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Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat

23 Jan 07 - 06:16 PM (#1945990)
Subject: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Micca

    This is a PermaThread™, maintained by Officers of Friends of Mudcat and Joe Offer. Feel free to post to this thread, but be aware that all messages in this thread are subject to deletion and editing.

UK Friends of The Mudcat

There has been a recent change of Officials. Gareth Williams has stepped down as Treasurer. John Routledge has taken over his duties, and John "Giok" MacKenzie has been co-opted onto the Committee.

Pending elections, money will continue to be transferred via Bill Sables to Max on a quarterly basis. The mechanics of this are being looked at to see if there is a more direct method of transfer.These arrangements will remain in place pending election of new Officials which we hope will be held by Easter 2007

In the absence of a 3D meeting we need a membership list for voting purposes. Persons wishing to become members should PM their name address and email address to John "Giok" MacKenzie and they will be added to the membership list. Additionally nominations are required for positions as FoM Officials ie Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer together with two auditors.

Members can nominate one person, for each of the vacant positions, including themselves, no seconder is necessary Applications and nominations should be received before March 1st 2007 to enable elections to take place quickly.

A Financial Audit would be carried out before handover to new officials and we hope that the existing auditors would carry this out.

A Permathread dedicated to FoM will be created which will be used to inform members of events and fund-raising activities, and any amounts raised at the various UK MudMeets, the thread will be edited to focus on current matters, and reflect the core of FoM activity.

*Member Registration
*The only qualification required is an interest in supporting Mudcat and residing in the UK. No membership fee is required. We anticipate membership of less than 100 rather than several hundreds The biggest input members will have is producing ideas for fund- raising activities and carrying them out.
Persons wishing to become members should PM their name address and email address to John"Giok"MacKenzie and they will be added to the membership, nominations for office bearers and auditors should also be made at this time. Applications and nominations should be received before March 1st 2007 to enable early elections to take place.

24 Jan 07 - 05:10 AM (#1946367)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

For those of you who may be wondering about UK FoM let me give you a brief history.
It was started at a great Mudgathering in Stony Stratford in 2002, when it was decided to run a raffle and donate the proceeds to Max as a means of helping towards the cost of running this site.
We elected a few office bearers and opened a bank account and one or two people set up standing orders with their banks, to pay a small monthly amount to FoM. At almost every Mudgathering since then, including the Euro gatherings, people have donated items as raffle prizes, and the monies raised have found their way to Max to show our appreciation of the Mudcat Cafe.
Quite a lot of money has been raised, and has gone to Max, exact figures will be given when we do our audit, but I know it's in excess of £1000.
So that's roughly what it's all about, and so many people have helped in different ways, and in the end it's all for our benefit. People like Hilary [MGAS], Jane [Mrs Duck] and Kate [Fibula Mattock] have all run Mudgathers and raffles to help the cause, there are others too, but I can't remember them all, but a big thanks is due to those who do these things for no return.
So please register as a member, and donate the raffle prizes, and buy the raffle tickets too, it will give you a warm glow, honest!
Just your name, home address, and e-mail address is all we require.
If you want to volunteer as an office bearer,{we only have them as we are collecting money and we need to keep accounts}, then please do. Or nominate someone, with their permission, to help run things, please do so.
It's all in a good cause folkies!!!

24 Jan 07 - 07:11 AM (#1946454)
Subject: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

On the financial side I now have all the Bank Statements etc since FoM was set up in 2002 and will produce a package for audit before the end of the month.This Audit will enable the new office bearers to start with a clean sheet so to speak.The amount sent by FoM to date is in excess of £2500.

Future Bank Statements will be sent direct and I will therefore be able to deal with specific enquiries, via PM, regarding individual transactions. This will normally be possible by return.

Happy Fundraising to All

24 Jan 07 - 05:37 PM (#1947054)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Very glad to see this is Reincarnated & Revived, well done Chaps!!
Hil x

26 Jan 07 - 05:22 AM (#1948432)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Splott Man

I'm in

26 Jan 07 - 07:50 AM (#1948526)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

There have been so many Catters supporting various MudGathers & MudRaffles over the past few years, I'm sure they'll all be registering as soon as they click on this thread. Let's keep it at the top Chaps!

