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BS: non scarey New Yorkers

05 Feb 07 - 08:59 PM (#1958520)
Subject: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: InOBU
Drop in... sometimes it isn't the city it is the observer

05 Feb 07 - 10:34 PM (#1958581)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Ebbie

Lorcan, thou art a man who loves people! I went through the Neighbors set and it was lovely. People bemused, affable, humourous, whimsical, some with great beauty (The little girl about 5 shots in and a man named Junior spring to mind. And of course, Andi. They are gorgeous.), some in a space all their own but all with vitality and all connected.

Thank you, Larry.


05 Feb 07 - 10:44 PM (#1958585)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Alba

Love it..Love it. Put a smile on my face a mile wide.
Thank you InOBU:)
Here's a Link to the site.


05 Feb 07 - 11:42 PM (#1958613)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: katlaughing

Talk about capturing the soul of a city, Larry. Thank you, so much, my friend. Good to *see* you.


05 Feb 07 - 11:46 PM (#1958618)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: heric


06 Feb 07 - 02:21 AM (#1958664)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: dianavan

heric -

You said a word.

Don't say another word.

06 Feb 07 - 08:09 AM (#1958874)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: InOBU

Thanks all, and thanks Jude for the link...
love to all
thine in frith and fFriendship

06 Feb 07 - 09:23 AM (#1958953)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Wow!!   What great photos.   These are the perfect antidote for those whose who have preconceived notions of city life.

You have a great eye Lorcan! These photos capture the spirit and vitality of the city.

06 Feb 07 - 10:01 AM (#1959002)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Alba

I looked at your Pictures again this morning and that big wide smile came right back on my face.
Thanks again for sharing your Gift Lorcan.
Jude x

06 Feb 07 - 10:21 AM (#1959025)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's more like it. Thanks, Larry, you've cheered me up. That bunch of people in those other photos in the thread I started (Scarey New Yorkers...) need to run into you and they might not look so beaten down by things.

Maybe the old saying "What doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" sums it up. Applies to any tough situation or environment.

06 Feb 07 - 10:30 AM (#1959033)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: McGrath of Harlow

And it's great to see a post from you again, Larry. I was thimking of sending out a search party.

06 Feb 07 - 11:19 AM (#1959121)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: heric

oh oh I just thought of something though. Those people need to all be given office jobs and ride the subway for five years then be photgraphed again. ;)

06 Feb 07 - 11:24 AM (#1959126)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Why do you make an assumption that they do not have office jobs?

I would bet they have ridden the subway for more than 5 years.

06 Feb 07 - 11:45 AM (#1959145)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Alba

I think heric's post was meant to be funny Ron..dear me.

I thought it was funny heric 8>)

06 Feb 07 - 11:47 AM (#1959148)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: heric

Now that's just silly Mr. O. If Larry confirms they all commute by subway to office jobs I will pay $1,000.00 to the charity of your choosing.

06 Feb 07 - 11:54 AM (#1959162)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Nothing is silly! No one said "all".   You can't judge a book by the cover!   People love the city, it is not a "tough situation or environment" and it won't kill you. At least no more than living on a farm watching the grass grow will bore you to death.

06 Feb 07 - 12:02 PM (#1959170)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: heric

I know it's a very cool city full of nice people. I guess that's Larry's point (and I and you shouldn't drift, huh.)

06 Feb 07 - 12:05 PM (#1959174)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Just teasing Heric!!   :)

06 Feb 07 - 12:27 PM (#1959201)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'm sure there are cities that aren't tough environments, just stimulating and bracing. Exciting without being unfriendly or suspicious.

Making the cities we live in like that, that's the challenge. And part of that is recognising when they fall short of what they could be.

And you can say similar kinds of things about small towns and rural localities.

06 Feb 07 - 12:34 PM (#1959211)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

"And you can say similar kinds of things about small towns and rural localities."

That is the point! It isn't the city or the small town that is "unfriendly" or "suspicious" - it is life in general. I think people who live in one environment develop an impression of another environment whether it is true or not.   New York is a very friendly town and once you know how the locals think it is easy.   If you or I were dropped off in a remote corner of the globe, I am sure the people who live their without contact to the rest of the world would look at us just as unfriendly and suspicious.

You can find good and bad wherever you look.   I guess it is a question of how you see the glass - half full or half empty. Some people will see it as half empty and the glass is dirty.

