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Variable Whiskey

06 Jan 07 - 11:10 AM (#1928262)
Subject: Variable Whiskey
From: GUEST,Enquiring mind.

How come I feel drunk after about four 35ml measures of whiskey in a bar, but I can drink more than half of a 70cl bottle at home before I pass out? Mixed with ginger beer in both cases.

06 Jan 07 - 11:24 AM (#1928274)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: GUEST,the whisky bar kid

this calls for some determined scientific research and 'experimentation'


06 Jan 07 - 11:29 AM (#1928279)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: John MacKenzie

It's cheaper at home?

06 Jan 07 - 11:32 AM (#1928283)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Nigel Parsons

In the bar you measure your state by the way others are reacting to you, or by your ability to speak to them coherently.
At home you measure your condition by your continued ability to a) pour another drink, b) find the remote control for the TV.

you are not comparing like with like!

06 Jan 07 - 11:32 AM (#1928284)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: wysiwyg

What/when you ate/didn't eat varied?


06 Jan 07 - 11:33 AM (#1928285)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Leadfingers

Is it WHISKY or WHISKEY you are drinking ? There IS a difference !

06 Jan 07 - 11:44 AM (#1928295)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: jeffp

Are you drinking til you pass out at the bar? If not, you are using different criteria to judge drunkenness.

06 Jan 07 - 11:46 AM (#1928299)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Rapparee

This requires dedicated laboratory experimentation! Let's get a grant!

06 Jan 07 - 11:59 AM (#1928321)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: jeffp

Of course, the experiment will have to have many test subjects and be replicated many times.

06 Jan 07 - 12:01 PM (#1928326)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Liz the Squeak

At a bar, you're moving around and thus your blood is pumping harder, pushing the alcohol around quicker. At home you're lying on the sofa so your pulse rate is likely to be slower. That, and you're not being charged a small fortune at home, so it's less stressful.


06 Jan 07 - 12:10 PM (#1928338)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Captain Ginger

I think Nigel and Liz have established the two main reasons, but this surely does call for a prolonged and detailed programme of experimentation.
Before we start, could I just bags not being in the placebo/control group?
And whisky/whiskey; either's fine by me. As well as a Glenmorangie and some of the sweeter Speysides, I'm rather partial to a large Black Bush (as an ex will probably testify! Sorry - lowering the tone a tad)...

06 Jan 07 - 12:14 PM (#1928343)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: John MacKenzie

I have started an experiment at home, under controlled conditions. I will let you know how soon the become 'Out of control' conditions.
G ¦¬]

06 Jan 07 - 12:14 PM (#1928344)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Liz the Squeak

Typical bloody man... can't accept the truth from a woman, they have to go and find out for themselves, making themselves sick and poor, wasting money on pointless reasearch when it could go on shoes.... sorry, food for the poor.


06 Jan 07 - 12:16 PM (#1928346)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Captain Ginger

My dear girl, it was a woman what drove me to drink.
This year I really must look her up and thank her.

06 Jan 07 - 01:12 PM (#1928388)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Leadfingers

I would FAR rather be driven to drink than have to walk !!

06 Jan 07 - 01:55 PM (#1928424)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: number 6

Who would mix ginger beer with whiskey? I pass out at the thought.


06 Jan 07 - 01:58 PM (#1928429)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Slag

Crawl to drink? If you're able!

AA has some answers. AAsk them.

06 Jan 07 - 02:11 PM (#1928447)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Bill D

There is a new club..AAA-AA....for people who are being driven to drink.

(Speysides are nice (I love Cragganmore)...but for daily consumption, let me have Highland Park from Orkney...and for special treat, old Springbank from Campbeltown!)

06 Jan 07 - 02:26 PM (#1928459)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey

You feel drunk on 140ml
You pass out after an excess of 350ml

06 Jan 07 - 02:47 PM (#1928484)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Nigel Parsons

I must agree with "Number 6". Whiskey/whisky & Ginger Beer sounds really odd.
Whisky & Dry Ginger I would recognise (if not drink)
Whisky & Stones Ginger Wine (a.k.a. "Whisky Mac") is very acceptable as a 'Winter Warmer'


06 Jan 07 - 04:26 PM (#1928566)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Rapparee

Being driven to drink gives a whole new dimension to being a "designate driver."