27 Jan 07 - 07:03 AM (#1949474)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

"I'm in" Said Alec,as an excuse to send this important thread toppermost again. :-)

27 Jan 07 - 10:46 AM (#1949619)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Liz the Squeak

Coming soon (possibly) - the opportunity to have Liz the Squeak squeaking as your mobile phone ringtone! £5 to Mudcat to have it, £10 to Mudcat NOT to have it!!!


27 Jan 07 - 10:58 AM (#1949630)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat

I vote that you all move across the Pond and live in Maine. Then you won't have such difficulties sending Max money.
SINS, the Practical

27 Jan 07 - 10:58 AM (#1949631)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

You're selling yourself short there Liz
G ¦¬]

27 Jan 07 - 12:02 PM (#1949690)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Bernard

Yup - most people would pay 50 quid NOT to have it!!

Hee hee!!


27 Jan 07 - 04:15 PM (#1949901)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: gnomad

Don't think my [half-brick-size] mobile does ring tones, so I'm safe.

Are the bank account details unchanged? I used to send odd bits of spare dosh, and would hope to do so again once trade restarts for the summer.

28 Jan 07 - 08:23 AM (#1950288)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Fidjit

No British bank account and here in Sweden we stopped writing cheques when the biro came out. I'll let someone have some cash at Miskin. Probably Hillary. But then probbly the bar as well.


28 Jan 07 - 05:23 PM (#1950713)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Geordie-Peorgie

Aah'm in!! My life has changed so much since aah met you's lot - For the better aah hev te say

29 Jan 07 - 05:43 AM (#1951029)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Happy to collect and forward any donations at Miskin Chas!

In case anyone else wants to do the same I'll also probably be happy to receive donantions at:
Cheltenham on the Saturday, MBS Reunion, Crediton (Mudgather on Saturday), Upton, Fox & Hounds, Chippenham, Pennymoor, Alcester, Forest Folk, Travelling Folk, Warwick, Sidmouth, Grove, Shrewsbury, Wareham Wail, Bromyard, Tenterden on the Saturday, Banbury (Probable Mudgather), Bampton & Bedworth (Probable Mudgather) so far!

29 Jan 07 - 04:08 PM (#1951552)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: MMario

I nominate that the current slate of officers serve until either:

a) they resign

or b) they fail a vote of confidence.

30 Jan 07 - 04:39 AM (#1952110)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Right John send us yer details and welcome to you.
I have had a wee note from Andy [Mudguard] in Munich, reminding me that he was one of the original members of UK FoM when it was formed at Stoney Stratford. So if nobody else objects, I'd like to extend the invitation to our friends in Europe to join us. After all they have contributed at various Euro gatherings towards Mudcat funds, and that's what we are all about.
So Andy, Wilfried, Suzanne, Bente, etc etc. Please feel free to join us.

30 Jan 07 - 07:34 AM (#1952215)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

I second MMario's thoughts in nominating:

John Routledge
John Giok MacKenzie
Micca Patterson

as they're all fab Catters & willing & able!!

At the risk of seeming a bit thick:
Are there any other positions apart from Treasurer, Secretary & Membership/Returning Officer etc. needing to be filled? Or is it just these positions we're talking about?

30 Jan 07 - 09:40 AM (#1952360)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Micca

Hils, we will create a special post just for you, as Lord High Raffler (responsible for extracting money with threats and menaces) armed only with a book of tickets and a tin of sweeties!!!

30 Jan 07 - 05:42 PM (#1952909)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

Right, I'll join.

What details do you need?

I'll see to it that a decent amount of funds is collected at the Eurogathering in Kiel next May.

And I suggest the "UK Friends of Mudcat" rename themselves the "UK and EU Friends of Mudcat" or even the "EU Friends of Mudcat".

31 Jan 07 - 05:28 AM (#1953297)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Lanfranc

Count me in - see PM.

I have auditing experience, if that is of any use.

