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BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

29 Dec 06 - 08:51 PM (#1921778)
Subject: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

Isn't that sweet and cozy?

And today, the Washington Post reports:

"Ford cited friendship in Nixon pardon: newspaper

By David Alexander
Friday, December 29, 2006; 7:21 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Memorial services for former President Gerald Ford began on Friday as a newly published interview he gave The Washington Post suggested he pardoned Richard Nixon partly to spare his friend the stigma of a criminal conviction over Watergate.

In his 2005 interview with the Post, Ford went beyond his previous insistence he pardoned Nixon to move the United States beyond the partisan divisions of Watergate.

Nixon, facing impeachment for trying to cover up the scandal, ultimately resigned and handed over power to Ford, whom he had appointed to the vice presidency following Spiro Agnew's resignation in October 1973.


"I looked upon him as my personal friend. And I had no hesitancy about granting the pardon because I felt that we had this relationship and I didn't want to see my real friend have the stigma," Ford told journalist Bob Woodward in the interview.

Ford had long said he pardoned Nixon because he wanted to mend the divisions of Watergate. In his speech announcing the pardon, he acknowledged his friendship with Nixon but said his concern was for the country and not personal sympathy for the disgraced former U.S. leader."

And so it goes.

29 Dec 06 - 09:56 PM (#1921806)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Sorcha

Well, of course. Pols are people. We may debate if they are 'human' but some do seem to be, at least part of the time. Humans have friends and foibles. We all do. I think.

30 Dec 06 - 12:42 AM (#1921899)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Peace

Someone already wrote Cheney's eulogy.

"Here lies Richard B Cheney, as usual."

30 Dec 06 - 08:02 PM (#1922707)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

30 Dec 06 - 08:07 PM (#1922711)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

Oops! My bad. Meant to post this great little piece of writing about "writing the eulogy" from the Detroit Free Press:

Published: December 29. 2006 3:00AM
Brian Dickerson
BRIAN DICKERSON: Ford eulogy challenges Bush's speechwriters

It was 7 a.m. when Tinker joined the other two-thirds of the president's speechwriting team in the conference room outside the office of Communications Director Kevin Sullivan.

Evers and Chance were already sprawled in front of their laptops at opposite ends of the oblong table. Tinker chose a point midway between them to set down his own MacBook.

"Eulogy for a dead president," he announced, foregoing post-holiday banter in favor of the task at hand. "Nice guy, remembered fondly by Americans of every race, color and creed. No skeletons or dark shadows. Most unpopular decision he ever made vindicated by history, and even Ted Kennedy ends up giving him an award."

"Piece o' cake," Tinker concluded grandly, taking his seat and a long sip of his grande latte.

"Fish in a barrel," Evers agreed, stifling a yawn. "This one writes itself."

Only Chance seemed troubled as he stared intently at his laptop screen.

"You seen this interview Ford gave to Bob Woodward before he died?" he asked his partners.

Houston, we have a problem

"No," Evers admitted. "Why? Does he mention the boss?"

"The boss, Cheney and Rumsfeld," Chance answered gloomily. "Basically calls them the Three Stooges, though not in so many words."

"I don't believe it," Tinker said defiantly. "&$%# Woodward! He's always making up deathbed stuff and publishing it after the source isn't around to dispute it."

"The interview with Ford was taped," Chance observed. "You can hear it on the Post's Web site."

"*&#$ Woodward!" Tinker repeated.

"So Ford didn't like the decision to invade Iraq," Evers said. "Who did? Now that you mention it, what sane person still thinks invading Iraq was a good idea?"

"Shhhhhhh!" Tinker hissed. "The vice president is in the building!"

"All I'm saying," Evers said, "is that it's hardly a news flash that a lot of smart people think Iraq was a big blunder. Ford's only the latest ex-president to chime in."

"Yeah, but we can hit back against Clinton and Carter," Tinker observed. "Tougher to call Ford a pantywaist, especially at his own funeral."

