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BS: Central heating bust - am freezing

06 Feb 07 - 03:19 PM (#1959411)
Subject: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

My heating is well broken and I cant afford to get it fixed until April. Its below freezing here and the house was not designed to function without the heating. Not to mention that I'm bl**dy freezing

Any tips to keep warm?


pat who just cant drink another hot drink - dropping the drawers in this temp is no fun at all!

06 Feb 07 - 03:25 PM (#1959421)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Scoville

How freezing? I mean, 35 degrees outside is "freezing" here but my friend in Indiana is having high temperatures of 3 degrees. Just for goodness' sake don't leave your stove on for heat. You can't believe the number of people who burn themselves out of a house around here trying to heat with kitchen stoves and shoddy space heaters.

06 Feb 07 - 03:28 PM (#1959432)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Rasener

Dropping the drawers for a bit of grumble and grunt will get you warm :-)

06 Feb 07 - 03:34 PM (#1959438)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Wesley S

Watch "Lawrence of Arabia" on the TV.

06 Feb 07 - 03:35 PM (#1959439)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Wesley S

Seriously - do you have hot water?

06 Feb 07 - 03:39 PM (#1959443)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: MMario

Using an *OVEN* for heating can be semi-practical.

06 Feb 07 - 03:46 PM (#1959444)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Rasener

Get a sleeping bag and boil water and put in hot water bottle. Scrounge a hospital pee bottle and a bed pan. No need to freeze on the bog.

06 Feb 07 - 03:47 PM (#1959446)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

I have an emersion heater for the water, and a gas fire in the front room. The problem is that the house is open plan and trying to heat a large area with one small fire does not work. this house was designed to have central heating and without it, well as I said - its cold.

06 Feb 07 - 03:49 PM (#1959448)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Its below freezing, I think -5 not sure what scale its on. I'm in the UK so its not as bad as alaska

06 Feb 07 - 03:55 PM (#1959454)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Little Hawk

Be glad you're not in Ontario. It hit -27 here in the last few days. A moderate number of lit candles can definitely help warm a place...but just be careful you don't set the house on fire with them.

06 Feb 07 - 03:56 PM (#1959455)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: jeffp

Around here (US), a lot of heating and A/C people offer financing on major jobs. Is that a possibility? Can you close off an area by hanging blankets across doorways? Pitch a tent in the living room with the door facing the gas fire?

06 Feb 07 - 04:00 PM (#1959460)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Lots of candles i can do. I don't have a tent to pitch, I will have a go at pitching a vitual one. I'm a great believer in what you wish might come true.

Pat xx

06 Feb 07 - 04:01 PM (#1959461)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Maryrrf

I was without central heating for a couple of months. I bought a couple of space heaters and borrowed another. When it got really cold the space heaters weren't enough, but at least if you sat right in front of them you would be warm. Get a couple and put them around the house. The kind with the blower uses more electricity but is also a lot more effective.

06 Feb 07 - 04:01 PM (#1959462)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Ebbie

Last year when I moved into a drafty apartment that had not been heated in months and without a fixed heating system I nearly froze. I spent a lot of time hanging over a heater that did not radiate.

One thing worked every time: I took a long hot bath. I'm normally a shower person but the tub worked much better. When I'd get out I felt like the temperature had gone up all over the place.

Could you do that? At the very least, it would bring you back to square one.

06 Feb 07 - 04:04 PM (#1959473)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Rasener

Is ther nobody near you who would put you up for a few days?

06 Feb 07 - 04:07 PM (#1959477)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: jeffp

I would be concerned about pipes freezing.

06 Feb 07 - 04:15 PM (#1959481)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Peace

For now, block off rooms you don't use. As jeffp said, the possibility of pipes freezing is a real one, so run a bit of water when it gets really cold. Also, space heaters are good, but for God's sake be acreful with them. They can be one terrible fire hazard.

06 Feb 07 - 04:15 PM (#1959482)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Metchosin

Keep your taps dripping Partidge, at -5 inside, you are at risk of your cold water lines freezing up. You will have more than the cost of central heating repair if that happens. Use space heaters in rooms with plumbing or at least a few candles in the bathroom.

06 Feb 07 - 04:21 PM (#1959489)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Peace

but for God's sake be CAREFUL with them

06 Feb 07 - 04:26 PM (#1959496)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Liz the Squeak

Wear lots of thin layers rather than thick ones. If you have a furry rug, wear that with the fur side inside. Natural fibres are better.

Wear a hat and if you have long hair, leave it inside your clothes - makes great insulation!