Way back in 2002, after the foundation meeting, I drafted a Constitution for the UKFoM, sent it to Gareth and heard no more. Did anything ever come of it?

I've not been the most active of Mudcatters lately, having been incapacitated to a greater or lesser extent for most of the past couple of years with a serially broken arm. Now this has been fixed (again), barring another RTA you may well see more of me. You have been warned!


31 Jan 07 - 05:40 AM (#1953304)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Micca

Suzanne and Bente, we could just make you "Honorary Brits"
.........Ducks and runs for cover!!!

What's in a name? that which we call a rose
      By any other name would smell as sweet

31 Jan 07 - 07:15 AM (#1953349)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

I am delighted to nominate Lanfranc to do auditing!!

31 Jan 07 - 11:16 AM (#1953574)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Almost there MMario :0)

As the original idea of FoM was to enable small non US$ donations to be transmitted to the US without huge transfer costs how about
"Non US$ Friends of Mudcat" *smile*

Looks like we have come full circle back to FoM as a suitable title.

Lanfranc you may or may not be delighted to hear that the constitution currently used by FoM is probably the one you drafted and your work was not in vain.

31 Jan 07 - 11:22 AM (#1953582)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: dick greenhaus

Will the funds continue to be funneled through Bill Sables? The FoM/Sables/CAMSCO/Max conduit has worked well, wih no fees to anyone.

31 Jan 07 - 11:46 AM (#1953608)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Yes indeed Dick. That is the intention.

31 Jan 07 - 07:39 PM (#1954053)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

"East of pond" sounds ok! I could live with "Continental Friends of Mudcat" as well. As tu the EU debate, I think we'd better leave that till May as the thread might get too long to be handled comfortably ... :-)

03 Feb 07 - 08:49 AM (#1956467)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Right I now have 24 definite members with a couple more remaining to be confirmed.
What has been suggested is that we retain the status quo for now, with the following office bearers, as we are almost starting again with a clean slate due to the hiatus which ensued after our initial conception.

Chairman    John Giok MacKenzie
Secretary   Micca Patterson
Treasurer   John Routledge
Auditor 1   Alan Francis
Auditor 2   Volunteer required

So all those in favour say aye, any against please suggest an alternative!

Our sole raison d'etre is to raise money to help fund the costs of running this site, by means of raffles and donations.
We are not going to get bogged down in procedures and petty bureaucracy. Members will not be required to attend meetings cyber or otherwise, we're all just here to help Mudcat, by helping to run Mudgathers and raffles etc. Votes will be sought only to replace office holders or agree means of raising cash.
Any monies are sent to the treasurer, he banks it, and on a quarterly basis writes a cheque to Bill Sables who does business with the US, and he then sends the equivalent dollar amount to Dick Greenhaus, who is one of Max's co conspirators. That way it gets there at no added cost to FoM East!
So anyone thinking of volunteering as an auditor, it's not a hard job, and the sums involved aren't too difficult.
So any thoughts nominations volunteers, please let any of the office bearers know your ideas.

03 Feb 07 - 10:09 AM (#1956508)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

Though I know I am an "Unknown quantity" to many,on the basis "One volunteer is worth a hundred pressed men" I am fully prepared to be second auditor, if that is acceptable to the majority.

03 Feb 07 - 03:53 PM (#1956784)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Bainbo


03 Feb 07 - 05:04 PM (#1956845)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said


04 Feb 07 - 06:18 AM (#1957281)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Liz the Squeak

So do we welcome new member 'Volunteer' or is Alec getting it?


04 Feb 07 - 06:21 AM (#1957282)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

Alec hasn't been "getting it" for several days now.

04 Feb 07 - 06:23 AM (#1957283)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Well I'm quite happy to have Alec, he's nearly a Scot anyway
G ¦¬]

04 Feb 07 - 06:28 AM (#1957287)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

Well my mother was from Greenock so maybe half Scot.

04 Feb 07 - 07:04 AM (#1957299)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Wolfgang

I wouldn't have thought it necessary to ask, but some posts made me wonder:
At Kiel, would you prepared to accept Euros as contributions to Mudcat or would you prefer me to bring the amount already changed into British pounds?