As Dorothy Parker said, "One martini and I'm slightly under the weather. Two martinis and I'm under the table. Three martinis and I'm under my host."

07 Jan 07 - 04:23 AM (#1928960)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Dave Hanson

The only thing to put in a whisky ia another one, GINGER BEER in whisky, you must be insane, polluting the water of life is a mortal sin.


07 Jan 07 - 06:25 AM (#1928994)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: DoctorJug

I met a chap in a pub, he was complaining about his rotten hangover. He thought he'd drunk too much rum & blackcurrant the previous night. The barman came over and told him he hadn't had so many, as, seeing he'd had enough, he'd served him just blackcurrant later in the session. The effect was in his mind.

07 Jan 07 - 02:22 PM (#1929384)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Cluin

How did you guauge your drunkenness in the bar?

You were on the rye and took a swing at someone, didn't you?

07 Jan 07 - 05:54 PM (#1929584)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Podger

It's the ginger beer that's the variable.

08 Jan 07 - 05:08 AM (#1929991)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Gurney

It's the other way around with me. In a pub I don't get very drunk at all, but at home my conscience tells me that I'm drunk and makes me go to bed quite soon.

Her name is Judy.

08 Jan 07 - 05:21 AM (#1929997)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Liz the Squeak

I've never really understood the difference between the majority of men and women in pubs (I choose to ignore the present culture of "ladettes" 18-28yr old girls getting blasted every night), where the women drink because they like the sociable setting and the taste of the drink, but men just want to get as much down their necks as possible.

I used to drink because I needed the effects and the way that alcohol made me feel. I now drink because I like the taste of the liquid I'm drinking. I know from experience when I've had enough to keep me happy but cogniscent. Why is it so hard for others (and they're usually men) to recognise this same limit?

And why must they drink a skinful at the pub and then come home reeling, straight into the whiskey bottle that just makes a bad situation worse?


08 Jan 07 - 07:16 AM (#1930051)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: David C. Carter

Liz:To 'come home reeling'you got to find the house first!

08 Jan 07 - 07:50 AM (#1930080)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Beer

Ginger Beer in Whiskey?!?!?!?
I have to try it just to see. What part of the world you from? Ginger beer is drunk in the Eastern Provinces on Canada, including Quebec. But I have never heard of it mixed with Whiskey. When your at a bar, do you ask for ginger beer there as well?

aka (adrien)

08 Jan 07 - 08:08 AM (#1930098)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Schantieman

Ginger ALE, maybe. With brandy, it's a Horse's Neck.

Whisky is Scotch (along with salmon and mist - everthing else from that fine country is Scottish or Scots)
Whiskey is Irish

Prefer gin, myself.


08 Jan 07 - 08:44 AM (#1930123)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Beer

That is interesting Steve. Is that like Mc is Catholic and Mac is Protestant? Or maybe it is visa versa. Or maybe it's not true at all. However in checking the dictionary there is not mention of the word "Whisky" only "Whiskey". As well in my spell check there is no "Whisky".
aka (adrien)

08 Jan 07 - 09:29 AM (#1930160)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Captain Ginger

As a general rule, Whisky is the Scottish (and New Zealand and Japanese) usage, while
Whiskey is the Irish (and American and Canadian) usage.
I like them both!

08 Jan 07 - 04:27 PM (#1930612)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Jim McLean

A wee bit of research ... Maclean's Miscellany of Whisky .. does wonders. It shows that the words whisky and whiskey were quite interchangable until recently when, possible blind drunk 'people' wanted to believe that one word meant Scottish and the other Irish and/or Scotch could only mean drink and not an adjective for other things unless it excluded people. If you are a serious whisk(e)y drinker you'll know that the best way to get the flavour is always to add a little water.

