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More Kytrad on youtube

21 Jan 07 - 05:30 PM (#1943600)
Subject: More Kytrad on youtube
From: GUEST,Jon Pickow

Hi All,

Dad (George) has added another video of Jean to youtube. This time it's Blue Diamond Mines.

Enjoy, Jon

21 Jan 07 - 05:56 PM (#1943617)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Amos

Here's a link to it for convenience.


22 Jan 07 - 03:28 PM (#1944640)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Great sound & video!! thanks for the link!

22 Jan 07 - 04:52 PM (#1944714)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: katlaughing

Thanks Jon and George! Love to see anything with Jean!!

22 Jan 07 - 05:00 PM (#1944722)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube

Love Black Waters as well. Thanks for the link.

23 Jan 07 - 07:48 AM (#1945317)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks, much appreciated.

I really must remember that I now have the technology to listen & watch videos, I'm missing a lot by not thinking!


04 Apr 07 - 12:03 PM (#2016216)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: katlaughing

Folks, check out Jean and George's Ballad for Easter. It is simply beautiful!

04 Apr 07 - 12:14 PM (#2016229)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Big Mick

Absolutely beautiful ballad, and the interpretation by our Jean is just what you would expect. How lucky are we to have this wonderful woman in our midst.

George Pickow, what a talent this man is. The day that Jean and George met was a very lucky day for all of us. Each of them among the best interpreters in their respective genre's, and to have them creating together these wonderful works is good fortune of the first order. Thanks, George, for giving us these amazing visual gifts to go with the beautiful vocal renderings of your beloved Jean.

Good people, as beautiful as this work is, the real life creators are just as beautiful. When one is around them, one cannot help but feel the warmth.

Thanks, kat.

Le gach dea-mhéin, (all the best,)


04 Apr 07 - 12:16 PM (#2016234)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

So she isn't balld Kat?
Good old spellcheque.
I submitted this to another thread, last night.....
Kytrad: Yer a wee siren! That was absolutely lovely and quite nostalgic in the sound. Brenda came home from her group practice just as it was ending so we played it all over again. Couldn't take our eyes off the art as it played. Your my Berkley Woman now!
For those on dial up: It's a very long piece and will take a long time to load so you probably won't. Not to worry. It's just the voice of an Angel singing about the passion, death & resurrection to the sounds of a dulcimer, nylon string guitar I think, recorder & a wee bit of 5 string in there too. All with a real Sixties quality to it and just a bit Appalachian sounding at the end. Oh! and some drawings.
Did I miss anything?

Good morning all, from the cool grey Highlands.

04 Apr 07 - 12:30 PM (#2016247)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: katlaughing

Arrggghhh...spellcheck indeed, Jim Lad!*bg*

Glad you gents found this to your liking...who wouldn't! Just a note, the words and music are original...all Jean's doing herself and nothing less than I've come to expect of her Beauty and Gifts.:-)


04 Apr 07 - 12:42 PM (#2016264)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

Mathew, Mark, Luke & Jean. Got a ring to it!

04 Apr 07 - 01:26 PM (#2016310)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: catspaw49

Thanks Jon for letting us know. When you listen to Jean it is always real and the best. There is no one quite like her.


04 Apr 07 - 01:39 PM (#2016335)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: gnu


04 Apr 07 - 02:45 PM (#2016394)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Big Mick

You want to see an absolute treasure? Then go to Youtube and have a watch/listen to Jean Ritchie and Pete Seeger sing Jenny Jenkins. This is a treasure of the first order.

Jean, if you are following this thread, when did you record that?

All the best,


04 Apr 07 - 02:58 PM (#2016408)
Subject: ADD: Ballad for Easter
From: wysiwyg

Jean Ritchie

A young man came a-riding, a-riding into town;
They tore down leaves to line the way his beast did walk upon.
His eyes were warm and friendly, his smile was bright and free.
He was the fairest young man that ever I did see!

Although he was so lowly, and seated on a mule,
Some said that he was holy, some said he was a fool.
Some fell upon their bended knee. Some, angry, cried aloud.
He smiled his blessing on them all, and went on through the crowd.

