 AM (#2090700)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

"Which was another big problem with HDM. I thought the quality of writing was no better than any other kid's book,"

I think you're wrong there. I think that it is far superior to the writing in most children's literature.

"which is OK if that's all it is. But then the whole point of the book as I saw it was to say "religion is evil" - not that "religion can be used by evil people", but that it's inherently evil in itself, and good people involved in it are being manipulated. That whole theme became more and more heavy-handed throughout, and I found that a rather disgusting exercise in propaganda."

I found it a refreshing alternative perspective. As a Catholic kid, with CS Lewis' thinly-veiled Christian propaganda shoved down my throat, I thought it was really interesting to read a series which exploded the Christian myth, challenged the danger of marrying theology to science and government, and which questioned the concept of God. At least it was overt, and didn't have to disguise Jesus as a lion.

Works for me.

30 Jun 07 - 02:47 PM (#2091034)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

But it's still propaganda.

30 Jun 07 - 03:49 PM (#2091079)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Hmmmm...I don't know that I agree. I was musing on the idea of propaganda recently, and I think my personal definition is this: Propaganda is something that sets out to make you BELIEVE something, whereas its opposite sets out to make you QUESTION something. HDM is obviously a work of fiction, and once we've got past the trappings of his world (Metatron, the Authority, the Consistorial Court, etc.), and strip his narrative down to the bone, we find a cautionary tale about repression and dogma (he has said MANY times that his work is NOT anti-religious, but anti-DOGMATIC).



P.S. Harrypotterharrypotterharrypotter! Only 20 days to go (and 12 for the!) Glad I pre-ordered my copy at the local independent bookstore. I can just waltz in on THE DAY, pick it up, and spend the rest of the day dying to get home and read it. :)

30 Jun 07 - 05:12 PM (#2091131)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

NOT anti-religious, but anti-DOGMATIC

I think that a pretty phony and glib distinction. "I'm not against religion but I'm against religious beliefs". Rather like " I'm not against music, but I'm against musical notes."

And I know it's possible to have some kinds of music where the notes aren't too important, and some kinds of religion where beliefs aren't too important. But...

30 Jun 07 - 05:22 PM (#2091139)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Went to see Shrek 3 today... trailers for HP&tDH before it... looks good but it could so easily be titled Harry Potter and the Bum Haircut.

At least his ears don't stick out.


30 Jun 07 - 06:01 PM (#2091163)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Geoff the Duck

Was Shrek up to the level of the first two?

30 Jun 07 - 07:08 PM (#2091199)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

McGrath et al,

I was going to answer this in a PM, but then realized this discussion doesn't necessarily veer that far off the Harry Potter subject, after all.

I should have clarified my statement further. What HDM, as far as I can tell, warns against is the idea of dogma as an unquestionable authoritative force. Beliefs in and of themselves aren't the problem; it's the tyrannical control of (and suppression of dissenting) beliefs that cause a lot of the misery in the world. Pullman's admitted atheism is not his agenda; if it was, I doubt we would find beautiful passages such as this in the books:

"At the summit of the slope she looked for the last time at the Dust stream, with the clouds and the wind blowing across it and the moon standing firm in the middle.
    And then she saw what they were doing, at last; she saw what that great urgent purpose was.
    They were trying to hold back the Dust flood. They were striving to put some barriers up against the terrible stream: wind, moon, clouds, leaves, grass, all those lovely things were crying out and hurling themselves into the struggle to keep the shadow particles in this universe, which they so enriched.
    Matter loved Dusty. It didn't want to see it go. That was the meaning of this night, and it was Mary's meaning, too.
    Had she thought there was no meaning in life, no purpose, when God had gone? Yes, she had thought that.
    'Well, there is now,' she said aloud, and again, louder. 'There is now!'"
    --The Amber Spyglass, page 452

(Sorry for the long quote...couldn't help myself).

(For those not familiar with HDM, the shadow particles, or Dust, are particles of consciousness and awareness that make up Pullman's living universe.)