Have you got a wheaty bag? It's a cloth bag of dried wheat that you put in the microwave to heat for 2 mins and it stays warm for a long time. You could knock up something similar with popping corn but don't let it get moist - you'll end up with a bag of popcorn!

Can you borrow some screens or something to block draughts?

Good luck. I know what it's like to be cold.


06 Feb 07 - 04:28 PM (#1959502)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Rasener

Seems Britsh Gas have got a once off fixed price for repairiong central heating. Might be worth ringing them and see how much it costs. At the end of the day,although you can't afford it, it may be the cheaper option.
I am willing to send you a donation of a fiver and if a few other mudcatters do that, maybe you might get enough to get the repair done.
Better than freezing.

06 Feb 07 - 04:48 PM (#1959530)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: lady penelope

Hat, wear a hat. It may seem daft but you lose a huge amount of body heat through your head.

06 Feb 07 - 04:49 PM (#1959531)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: jeffp

Good point, Villan. Here (still the US) the electricity/gas company will do your repair and you can pay it off over time on your utility bill. I bought a new refrigerator that way. It wasn't cheap, but it was the only alternative at the time. I had no money and a bad credit rating. It's paid off now and still working, so I feel a winner.

06 Feb 07 - 04:51 PM (#1959537)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks for all your ideas. no worries about pipes freezing coz I' put the emersion on every couple of days.
the house is open plan - its imposible to cut off a small area. A bath I can have and i do have wheat bags and a microwave so i can be warm tonight. My financial circumstances are such that I have to wait until the money I am expecting arrives.

Thanks again

Pat xx

06 Feb 07 - 04:51 PM (#1959539)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: able

I hate to say it, but you appear to have more problems than your central heating. The solutions given are short term only and can't even begin to sustain you until April. What may seem like a glib comment by me is that you appear to be seriously overextended from a financial standpoint. Your long term solution would be to find somewhere else to live, and place your house on the market. It sounds to me like your dreams exceeded your ability to pay fot them. Sorry, it looks like you will have to retrench and tailor your dreams to your income.

06 Feb 07 - 05:06 PM (#1959559)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: katlaughing

LOT of assumptions there, able!

We lived without central heating, in Connecticut from late October through January until our cheap landlords coughed up enough to replace their faulty furnace which had caught on fire. The bedrooms we could close off, in which we used space heaters. The living area, including kitchen, dining, and living room were all wide open. We used the fireplace a lot, but still had space heaters to keep the exotic houseplants and birds alive. So a person can last a good while, esp. as we are headed into spring.

Is there any way you can hang blankets or curtains from the ceiling? Maybe hang a rod between ceiling hooks, then a blanket over it? That could help to close up some space. Also, rolled towels along the bottoms of doors and windows will help keep out the drafts.

Bake a turkey in the oven.**BG** Seriously. I know of a Mudcatter who did this when her heating went out!

What everyone else said about hats, layers, etc. We lose about 90% of our body heat through the top of our head.

Do you have any space blankets? Or can you buy them there? Those REALLY work! I even put them on the walls of my brother's uninsulated apt. walls in WY one winter to ward off the extreme cold.

I am giving thanks you are receiving an unexpected blessing which allows your central heating to be fixed now.


06 Feb 07 - 05:19 PM (#1959583)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks Kat, even if the heating is not fixed yet i feel warmed just by your you too btw

Its a case of only time, and me being of positive thoughts - I will get there,

This a blip not a overall financial dodah,

the open plan house means I'm unable to make a small area to heat.

I;m so tired no that O think I will retire wearing my many thin layers.

thanks again for those with your good ideas.

Pat xx

06 Feb 07 - 05:25 PM (#1959591)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: skipy

My 1000s of miles of hill walking with the military give basic rules that work, LAYERS, LOADS OF LAYERS, head, feet, hands.
If that fails, contact Harvey Andrews for the words to "lag your legs"
He will never frogive me for that, bless him!

06 Feb 07 - 05:29 PM (#1959602)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks, am off to bed wearing lots of thin layers, but just thanks for being there.

Pat xxx

06 Feb 07 - 05:37 PM (#1959615)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: nutty

OIL FILLED RADIATORS are very effective as background heating and not very expensive to buy or you may even be able to borrow a couple to tide you over. I'm sure someone you know will have one.

I'ts sods law that if cenral heating is going to break down, it does it at the coldest time of the winter. Hope you cope OK,


PS ... WEAR A HAT IN BED - it prevents loss of body heat

06 Feb 07 - 05:44 PM (#1959619)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Liz the Squeak

Find yourself a nice toy boy to keep you warm in bed?