Sometimes he preached; sometimes he prayed; sometimes he healed the lame.
The sick, the blind, the hungry-- they all did praise his name.
The many called him welcome, and some did dance and sing.
With Hosannas and Hosannas, they made the world to ring.

He went into the supper hall, broke bread amongst his friends.
There Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and John, the twelve did talk with him.
At length he said to Judas, "Rise quickly. Go, and do,"
For he knew full well (though Judas not), both lives would soon be through.

Then James and John and Peter went out with him to pray.
But sleep did overtake them, beneath the olive tree.
He cried and prayed alone there, in sweet Gethsemane:
"Oh Father, give us strength to bear what we must bear today."

Judas came unto him,
Led the crowd up to him;
With a kiss betrayed him
Unto the Pharisee.
All crying, "Crucify!
For God he doth blaspheme."
Crying, "Crucify him,
For God he doth blaspheme!"

His friends all in confusion did hide or run away.
The soldiers bound him prisoner; he nothing then did say.
They led him to the trial, the hall in madness rung.
And "Crucify him, crucify!" was heard on every tongue.

"Oh, alone... oh, alone...
Though I see ten thousand standing all around me,
Oh, I'm alone."

When Jesus stood before the judge, they said, "What have you done?"
To answer might have saved his life, but answer he made none.
"Are you the son of God?" "I am," then, his ringing answer came.
And they hung that man upon the cross for the telling of his name.

"Oh, alone... oh, alone..."

They called for Pontius Pilate to have this man condemned.
"What wrong has this man done to you? I find no fault in him!
Go bring to me some water-- for I wash my hands of all."
Then Pilate he went homeward, and Jesus stands alone.

Oh, alone. He walked all the way to Calvary's mountain, oh, alone,
"Oh, alone... oh, alone...
Though I see ten thousand standing all around me,
Oh, I'm alone."

To the cross they nailed him; with the thorns they crowned him.
"Father, O forgive them-- they know not what they do!"

"My God, my God in heaven, has thou forsaken me?"
'Tis then he drank the bitter gall and, next, forgave the thief.
"Now, son, behold thy mother," he said to loving John;
"Oh, Father it is finished! O God, thy will be done."

They laid him in the tomb, they laid him in the tomb.
Placed a guard around it and sealed it with a stone.
But he burst the bands of death! He burst the bands of death!
The tomb it could not hold him-- he burst the bands of death.

So early Sunday morning, Mary she came weeping.
Mary she came weeping just at the break of day.
"What's the matter Mary? What's the matter, Mary?
What's the matter, Mary?" "They stole my Lord away!"

"He's risen from the dead, he's risen from the dead.
Run and tell the people he's risen from the dead!
He's risen from the dead, he's risen from the dead.
Run and tell the people he's risen from the dead!"


04 Apr 07 - 09:28 PM (#2016821)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: catspaw49

Listen up....Y'all are goin' on about the wrong stuff. I love Jean's work as is well known around here and maybe its because I have been listening to and singing (badly) "Black Waters," Blue Diamond Mines," "Dear Companion," etc., for about as long as I have played a guitar. What has me hooked right now is the one on her website titled "Too Many Shadows."   Jean Ritchie with Pedal Steel....really far out....but a great tune and words make this song a real keeper. I recall Jean saying she offered it to Johnny Cash (is that right Jean or am I losing it?) and he didn't take it. Doesn't speak well for poor old JC because it just sounds like a Cash song! If you haven't heard it yet, go have a listen.


04 Apr 07 - 10:21 PM (#2016870)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: maeve

Oh, how I wish I could listen to these!

04 Apr 07 - 10:32 PM (#2016879)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Peace

It was beautiful. Thank you for the thread, Jon.

05 Apr 07 - 12:37 AM (#2016938)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: katlaughing

Yep, you're right about Too Many Shadows, Spaw. I remembering thinking it was a JC song when I first heard it.

05 Apr 07 - 07:28 AM (#2017091)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Big Mick

For those not familiar with Jean's work (how could this be?), just take a run through the photo gallery. By the time you hit the end, you will know what a grand lady she is.