I promised I'd keep Harry involved, and here it is (and please God, I hope this doesn't innocently hijack the thread into a "Harry Potter is/isn't evil" topic). So many people who have objected to Harry Potter have claimed that it leads children away from Christianity and into witchcraft, because they *want passionately* to see this agenda in it. But Rowling's wizarding world is, if anything, totally secularized...the magic they practice doesn't call upon any spirits or deities, and Rowling never addresses exactly where the source of the magic is coming from. Hell, it could be Dust for all we know! LOL! (I might add that Ron Weasley gets a lumpy jumper for Christmas every year like many of his Muggle counterparts). ;) The people who claim a pagan agenda are objecting not to an actual agenda, but to the books' failure to conform to their own ecclesiastical authority (or should we say Authority? ;))

OK, I didn't mean to write nearly this much...blathering on as usual. ;) I do see where you and others differ from Pullman's approach, though. I mean, there's no question that he's pretty in-your-face about it. He's sort of the Michael Moore of the British intellectual young-adult-literary set. *grin*

Yours in cheerful disagreement,


30 Jun 07 - 07:10 PM (#2091201)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

ROFL! That should read in the quote, "Matter loved Dust", not "Matter loved Dusty". I swear, it wasn't a subliminal Dusty Strings advert. Really. Cross my heart. ;)


01 Jul 07 - 10:00 AM (#2091556)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Dazbo

I enjoyed the first two Dark Materials books but only finished the third one as they were a present and it felt wrong to stop reading half way throught the third book. Not had that trouble with any of the Harry Potter books (yet!)

02 Jul 07 - 05:09 AM (#2092223)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Yes - Shrek 3 is as good as the others. There are some bits only adults will get and the usual fart jokes for the men. There's a belching sequence that had everyone in the cinema howling with laughter and a tender moment that will tear your heartstrings.... until you work out who is singing the background music at that moment....

Re: thread creep - I read the first Dark Materials book and liked it a lot. I hastened out to buy the other two because I wanted to know what happened but by the time I'd got them, I'd forgotten the first book - now that is not something that happens with me. I can remember the plots of books I read 30 years ago. This one I read last year - couldn't even tell you the hero's name. Consequently, I read one chapter of the second book, got bored and left it. Book three remains virgin and unopened on the shelf. I daresay I'll get round to reading them eventually but I have so many other books....


02 Jul 07 - 07:35 AM (#2092275)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Ruth Archer

They are worth it, liz - honest. Give the second book another go - it might be my favourite of the three.

Molly - agree with all you've said.

02 Jul 07 - 12:50 PM (#2092466)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Books is books... I happen to love historical fiction and could quite happily ram it down people's throats with gay abandon... but I don't because a) I know not everyone has the same taste as me and b) because I really REALLY hate it when someone says 'you MUST read this'.

I will probably read it again, but not because someone else is telling me to. I've not read 'The Da Vinci Code' because everyone was telling me I *MUST* read it....

I feel the same way about Cillit BANG but that's for a whole heap of other shouty reasons!


02 Jul 07 - 09:21 PM (#2092833)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John O'L

You must read The Deathly Hallows.

02 Jul 07 - 10:01 PM (#2092857)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Thanks Ruth. I really, really didn't mean to go off like that. ;) I'm glad I didn't officially kill the thread, as I seem to have that talent. *grin*

Cheers, M

02 Jul 07 - 10:18 PM (#2092871)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Bert

Hey Squeaks, have you read any Henry Treece?

03 Jul 07 - 12:04 PM (#2093136)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Oo dat den?

You read any Elizabeth Lovell?


03 Jul 07 - 12:05 PM (#2093137)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh, 100!!!

Yahy!! My first for ages!


07 Aug 07 - 12:08 AM (#2120602)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,myl

correct me if im wrong, there are two invisiivility cloack that was mentioned in the book, first was the one given by doumbledore and the other one was used by barty crouch sr. to hide his son during the worldcup in book 4.the thing that bothers me was, how can harry be so sure that his invisivility cloack was the part of the deathly hallows?

