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no longer a member

12 Jan 07 - 07:11 AM (#1934151)
Subject: no longer a member
From: GUEST,Former memeber Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats S

I was a member of the mudcat cafe, and now I'm not, the reason is because I feel that I'm being picked on, I voice my opinons and then I get kicked in the teeth.

So from now on I'll be a guest.

12 Jan 07 - 07:16 AM (#1934155)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

I agree with you Tom,

I mean why should you be am member of a website where you voice you views and yet you get kicked in the teeth for putting them over, that's why I would join.

12 Jan 07 - 07:17 AM (#1934156)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: gnu

That is very unfortunate. Of course, glad to hear you are not leaving "entirely".

12 Jan 07 - 07:18 AM (#1934157)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: GUEST,Tom hamilton

I might come back as a member I don't yet, I'll have think about it.


12 Jan 07 - 07:25 AM (#1934165)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: scotland forever

Hello I'm back,

I'm now called Scotland forever, and I'll try and keep calm this time i promise.

Tom Hamilton

12 Jan 07 - 07:30 AM (#1934167)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: GUEST,scotsman

seeking attention, or what!
Quite pitiful

12 Jan 07 - 07:30 AM (#1934169)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: kendall

Would you be willing to give us an example of being "kicked in the teeth"?

12 Jan 07 - 07:39 AM (#1934171)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Paul Burke

I think he's upset by some of us objecting to being condemned to the Fiery Pit for all eternity. Really! I ought to just take perpetual punsihment in my stride.

12 Jan 07 - 07:40 AM (#1934174)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

Tom H., if you'd stayed a guest awhile longer you could have examined how they are regarded and treated.

12 Jan 07 - 07:41 AM (#1934176)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: scotland forever

here's an example I think anyway.

Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: GUEST,scotsman - PM
Date: 12 Jan 07 - 07:30 AM

seeking attention, or what!
Quite pitiful

I just put it across that I'm leaving this website as a member and I might do it again some day I don't know when but I'll do it and I'm NOT seeking attention. I'm just telling people that's all, and this sort of thing I feel is a kick in the teeth, I might be wrong, however I just wish that people would be more tactful including me.

I'm just an old git that's all.


12 Jan 07 - 07:50 AM (#1934182)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: kendall

Look, Guests are NOT automatically disrespected or attacked just because they are guests. That's bollox! A red herring for those who want to snipe behind the cloak of anonimity.
Show me where a guest was attacked just for being a guest.

12 Jan 07 - 07:50 AM (#1934183)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Jack Campin

Searching the forum for"tom hamilton saltcoats" gets no hits.

I suspect that no such "former member" exists.

12 Jan 07 - 07:50 AM (#1934185)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Mr Happy

sticks & stones??????

12 Jan 07 - 07:52 AM (#1934186)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

The vacillation displayed in less than a quarter-hour could understandably be regarded by some as attention-seeking. Whatever the case, I hope the topic of the thread survives.

12 Jan 07 - 07:52 AM (#1934188)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Keith A of Hertford

Tom, or Tam has had about 20 name changes.

12 Jan 07 - 08:02 AM (#1934198)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Wolfgang

Searching the forum for"tom hamilton saltcoats" gets no hits.

You are right but you have made the wrong search. You did omit the "frae".


12 Jan 07 - 08:04 AM (#1934199)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: GUEST,number 6

A friend of mine who is originally from Glasgow has "Scotland Forever" tatooed on his right forarm. It's emblazoned around the Lion Rampart.


12 Jan 07 - 08:17 AM (#1934211)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

dear Guest,

Tom is just a sad old git so I think we should just leave him alone

12 Jan 07 - 08:17 AM (#1934212)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Paul from Hull

It seems he has Keith....he had 3 in less than 15 minutes within this thread!

I'm not getting at you with that, Tom, but the fact that you seem to post everything on your mind, as it occurs to you, thus making for several posts on the same thread, might be part of the reason you get some 'flip' comments....

That & the fact you sometimes, as in the God/'fags'/straight threads take things as a personal insult.

12 Jan 07 - 08:20 AM (#1934215)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

The reason why I have change me mudcat name 10-20 times which isn't true is because I'm just fed up with certain people that post on the mudcat cafe and they hurt my feelings. That's it I'm no longer a member of Mudcat cafe.

I tried once more but it didn't work, so there.

You would be glad that I'm away as a member.

12 Jan 07 - 08:21 AM (#1934217)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

I just hope that Tom comes back as a member

12 Jan 07 - 08:26 AM (#1934221)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: The Fooles Troupe

It is sad, but true that we have far too mnay Dicks as members here....

12 Jan 07 - 08:32 AM (#1934227)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Captain Ginger

Oi, what about the Harrys?

12 Jan 07 - 08:32 AM (#1934228)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: guitar

I agree

12 Jan 07 - 08:36 AM (#1934231)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: The Fooles Troupe

SO there's no real need to Harry back....

12 Jan 07 - 08:53 AM (#1934252)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Keith A of Hertford

It is OK.
We are still all your friends here.
If we pull your leg or disagree sometimes, we are still your friends.
Stay with us, and let us know how you are getting on.
And you are certainly not old.
just 41 last October.
All the best now my old mate,

12 Jan 07 - 09:12 AM (#1934268)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Mr Red

Now kicking in the teeth is not the the only pecadillo of the anonymous GUEST nor is it a mandatory pursuit. But there is a lot of it in GUESTland - moreso than you would credit to shy, modest, sensitives names - certainly true of those with a chromatic fetish

We all have insecurities and are hurting - over somesuch - but it doesn't have to rule our hobbies - surely.

12 Jan 07 - 09:25 AM (#1934279)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: pdq


                           look here

12 Jan 07 - 09:33 AM (#1934286)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: guitar

I have became a member again, I have changed my mudcat name to Guitar, abd hopefully I'll try and stay calm about things, an thry and not get so wound up.

Tom Hamilton Frae Saltcoats Scotland

12 Jan 07 - 09:35 AM (#1934288)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: guitar

have became a member again, I have changed my mudcat name to Guitar, and hopefully I'll try and stay calm about things, and not get so wound up, the reason why I keep changing names is because after a while I just get fed up with the name and I try something new.

Tom Hamilton Frae Saltcoats Scotland

12 Jan 07 - 09:36 AM (#1934289)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Keith A of Hertford

Good name Tom.

12 Jan 07 - 09:38 AM (#1934293)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: guitar


12 Jan 07 - 09:41 AM (#1934295)
Subject: RE: no longer a member

Does God play your guitar Tom ?

12 Jan 07 - 09:44 AM (#1934298)
Subject: RE: no longer a member
From: Mr Happy

with all the changes to your nom de guerre, it'd be entirely possible to concoct a thread of your own featuring responses from a variety of fluctuating aliases!
    I think that's enough of this discussion.
    -Joe Offer-