Bucking the tide

"So we acknowledge that the boss's decision to go to war has gone down poorly with voters," Chance said, pausing dramatically. "Just like Ford's decision to pardon Nixon!"

"Do what's right for the country!" Evers said, brightening. "Public opinion be damned!"

"Ford and W: Two peas in a pod!" Tinker chimed in.

"Now you're cooking with gas," Chance said approvingly. "The boss can acknowledge Ford's criticism of the invasion. But he also can insist that if Ford had been president in 2002, looking at the same intelligence the boss had, Ford would have made the same decision to go to war."

"Interesting," Tinker said. "But will anybody really believe that?"

"The boss might," Chance ventured. "Isn't that all that really matters?"

30 Dec 06 - 08:10 PM (#1922715)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

And this choice tidbit of news from ABC:

Ford Funeral Changes Bush's Schedule...Slightly
December 28, 2006 5:56 PM

ABC News' Geoff Morrell Reports: President Bush will return to Washington a little earlier than planned to pay respects to President Gerald Ford. Instead of flying back to DC on Monday afternoon, he will leave Waco before 11am that morning.

Upon arrival, the President and First Lady will head directly to the Capitol. On Tuesday, which the President will proclaim a National Day of Mourning, Mr. Bush will make remarks at the memorial service at the National Cathedral.

Mr Bush will NOT attend the funeral service being held Saturday night at the Capitol because, says the White House, that is a Congressional event, though Vice President Cheney will be there in his role as President of the Senate.

Bush followed the same protocol after President Reagan's death. Although in that case he could not get back to DC any earlier because he was hosting the G8 Summit in Sea Island. This year nothing precludes the President from returning for the Saturday night service except his desire to continue his ranch vacation.

30 Dec 06 - 08:14 PM (#1922722)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Sorcha

Couldn't be cause he had to hide from a tornado? Hell, we go out and watch them!

30 Dec 06 - 09:49 PM (#1922769)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

Nah. If he didn't interrupt the ranch vayKshun for Hurricane Katrina, why would he bother showing up for a former prez funeral when the former prez dissed him in the Woodward "posthumous release" interview?

30 Dec 06 - 11:02 PM (#1922814)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Bee-dubya-ell

"Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy"????

Heck, I know sales of SUVs and pickup trucks are way down, but dontcha think it's a bit early to be consigning Ford to the graveyard?

31 Dec 06 - 09:29 AM (#1923102)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: GUEST,beardedbruce

It certainly is strange that Cheney, who was Ford's Chief of Staff ( when Ford was President) would deliver his eulogy...

Next thing you know someone will ask why Betty Ford is crying!

31 Dec 06 - 10:15 AM (#1923132)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Bobert

Hope he leaves the shotgun at home...

31 Dec 06 - 11:28 AM (#1923189)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Peter T.

Christopher Hitchens at gives the most accurate picture of this scumbag, like the rest of this pack of miserable bastards.


Peter T.

31 Dec 06 - 12:04 PM (#1923213)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy
From: Cruiser

Funny Bee-dubya-ell.

I dislike these State funerals. These are men no better than any other humans are and in Bush's case, all are better. I loathe the day Bush has his funeral spectacle.

Therefore, I want him to live a long life unless he is hanged for his crimes against humanity. Then who would want a State funeral for a murderer. Surely, Congress would not.

I also dread the recognition Clinton will undeservedly receive at his death. Only honorable men and women deserve such pomp and circumstances, if those recognitions must occur at all.

31 Dec 06 - 05:44 PM (#1923544)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

Link to article mentioned by PeterT

Said essentially what I've been saying here all week.

I'd forgotten about the Solzhenitsyn snub.

But will never forget East Timor, his support for Saddam and the Shah...

31 Dec 06 - 05:52 PM (#1923551)
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney to deliver Ford's eulogy

Also, does anyone else find it strange that the rarely seen Cheney is currently on every tv and radio station one turns to, singing the praises of Ford?

Whazzup wit dat?