07 Aug 07 - 12:34 AM (#2120612)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

Yes, there is more than one Invisibility Cloak, but there are other things about Harrys that make him suspicious that it's the Hallow - the fact that Dumbledore was so interested in it, it has repelled spells in the past and no matter how tall the three get, it seems to always cover them (apart from odd moments with their feet, but that never appears to be a problem).

Of course, it may not have been an invisibility cloak - there are all manner of spells to make one 'unseen'... Dumbledore refers to them when he says he has no need of a cloak to become invisible.


07 Aug 07 - 05:38 AM (#2120702)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John O'L

Apparently other invisibility cloaks are not as efficient, long lasting or resistant to magical attack as the hallow. Also, it seems to have been handed down directly through the generations from Peverell to Harry.

07 Aug 07 - 07:10 AM (#2120739)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Finished the book last night. I think that it is a masterful achievement that can stand shoulder to shoulder with all the great books of fantasy. I think that Rowling is a marvel. On top of that, she introduced hundreds of thousands of kids to the joy of reading.


07 Aug 07 - 04:55 PM (#2121110)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

There's no disputing that fact, Jerry. I know at least 6 kids personally that learned the joys of escaping into a book because of that series.

07 Aug 07 - 05:11 PM (#2121116)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: HouseCat

Just finished the book. Bawled like a baby over certains bits of it. I really loved it and I'm probably going to reread it immediately, as I tend to do with books I really love and am loathe to let go.

07 Aug 07 - 06:26 PM (#2121181)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Rowan

Liz, your point about the 'real' invisibility cloak repelling spells reminded me that, in the scene leading to his death in book 6, Dumbledore spelled Harry into immobility while Harry was wearing it.


Cheers, Rowan

07 Aug 07 - 06:26 PM (#2121183)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

So did Malfoy.

08 Aug 07 - 12:52 AM (#2121402)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

I just repeated what JK wrote....

Maybe Malfoy and Dumbledore were able to stupefy Harry under the cloak because they knew he was there. Remember, Malfoy saw Harry's foot sticking out - which is what lead him to cast the stupefy spell in the first place.


08 Aug 07 - 01:21 PM (#2121802)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

Specious. Why would a wizard cast a hex like "Stupify" on an empty space unless he knew or suspected someone was there.

I don't recall anywhere in the books where it was suggested Harry's cloak repelled spells.

08 Aug 07 - 03:09 PM (#2121907)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Amos

He knew it to be the cloak of legend because it was in perfect shape, unfrayed and of very fine construction. Lesser cloaks of this kind tend to wear out, give spotty results, experience battery failures, lose pixels, and so on.


08 Aug 07 - 06:29 PM (#2122070)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Grab

Rowan, I think the point was that it's the cloak that's unaffected, not the wearer. If you know there's someone there, it isn't going to help them.

As far as "Harry and the Bum Haircut", does it bug anyone else how bad the artwork is on the kids' cover version of Deathly Hallows? Harry looks like he's about 25, and his face is nothing at all like the face from previous books (for starters, he's grown a Jimmy Hill chin). And the other two look like, ahem, "inflatable friends" - the ones with "realistic mouths". All that money and hype, and they couldn't even get a half-decent artist to do the cover...?


08 Aug 07 - 06:51 PM (#2122088)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Magic, Schmagic. I've seen plenty of people who are under the Stupify spell.


08 Aug 07 - 06:59 PM (#2122096)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

I thought along similar lines about the artwork... Harry Potter and the Rushed Artwork.

He looks vaguely familiar though I can't put my finger on who it is he reminds me of...


08 Aug 07 - 07:07 PM (#2122105)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John O'L

I always found the artwork amusing. It was as if the artist was reading a completely different story.

08 Aug 07 - 07:13 PM (#2122109)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

I agree - I think it's a dreadful cover. It's by the same bloke who did the covers for the previous three books, Jason Cockcroft - each one worse than the one before, and not a patch on the first three books. Strange - it's clear from here that he has the ability to come up with pretty good artwork.