Wolfgang (grinning)

04 Feb 07 - 07:08 AM (#1957302)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Sprachen ze mit Suzanne mein freund.


04 Feb 07 - 09:24 AM (#1957390)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Micca

Wolfgang, I think we would accept donations in Altarian Pobble beads if it will help Mudcat, after all, Money is money,

"a Mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound
money makes the world go round"

04 Feb 07 - 09:36 AM (#1957397)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: The Barden of England


04 Feb 07 - 02:51 PM (#1957630)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: fat B****rd

Aye, aye.

04 Feb 07 - 02:57 PM (#1957637)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

That shallot!

04 Feb 07 - 03:11 PM (#1957645)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Leadfingers

As the Onion seller used to say !

04 Feb 07 - 05:29 PM (#1957763)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

Have asked my bank for Altarian Pobble beads - they don't trade in them, advised me to try the Bank of England ... I'll stick to Euros!

BTW, did I tell you there is a place in Kiel where you can buy your Branston's pickle, Walker's crisps and cans of Strongbow? The owner is German but has lived in the UK and then discovered a niche market importing real British produce. Makes good sandwiches as well!

04 Feb 07 - 06:24 PM (#1957810)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Mingulay

As far as I'm concerned, Kiel is the best place for Branston pickle, preferably in the canal. But, I digress, if it's not likely to frighten the horses or offend ladies of a nervous disposition I would like to become a member of FoM (UK). May I ask if donations should be sent in EST, GMT or CET, after all, timing is everything. Not sure what I can do practically, but will try thinking for a change.

As far as elctions are concerned, given my living quarters, I shall remain a "floating voter".

PM on it's way Giok.

05 Feb 07 - 11:59 AM (#1957970)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Fidjit

Be carefull what you accept.

Alex Cambell used to say that when he came over the border (from Scotland) He changed all his fish bones and shells to the paper money that we use down here.


05 Feb 07 - 12:05 PM (#1957979)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Splott Man


06 Feb 07 - 05:02 AM (#1958746)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

And again

06 Feb 07 - 05:53 AM (#1958776)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

This is an observation & not a criticism but might it be quicker if anybody who wishes to say "nay" does so?
(We've heard the Pirate noises, anybody wish to make Horse noises?)

06 Feb 07 - 05:58 AM (#1958781)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Neigh neigh Winnie lass.

06 Feb 07 - 12:36 PM (#1959213)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: GUEST,jOhn

Wahts an altarian pobble bead?

06 Feb 07 - 12:39 PM (#1959218)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

There you go j0hn.

07 Feb 07 - 11:03 AM (#1960012)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: GUEST,jOhn


07 Feb 07 - 02:32 PM (#1960237)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: fat B****rd

Giok, Aye. aye, That's ya lot. Jimmy Wheeler ?
Thanks, I really feel 59 now.

07 Feb 07 - 02:38 PM (#1960246)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Glad somebody recognised it.

07 Feb 07 - 03:30 PM (#1960291)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: skarpi

am I a eroupe MC or US MC or somewhere there between ??

or maybe the only N-ATLANTIC Mudcatter :>))

all thebest Skarpi Iceland

07 Feb 07 - 05:38 PM (#1960431)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

Apologies - my second paragraph above should have gone to the 'Eurogathering' thread. Senior moment!

08 Feb 07 - 04:34 PM (#1961611)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Geordie-Peorgie

By heck, fat B****rd!! Aah thowt aah wez the owny one who remembered Jimmy Wheeler! Can ye mind 'Two-Ton' Tessie Oshea an' aall?

Here! With aall these different currencies aboot why not just collect anything yez can and gan te the Rupari Curry Paradise in The Bigg Market in Newcastle and Mohinder will change it aall into any currency yez want - Even the favourite currency of Liverpudlians - The Giro!

Gerrontivit, Bonny lad!!!

10 Feb 07 - 04:53 AM (#1963015)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec


02 Mar 07 - 09:15 AM (#1983814)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Right my friends we now seem to have arrived at an amicable moment. No more nominations received and all Office Bearers happy to serve in the categories listed below.