08 Jan 07 - 05:00 PM (#1930646)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Beer

Slainte. I agree with you on the little water. In a cheap scotch I will be a little more generous with the H2O. However in a very good Scotch I will just add an ice cube and make it float. I never but scotch in a bar. To damn expensive for the amount you get.   The other thing is make sure that if you make your own ice cubes (from the tap.) that it is made from good drinkable water otherwise you will spoil your scotch. Like Duh!! Well, I was visiting a friend who I hadn't seen in some time and he produced a bottle of MacCallan. As soon as I tasted it I knew something was wrong. To make a long story short, he had used ice cubes that he made from his well water that was so loaded with minerals that the scotch was terrible. After a few more drinks it didn't matter much any way.
aka (adrien)

08 Jan 07 - 05:01 PM (#1930647)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Beer

I mean Jim

09 Jan 07 - 12:52 PM (#1931525)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: GUEST,Doc Hollowlegs (of enquiring mind)

Sorry, I meant ale.

09 Jan 07 - 01:11 PM (#1931535)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Captain Ginger

Ginger ale I can understand - done it myself even. When faced with a truly rank Scotch like Teachers and with no option but to grin and bear it, Canada Dry ginger ale does at least make it bearable, even if the resulting grin is a little forced.
In an ideal world I would like just a small jug of spring water with the whisk(e)y. Certainly not tap water - particularly if it was like some that was once served up at a Stoch whisky tasting at the British embassy in Tokyo. Whatever clot was in charge simply filled the jugs from the mains, and the water was so hideously chlorinated that it tainted everything it touched.
As a result the wondrous subtleties of the assorted Islays, Speysiders, Highlands and Islands were completely wasted. While in Japan, however, I did have the good fortune to encounter some cracking whiskies which would give the Scots a run for their money. I've also had an excellent New Zealand whisky.

09 Jan 07 - 07:03 PM (#1931854)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Bill D

I keep the water to an absolute minimum...a few drops can help release the flavor, but I don't want any ice, nor do I want any drink of spirits half-strength.

Old joke:

Two Scotsmen are talking. Giok has been to visit Andrew, and is about to leave.

Andrew- "So, Giok, my friend....would ye tak a dram afore ye go?"

Giok- "Och..and I don't mind if I do!"

Andrew gets a glass, pours some Scotch, and then adds some water and hands it to Giok, who sips at it.....then sips again, with a quizzical look on his face.

Andrew says, with a touch of pique.."Now, Giok, the whisky- it's not to your liking?"

"Oh,'s fine....I was wondering though..."

"Wondering? wondering about what?"

"Weel...when you poured it, did you add the water or the whisky first?"

"Ah, were right saw me do it! And I always put the whisky in first."

"Oh...right, right...of course! I'll be comin' to it, then!"

09 Jan 07 - 07:07 PM (#1931857)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Cluin

An oldie but a goodie, Bill.

09 Jan 07 - 07:32 PM (#1931871)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: bobad

Hey Beer, I hope you're not referring to the glass of Macallans I served you at new years. I would never serve a good whisky with ice cubes - I have enough of that there savoir faire to know that quality whisky should be drunk at room temperature with just a splash of water to take the alcohol edge off to let you savour the taste and aroma of the smokiness of the peat and salt spray of Scotland.

09 Jan 07 - 08:13 PM (#1931892)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Beer

That my friend was the best drink I had in a very long time. The one I had with the bad ice cubes took place about 10 years ago. But it was with the same brand.
All is well Bobad.

10 Jan 07 - 06:01 AM (#1932145)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Jim McLean

Regarding the Mc and Mac question, I have a book printed in the mid 19th century which spells the same person's name in three ways, all on the same page, MacGibbons, M'Gibbons (not an apostrophe but an open quote) and McGibbons (the c , underlined, is placed half way up the line). It would appear that the open quote was eventually seen, incorrectly, as a c, hence the modern usage, as in my name, e.g. McLean.
Incidentally I have an uncle and nephew who use MacLean.