08 Aug 07 - 07:18 PM (#2122112)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Amos

He looks like the Where's Waldo guy. But the book was a fine read.


08 Aug 07 - 07:51 PM (#2122135)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: The Walrus


It looks like the artist was trying to copy the style of the chap who did the artwork for some of the Terry Pratchett paperbacks (Josh Kidby or Kirby?).


09 Aug 07 - 02:03 AM (#2122270)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

WALDO!!! That's it... it's Waldo!! (Wally to the UKers...)

Terry Pratchett Thread Creep Alert!

Josh Kirby is the artist you're thinking of. He died in 2001 and Pratchett had a hard job coming up with an equally talented artist who actually reads the books they're illustrating. He succeeded with Paul Kidby - that's why you're getting the name confused! (New TP/PK book 'Making Money' due out in September and filming has started on 'The Colour of Magic' with Christopher Lee back as Death, due to the unfortunate death (ironic or what?!) of Ian Richardson...whoo hoo!!!)


09 Aug 07 - 02:58 AM (#2122282)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Ouch, I didn't know Josh Kirby died! *sniffle* how sad...

Just to add to thread creep, I pre-ordered "Making Money" today. But it's from the same bookstore where I got "Deathly Hallows", so the thread creep isn't too egregious...;)


Yay Pterry!

09 Aug 07 - 06:36 AM (#2122351)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Squeaky at work

It's frightening - you look at Josh Kirby's work and think it's that of much younger man...


09 Aug 07 - 08:30 PM (#2122841)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

Ned Flanders reads Harry Potter.

10 Aug 07 - 04:55 PM (#2123278)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

Hee hee! :D

11 Aug 07 - 02:18 AM (#2123515)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: John O'L

Be Prepared

11 Aug 07 - 10:17 AM (#2123659)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

That was really nice editing on that piece, John O'L. It's too bad the audio got knocked slightly out of synch with the video during MPEG encoding. That often happens. Encoding as an AVI and then converting to WMV gets around that glitch.

11 Aug 07 - 12:40 PM (#2123757)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

The Mysterious Ticking Noise.

12 Aug 07 - 09:07 PM (#2124492)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: jacqui.c

I just finished reading it. Loved it, and what an ending! Got very sniffy at certain parts - she really knows how to pile on the emotion. She's also k=ont afraid of killing off fairly central characters and she got rid of quite a few this time.

This is definitely a set of books that I'll be making sure my grandchildren get to read.

12 Aug 07 - 10:12 PM (#2124527)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly


"Oh Voldy voldy voldy..."



13 Aug 07 - 12:16 AM (#2124549)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

The return of Sirius Black?

17 Aug 07 - 02:03 PM (#2128055)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,Crazy Man Michael

coming soon an overview of the whole Harry Potter phenomenon
Harry Potter and The Humungous Money Maker

17 Aug 07 - 02:19 PM (#2128066)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Cluin

I can't fault JKR for making it big on her creation. As a matter of fact, I cheer it on. At least it's for creating a story that captivates and encourages reading, especially among the young who would probably spend their time on a video game or watching the trashovision otherwise.

20 Oct 07 - 03:10 AM (#2175114)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: JohnInKansas

Since I'm not really a great fan, I haven't tracked the buzz on HP, but this thread seems to be about the last one that was active.

MSN reports a news flash of interest(?).

Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay

The Harry Potter author breaks big news in New York.

By Tara Weingarten
Newsweek Web Exclusive
Updated: 2:19 PM ET Oct 16, 2007

Editor's Note: Story Updated at 9 p.m. ET, Oct. 19

J. K. Rowling, author of the worldwide best-selling Harry Potter series, met some of her American fans Friday night and provided some surprising revelations about the fictional characters who a generation of children have come to regard as close friends.

In front of a full house of hardcore Potter fans at Carnegie Hall in New York, Rowling, sitting on the stage on a red velvet and carved wood throne, read from her seventh and final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," then took questions.