Chairman    John Giok MacKenzie
Secretary   Micca Patterson
Treasurer   John Routledge
Auditor 1   Alan Francis
Auditor 2   Alec Speight

So all those in favour say AYE

We got the year off to a great start at Portaferry with £120, so that will give you all something to beat.
Thanks to all helpers and raffle prize donors.


02 Mar 07 - 09:20 AM (#1983821)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec


02 Mar 07 - 09:38 AM (#1983845)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Micca

I am happy to serve as Secretary for the coming Year,

02 Mar 07 - 09:51 AM (#1983860)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Effsee

Aye, aye, cap'n!

02 Mar 07 - 12:33 PM (#1984081)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

AYE! And thank you!!

02 Mar 07 - 12:43 PM (#1984096)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Leadfingers

And AYE here to ! And I think I can claim the lions share of that Portaferry money ! And I still curse my mate Gerry for auctioning the Bourbon that I bought for way over its value ! Enjoyed it though !

02 Mar 07 - 12:47 PM (#1984101)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

I didn't mention that Terry as I thought your natural modesty would have rendered you embarrassed if it was pointed out.
Mind you I don't know who else it impressed, but it impressed the fu** out of me!

02 Mar 07 - 12:58 PM (#1984110)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Looking forward to a good fundraising year.

The latest statement (28 Feb 2007)shows £120 from Portaferry safely in Bank.Well done guys.

Any queries re financial matters please PM me.

The audited accounts will be brought to several festivals over the summer so that interested Friends of Mudcat can inspect them if they wish.

03 Mar 07 - 04:56 AM (#1984705)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: skarpi

I quess then , I am on my own !

All the best to you all
Skarpi Iceland

03 Mar 07 - 05:14 AM (#1984707)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Skarpi my friend, you are welcome to be an honorary UK resident, and so be a UK Friend of the Mudcat.
All those in favour say AYE!

Giok ¦¬]

03 Mar 07 - 05:16 AM (#1984708)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

AYE for Skarpi!

03 Mar 07 - 05:35 AM (#1984718)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Alec

Also AYE for Skarpi.

03 Mar 07 - 05:55 AM (#1984730)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge


15 May 07 - 04:48 PM (#2052746)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Nigel Parsons

In the absence of Altairian Pobble Beads, might I suggest the services of The Galactic Banker

Nigel (gratuitous Filk link)

p.s. where do I get a T-Shirt? Do I need a cheque, or can I pay (extra) by PayPal?

26 Nov 07 - 09:23 PM (#2202861)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Joe Offer

I had an inquiry about how to make donations to Mudcat from the UK. Is UK Friends of Mudcat still active? How does one make a donation?

27 Nov 07 - 07:55 AM (#2203062)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Still very active Joe, I'm sure John Routledge can post methods here, I'll ask him to!

27 Nov 07 - 08:18 AM (#2203079)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

A PM to Giok will always be welcome.


27 Nov 07 - 11:29 AM (#2203194)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Donations can be paid into a bank account specifically set up for that purpose via direct debit, bank transfer or cheque.

The account name is "FRIENDS OF THE MUDCAT" and full details will be sent following a PM request to John(Giok)Mackenzie or Micca or John Routledge.

It would be very helpful if anyone who makes a donation would PM me with details of the payment.

For those interested in matters financial I will be providing an end of year statement during the first couple of weeks of January 2008.

Mudcat will be receiving an early Christmas present as a cheque for £300 is currently on its way.

John Routledge

27 Nov 07 - 11:39 AM (#2203199)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Liz the Squeak


Good to see you still around.


03 Jan 08 - 07:31 PM (#2227859)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

As at 31st October 2006 the audited accounts of Friends of The Mudcat showed a balance of £263.00

Since that date 3 cheques totaling £850.00 have been sent to Mudcat and these amounts withdrawn from FOTM Bank account. A further cheque for £250.00 is being sent today making a total of £1,100.00 since 31 Oct 2006. This amount does not include amounts paid by Paypal or other means of transfer.