10 Jan 07 - 11:22 AM (#1932380)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

Re Japanese spirits: I remember being suspicious of the wee submarines they sent to Loch Ness a few years back, supposedly seeking the Monster. What's the betting they were taking samples of peat &c; or has some overindulgence made me unduly paranoid?

10 Jan 07 - 11:23 AM (#1932382)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

Old Scots saying: "Never drink Whisky without water; and never drink water without whisky..."

10 Jan 07 - 12:31 PM (#1932449)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Leadfingers

NEVER drink water - Look what fish do in it !

10 Jan 07 - 12:39 PM (#1932457)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Bill D

example of the sort of reasoning we often encounter:

"I was having problems with getting drunk....I tried Rye & water and got drunk, then Scotch & water, Bourbon & water, Irish & water....same result!

Conclusion...the common ingredient is water, so I think I'll give IT up."

10 Jan 07 - 12:43 PM (#1932459)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Captain Ginger

Many a true word said in jest, An Buachaill Caol Dubh. The Suntory company in Japan owes its success today to a remarkable piece of industrial espionage just after the Great War, when a young Japanese chemist, Masataka Taketsuru, came over to study at a Glasgow University summer school and started touring various distilleries.
He was taken on briefly by a couple as a chemist in the quality control department, and assuously noted everything needed for the production of good whisky, including the water hardness, the type of soils around there and the varieties of barley.
When he got back home (with a young Scottish wife in tow) he set about touring the highlands of Japan until he found a location which was as close as he could find to the Scottish distillery and there he set about producing the first Japanese 'Scotch' at the Yamazaki in 1923.

10 Jan 07 - 07:41 PM (#1932767)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: bobad

"Glen Breton Rare Canadian Single Malt Whisky is the only single malt whisky produced in Canada. It is produced by the traditional copper pot stills method using only three ingredients: Barley, Yeast and Water.

It can not be called 'Scotch' unless it is produced in Scotland, hence, Canadian Single Malt Whisky.

Colour: Golden Amber

Nose: Butterscotch, heather, honey and ground ginger

Taste: Creamy with a good
flow of toasty wood, almond
and caramel

Finish: Rounded, lingering, faintly sweet, merest whisper
of peat"

10 Jan 07 - 08:13 PM (#1932782)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Jim Lad

Strap your wristwatch to your forehead. That way you will know what time you passed out. Whisky is Scotch. Whiskey is all the other rubbish!

10 Jan 07 - 08:18 PM (#1932789)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Jim Lad

Sorry bobad! Didn't see your post there. I used to live just a few miles from Glenora Distillery. They are deliberately mis-spelling the "Whiskey" too.

10 Jan 07 - 08:41 PM (#1932797)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: kendall

One tequela, two tequela, three tequela....floor.

10 Jan 07 - 09:02 PM (#1932802)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: GUEST,John Gray in Oz

Liz - I used a tactic with my 3 sons to help them from over indulging on the booze and doing something stupid. Not long after boys discover the joys of sex they are legal to drink. ( 18 in Oz )
Starting with the first bloke I advised that the last thing a woman wants is to have a drunk flopping all over her trying to have sex. Very degrading. Therefore they don't like going home from the pub / party with a drunk.
So, wait around, let all your mates get pissed, and its a monty there
will be a girl to go home with. ( Sex has always been preferable to booze )
When it worked for the oldest he wised up his 2 brothers. They're now 24 to 28 and social/moderate drinkers.
Then there's strategy. The strategy was that they didn't drink my bloody Scotch.


11 Jan 07 - 06:45 AM (#1933085)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Dazbo

Stones Ginger Wine mixed with Stones bitter makes an nice drink, believe it or not.

11 Jan 07 - 09:19 AM (#1933238)
Subject: RE: Variable Whiskey
From: Liz the Squeak

John Gray - good tactic!

Dazbo - would that be called a 'Rockery?'

I'm quite fond of Jamaican Macs - like whisky macs but with rum instead of whisky. Very warming on a cold winter's night.