One fan asked whether Albus Dumbledore, the head of the famed Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, had ever loved anyone. Rowling smiled. "Dumbledore is gay, actually," replied Rowling as the audience erupted in surprise. She added that, in her mind, Dumbledore had an unrequited love affair with Gellert Grindelwald, Voldemort's predecessor who appears in the seventh book.

After several minutes of prolonged shouting and clapping from astonished fans, Rowling added. "I would have told you earlier if I knew it would make you so happy."

In answer to the question "Did Hagrid marry?" Rowling replied that sadly, no. The half-giant had a flirtation with a giantess but she found him "a tad unsophisticated" and the relationship never went forward.

In response to the audience's groans of dismay, Rowling said, jokingly, "OK, I'll write another book." And when the audience continued to express disapproval added, "at least I didn't kill him."

Other minor characters, according to Rowling, came to happier ends. Neville Longbottom, Harry's meek and hapless classmate, married Hannah Abbott, another classmate.

The above note is actually an "update" to a somewhat longer article on the "Reading" in Los Angeles and New Orleans. See the link.


20 Oct 07 - 01:01 PM (#2175365)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Mrrzy

Cool! So glad to hear he's out of the closet, albeit posthumously - at least we have his picture at Hogwarts to watch. Wonder how he'll get on with Sir Cadogan...

20 Oct 07 - 01:20 PM (#2175385)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: harpmolly

LOL!! Ooooh, this is sooooooo NOT going to go over well with the Moral Majority.

But the world of slash fanfic will never be the same *evilgrin*


20 Oct 07 - 01:24 PM (#2175390)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

JK Rowling loves teasing fans. (And American fans - well, Americans - are remarkably easy to tease...)

13 Mar 08 - 11:39 AM (#2287424)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

It sounds like the plans are to turn the last Harry Potter book into two movies. Same plan in store for "The Hobbit" which starts filming next year.

Movie News

13 Mar 08 - 11:48 AM (#2287429)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Geoff the Duck

The last Harry Potter book will be split into 2 movies for "Artistic" reasons.
It couldn't just be that the backers want to make twice the cash, could it?
Let's face it, the book just dragged along with bugger all happening and then had a crap battle at the end.
About the only things that have made the films watchable is that they cut out all the crud that bogged the books down.

13 Mar 08 - 12:22 PM (#2287465)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Liz the Squeak

The last 2 books ARE being made into 2 films, they were shooting them back to back as of last October.


13 Mar 08 - 12:25 PM (#2287469)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Wesley S

Right. So now we're talking about three more movies to cover two books.

13 Mar 08 - 01:38 PM (#2287547)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: Mrrzy

It's only the last one being split, right? Not the Half-Blood Prince?

13 Mar 08 - 01:41 PM (#2287551)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: MMario

The *LAST* book is being split into two movies; Movie six has been shooting since last september.

13 Mar 08 - 01:45 PM (#2287554)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: McGrath of Harlow

Seems to be, with the Halfblood Prince is out this November, and the two-movie Deathly Hallows in November 2010 and May 201. That's according to here.

It makes sense, and not just commercially. It'd be a bit indigestible trying to cram it all into one movie.

13 Mar 08 - 03:50 PM (#2287638)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice

" Daniel Radcliffe told the Los Angeles Times the split was necessary to maintain the essence of the concluding chapter in the series"

Really? It strikes me more like an instant cash grab, wring as much money out of the punters as possible, as this the last film.......

Charlotte (the view from Ma and Pa's piano stool)

03 Aug 24 - 01:23 PM (#4206461)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
From: keberoxu

'Tis Harry Potter's birthday, which means television broadcasting
on cable channels like SyFy.

Just tuned in last night to Deathly Hallows I and II.
Some good performances, but sadly,
the movies themselves are not very likeable.
I know there's supposed to be darkness and horror, but ... darn.
And too many of the "set-pieces" recall video games.