A Big thank you to all involved in the activities which produced these funds. It is worth remembering that the transfer of money via FOTM to Mudcat HQ involves no currency commissions or buy/sell spreads.

The notional FOTM Bank balance as at 31st December 2007 is £96.40p

04 Jan 08 - 05:46 AM (#2228070)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Thanks for letting us know the details John, it's really good to see that FoM has been successful over the past year. Well done to all concerned & keep up the good work!

04 Jan 08 - 06:07 AM (#2228080)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: sian, west wales

Thank you John.


04 Jan 08 - 06:19 AM (#2228092)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Joe Offer

I'm glad to see that things are moving along so smoothly - and thanks for the contributions, everyone!
-Joe Offer-

04 Jan 08 - 06:34 AM (#2228098)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

I think we get more than our money's worth Joe.

05 Jan 08 - 11:24 AM (#2229032)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

Am I alone in seeing ? where relevant numbers should be?

Also, are international bank and account numbers for the FOM account available? Or is a credit card any good to you, John?

06 Jan 08 - 12:44 PM (#2229747)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

The statement given in my post of 3rd Jan is an interim statement pending the financial audit which will be carried out following the end of this year.

Suzanne - The FOM Bank account was essentially set up to transfer £UK(FOM) to $(Mudcat) without incurring the often high currency changing charges.It operates in the UK only and payments must be made in £sterling and credit cards cannot be used.

FOM Bank Sort code and account no. are PM'd individually to potential donors on request.

Payments in other currencies can of course be made direct to Mudcat via Paypal and other international payment agencies.

06 Jan 08 - 06:16 PM (#2229946)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

Thanks, John. I've been told any European bank and account now have international numbers in order to make international transfers easier (and cheaper!). If you could find them out and PM them to me I could transfer my contribution direct from my German account.

07 Jan 08 - 04:16 AM (#2230159)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Thanks Suzanne. I now have international IBAN number and will PM you details.

07 Jan 08 - 04:18 AM (#2230160)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Sorry Susanne.

08 Jan 08 - 06:52 PM (#2231568)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Susanne (skw)

PM received. Thanks, John!

18 Aug 08 - 02:57 PM (#2417092)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Joe Offer

I've received an inquiry about making a donation to Mudcat. From the US, it's easy to just follow the instructions on the Support the Mudcat page, but I don't really know what to tell people from the EU about making a donation. Can somebody post up-to-date instructions that I can add to the first message of this thread? Once we have something worked out, maybe I'll add it to the FAQ. Thanks.


20 Aug 08 - 07:23 AM (#2418479)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Joe - as far as I know the info given on 27th November 07 by John Routledge is still up to date!

Donations can be paid into a bank account specifically set up for that purpose via direct debit, bank transfer or cheque.

The account name is "FRIENDS OF THE MUDCAT" and full details will be sent following a PM request to John(Giok)Mackenzie or Micca or John Routledge.

It would be very helpful if anyone who makes a donation would PM me with details of the payment.

20 Aug 08 - 12:57 PM (#2418720)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Richard Bridge

I think the easiest way is to paypal Max or Mick even from UK or presumably rest of EU.

20 Aug 08 - 04:02 PM (#2418883)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Dunno Richard, I find it real easy to have a monthly standing order to the FoM account & also to transfer funds from MudRaffles to the account too!

17 Jan 09 - 03:24 PM (#2541574)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

It seems like a good time to gently nudge UK FoM members, that Max
still needs our support.


Thanks to Ard Macha for his contribution, which has been forwarded.

18 Jan 09 - 06:45 AM (#2542032)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie


21 Jan 09 - 04:47 AM (#2544802)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Bonnie Shaljean

This seems a good time to bump this thread back to the top, and keep it there for awhile.

Giok, PM follows -

21 Jan 09 - 05:07 AM (#2544824)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Note to anyone sending PM's: Remember it's John MacKenzie, because there's also a John McKenzie in the members' list, and it's easy to confuse them. (It would probably confuse John McKenzie too. . .)