06 Feb 07 - 01:56 PM (#1959299)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: InOBU

Actually, the point of the Neighbors essay ( I am still working on it) is to match the photos with photos in context. A number are without homes, and some you would never know... some are landlords, tenants artists all neighbors.
Thine in frith and friendship

06 Feb 07 - 02:02 PM (#1959308)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: McGrath of Harlow

If you or I were dropped off in a remote corner of the globe, I am sure the people who live there without contact to the rest of the world would look at us just as unfriendly and suspicious. The thing is, that's just not true as a generalisation about all such places.

Some places - small towns, villages, cities, whatever, really are a lot friendlier than others, others are a lot more unfriendly and suspicious. The difference is down to all kinds of reasons, including what's happened in those places in the past.

Some countries are much friendlier than others. Spend some time in Ireland, including big city Dublin, and then come back through Wales and England to London, it's quite a shock. (And that's not denying there are seriosuproblem,s in Dublin and in other parts of Ireland.) They can be friendly enough places, but you have to work a lot harder at bringing that out in the people you meet. And identifying what it is that makes it harder or easier in different situations and places. (Jane Jacobs whom I mentioned is good on that.)

InOBU's pictures suggest he's been doing that kind of work pretty well.

06 Feb 07 - 02:39 PM (#1959362)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Ebbie

A truism I coined is that if someone does NOT smile at you on Juneau's sidewalks (pavements) it is because they don't get to live here. Unless it is lunch hour- some of the people then resemble the New Yorkers on the subway in McGrath's link. :)

06 Feb 07 - 07:43 PM (#1959751)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: katlaughing

City mouse, country mouse...:-)

07 Feb 07 - 07:03 PM (#1960539)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Bill Hahn//\\

One word---BRILLIANT. You should have an exhibition at the Museum of The City of New York. They now have one for Black History Month featuring great shots of Black fashion over the years. This would be a great exhibit for their New York History series---much like they did for Horn and Hardart.

Bill Hahn

07 Feb 07 - 07:18 PM (#1960553)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Bill Hahn//\\

In re-reading this thread let me add a few more thoughts.   

I made sure it was Wednesday so that there was no alternate side of the street parking enforcement and parked uptown (Washington Heights) took the subway---quite different than it was in the way it was presented (truthfully) on TV in the 70s. I went to the Museum mentioned above to see the exhibit on Robert Moses. I had read the Caro on Moses book many years ago and was curious how they have managed to polish Moses image after all these years.

Robert Moses was a great builder and conceiver of projects---yet, he may be the one person who sent the city into its downward spiral while building wonderful spaces and transportation facilities (not pubic ones) he also destroyed vibrant neighborhoods. Thankfully, at some point, people like Jane Jacobs organized efforts to stop him.

I could write an essay here but won't.

I do want to relate a typical NYC occurence. After viewing the exhibit I stopped in the lobby (where light food is served) and sat at a table next to a wonderful tourist from Australia. She and I had a wonderful chat about her travels, her impression of the exhibit, what brought her to it, and then about our mutual interest in music and Eric Bogle in particular. As they say---Only In NY.   She travels by subway, bus, and other public transport and is seeing the world. Good for her.

Just a New York Minute as the TV program (or do you like programme) says.

Bill Hahn

07 Feb 07 - 07:42 PM (#1960577)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: McGrath of Harlow

You could have the same conversation in the caff at the National Gallery in London, Bill. That's because you'd carry that aspect of being a New Yorker with you.

07 Feb 07 - 07:49 PM (#1960586)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Joe Offer

I spend two weeks walking the streets of Manhattan in November, 2000. Larry, your photos bring back memories of that wonderful trip. All over that town, I found people who had the time to stop and talk - so many wonderful encounters with people that I couldn't count them. I like most cities, but I loved New York.
Thanks for the pictures, Larry.

07 Feb 07 - 08:35 PM (#1960621)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: dianavan

Yes, its not the city itself but the particular environment where the inhabitants are being observed. Photos of New Yorkers returning from work and negotiating a turnstile is definitely not the best face of New York.

As a young woman, I actually got lost on the New York subway and the people were very friendly, if not protective, of me. In fact, I have never had a bad experience in New York.

07 Feb 07 - 10:15 PM (#1960678)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Charley Noble

Here's a link to another NYC denizen: Click here!

Denali is my brother's dog, and a pack leader in Prospect Park where all dogs run free from 7 to 9 am each morning.

Charley Noble

10 Feb 07 - 10:16 AM (#1963184)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Charley Noble


Seems I've managed to curtail another promising thread.

Charley Noble

10 Feb 07 - 02:19 PM (#1963347)
Subject: RE: BS: non scarey New Yorkers
From: Ebbie

It shall return.