05 Apr 07 - 11:32 AM (#2017312)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad


05 Apr 07 - 12:15 PM (#2017360)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

The Johnny Cash/Too Many Shadows Story: At the Newport Folk Festival one year, Johnny said to me backstage, "Jean, are you gonna write me a song?" Sure, Johnny!" I replied. Over the next month or two I would think about that, and after awhile I had son Jon write the music onto paper, I set down the words and sent it to Johhny C. I saw him a few weekslater at some friend's Record-Coming-Out party in a little NYC restaurant, and asked him if he liked the song. He said it was a fine song but didn't fit into his theme for this particular record. After a year went by I figured he wasn't ever going to do that song, so I recorded it myself. Son Peter accompanied with guitar, and singing on choruses- got the low note for me (Bright sunshine gladdened all our WAYS). I liked singing the song, and so still do it sometimes, when I have someone around to sing the low note!

Thank you folks for all your good words. I sniff a Conspiracy somewhere...    Jean

05 Apr 07 - 12:31 PM (#2017377)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

You've got some folks pretty excited by your dropping in.
Happy to have found you, Jean.

05 Apr 07 - 01:04 PM (#2017415)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: gnu

Just finished watching "Too Many Shadows". I have goosebumps!

05 Apr 07 - 01:06 PM (#2017417)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Big Mick

Actually, Jim, she has been "dropping in" here for a number of years.

05 Apr 07 - 01:09 PM (#2017420)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: catspaw49

I sniffed a conspiracy once. Smelled something like a rancid ramp. What a stench! I don't get that smell around here, but let me tell Jim there a tale on YOU!

Jim, you've been around here long enough to know that digging for info on songs is still one of the best things we do. Jean thought it might be a good place too so she brought us a song to research. Now generally one of the best ways to get info on any song is to get some info if possible from the artist or artists who sang it and of course try to find the writer and get an idea of where the idea for the song came from and the like.

So Jean tells us she wants to know more about this song called "The World Is Old Tonight".......Seems that this song has only been recorded by one artist and the author is known although deceased. Sounds pretty easy huh? Yeah.....well.......The artist in question was Jean herself and her SISTER wrote the song! What Jean wanted to know is where her sister got the idea and/or the words for the song. This HAD to be the strangest research thread we ever had.   The only artist to record it had NO INFO about it short of the fact her sister wrote it?!?!?!?

CLICK HERE and check out the thread to see how weird it was and to see how we did.


05 Apr 07 - 01:22 PM (#2017430)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

I'm too young to have been doing anything for a number of years.

05 Apr 07 - 01:24 PM (#2017433)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

Will do, later.

05 Apr 07 - 01:25 PM (#2017435)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Big Mick

That is one of the best threads ever on the Mudcat. Thanks, Spaw. I hadn't read it through in a few years.


05 Apr 07 - 02:41 PM (#2017508)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Jim Lad

That was quite the search!
I had to give up at April 26th though.
Kid needs me.
Got to run.

05 Apr 07 - 04:10 PM (#2017624)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Spaw, I'd forgotten about that one, too!

05 Apr 07 - 04:47 PM (#2017655)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: Sorcha

So had I! I didn't do anything on that one, everything I could do had been done, but it was fabulous!!

06 Apr 07 - 11:29 AM (#2018274)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: wysiwyg

Thanks, Jean, for your inspiration as well as for that particular song. I hope I transcribed it correctly. And I LOVE how the tempo and feel change for the concluding portion!


15 May 07 - 08:33 PM (#2052971)
Subject: RE: More Kytrad on youtube
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

NO! NO! NO! SPAW! I just found your April 5, '07 post- forgive me but we mustn't mislead people AGAIN! If you'll check my post dated 25 April, '01, on the old thread, "The World is Old," please note that I give this information: Composer, Joseph Moorat; Words, Laurance Housman. My sister Pauline Ritchie was a Wellesley STUDENT in her youth and helped to write their Christmas play for one of the years she was there- probably the early 1920s. THE ENGLISH CAROL BOOK, containing the song, was in the Wellesley Library, and it was from this book she learned the song. Joy and blessings to all, Jean