06 Feb 09 - 10:55 AM (#2559058)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

UK FoM are in the position of being able to send a cheque for a further £500 to Bill Sables. He will do the necessary to get it to Max

Last month an extra £200 was received above "normal" although this basically came from only three donors.

This means that we will have sent £2200 by this means, since the beginning of 2007.

Thanks to all UK Mudcatters, including those who may have sent money direct via Paypal, as I have done myself occasionally.

John MacKenzie

06 Feb 09 - 05:37 PM (#2559468)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: gnu

Hip, hip, hooray! Them Brits have the spirit, don't they, eh? Good oh on yas. Fine lot!

06 Feb 09 - 05:40 PM (#2559471)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John MacKenzie

Sorry Terry, and thanks gnu.


06 Feb 09 - 06:06 PM (#2559503)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Thanks for the update John, good to hear that FoM (UK) is working well. Keep up the good work!!

06 Feb 09 - 10:13 PM (#2559707)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: maeve

That's great news, John. Thanks to everyone who has helped.

Someday I'll once again be able to contribute to Mudcat from my home in Maine, and will happily do so. I am grateful for this strangely beautiful creature known as Mudcat.


17 May 09 - 03:35 PM (#2634068)
Subject: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Our Chairman John MacKenzie has informed me that he is unable to continue as Chairman.I would like to thank him for his help during his time as Chairman.

Fortunately we can continue as existing with just a Secretary and a Treasurer in the short term whilst discussions take place as to the future structure of F O M.

Further information will be presented in 4 weeks or so.

18 May 09 - 05:47 AM (#2634537)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat

As it is nearing the festival season you might want to be noticed as a mudcatter, it's a good way to meet and start a conversation, so you will need a Mudcat Tee Shirt. I still have a few in most sizes in either blue or red. Just PM me. They are imported from the USA via Dick Greenhaus and sell for £15 each including postage and all profits go to Mudcat

Bill Sables (bill\sables)

01 Apr 11 - 06:59 PM (#3126597)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: bradfordian

Can anyone give us an update on who the currents contacts are and details for making payments etc.

And by the way, WELL DONE Friends of Mudcat (UK) mentioned recently in dispatches (from MAX)

Least wise, keep clicking the adverts, and DO use our AMAZON link if and when you purchase from them!

01 Apr 11 - 11:04 PM (#3126691)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: Max

Ah yes here is the lare. Let me take a moment to thank you all for all you do. As bradfordian just mentioned, I recently mentioned you in one of the somewhat-secret upgrade-and-what-not threads as having been the reason in 2010 that I didn't have to pony up any money. Between the ads and the amazon sales we (used to) come up just a bit short on the yearly expenses. Thanks to your tenacious and continuous support, we broke about even this year. Which was the goal. We're hatching a bit of a different goal for 2011, late I know, but we might be able to do some great things this year. Stay tuned for more on that business. Time is now the important comodity on account that I think we are finally figuring out the money part.

Again, Thanks a million, I really appreciate the community strength you all have and show every day both here on mudcat and in the UK. You all let me know what I can do for you, I believe I owe you all a favor or two (or 600).

02 Apr 11 - 06:19 AM (#3126814)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

YOU owe US a favour? Silly boy.....

04 Apr 11 - 09:39 AM (#3128214)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: John Routledge

Just to confirm that payments can be made direct to Friends of the Mudcat - bank account details of which are available via PM to myself or Micca.

Friends of the Mudcat has been operating for a long while with two officials rather than the three originally in place and If anyone is interested in taking over the position as Chairman perhaps they could PM me to record their interest.

06 Dec 13 - 05:48 AM (#3581966)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: My guru always said

Just found this thread again while thinking of transferring MudRaffle monies from Bedworth. Anyone around who can update the Friends of MudCat information?

05 Apr 15 - 04:03 PM (#3699845)
Subject: RE: Permathread UK Friends of Mudcat
From: GUEST,John Routledge - awaiting cookie

Just started a new Thread on the way forward if that is the right word for FoM.

Anybody reading this fully from beginning to end will know more than me.