: )

LTS (wishful thinking.....)

06 Feb 07 - 05:44 PM (#1959620)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Charley Noble

I'd also favor borrowing or buying 2 or 3 space heaters, using NO EXTENSION CORDS with them. I wouldn't dare use candles in your situation as a source of warmth. An electric blanket would also be a good investment. Insulated panels to pop into windows, friction-fit, is also a good idea for conserving heat at night; however, they generally are very flamable.

Is this a house you own or are you renting?

Is it a townhouse or a detached building?

Rum is nice, especially if heated!

Charley Noble

06 Feb 07 - 05:49 PM (#1959623)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,meself

Get an electric blanket - I was given an old one a few months ago, and it is great! It'll keep you warm all night; no problem.

Don't know what kind of money they cost. But check this bunch out, if you haven't already: ... might get some help with things there ...

06 Feb 07 - 06:05 PM (#1959645)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: mrdux

One winter the furnace went out and I couldn't afford to fix it. I spent a month without anything other than a single radiant electric space heater. Every evening, Maeve the dog and I would cuddle up together under a sleeping bag and keep each other warm. Worked pretty well.

And we both wore hats.

Good luck.


06 Feb 07 - 06:05 PM (#1959647)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Bee

Been there a few times, though not recently. Definitely wear several loose layers, two pairs socks (avoid cotton, wool is best), a hat, thin wool neck scarf or if convenient a big warm shawl or small blanket used as a shawl. Wear gloves or mitts - if you're working with your hands, use those fold-back mitts.

"Every couple days" using a heating device for water will not keep your pipes from freezing. Leave a couple taps dripping.

When you get out of this bind, invest in a good secondary heating source. We frequently lose our power, but have a woodstove and propane cooktop, so no biggie.

Incandescent light bulbs give off heat, oven can be used for an hour or two. I don't recommend candles if you have pets or long hair (Ack! Yep, been there, lucky to have just lost a chunk of hair).

Hope you warm up soon!

06 Feb 07 - 06:20 PM (#1959675)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: wysiwyg

Move all essentials to the one area you can screen off using heavy blankets as doorway curtains. No matter how impractically small that area is. I mean, I would literally sleep in the bathroom just to be able to close it down, heat it, and make it comfy.

Eat a lot, especially fats and carbs, for quick-burning body fuel.

Drink more water.

Do NOT drink any alcohol at all, as it will cool you down, depress your metabolism, and possibly make you so drowsy you are in danger of actually, literally freezing to death.

100-watt bulbs can heat a space the size of a closet, on a clamp-lamp with reflector. Do not leave unattended.

It sounds, really, like you should stay with someone till you can get this sorted out. Urgently.


06 Feb 07 - 07:38 PM (#1959743)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Richard Bridge

There may be -5 (centigrade) outside in the UK tonight.

With a gas fire inside even in an open plan house you are likely to be 16 degrees ish. Run that gas fire!

Use clingfilm and sellotape to double or treble glaze all windows.

Make sure the loft hatch shuts bubble tight (draught excluder).

Make sure the front and back doors shut likewise.

Run the immersion heater overnight every night.

Keep an eye on freecycle for rolls of loft insulation.

Keep an eye on freecycle for calor gas heaters. They produce moist heat, but quite alot of it. You will have to buy the gas cylinders but shop carefully and you will get a 12Kg one for about £15 and it will last most of the week.

Keep an eye on boot fares and similar for paraffin heaters - illegal to use in most cases these days and do NOT knock them over. The ones sold for greenhouses are cheap. The so-called "big red" produces a LOT of heat as does one of the three inch Alladins if you can find one, and a £4 gallon of paraffin will last most of the week. THESE ARE VERY DANGEROUS IF KNOCKED OVER.

How old are you? If you are a pensioner the local authority may help. If you have young children ditto.

What is wrong with the heating?

06 Feb 07 - 07:38 PM (#1959744)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: katlaughing

Ummm, I think she has gone off to bed with a hat and many layers, folks. And, she will get it sorted, I am sure.

Electric blanket and light bulbs...that's what I forgot!**bg**

We lived all winter in Wyoming, out on the ranch about 15 miles from town without anything but one woodburing stove for heat. We didn't even have a cooking stove as the gas line which fueled it and our furnace was cut when they put in the water lines that fall. We had big open rooms off of one long hallway. We put the stove in the kitchen in line with the hallway with our bedroom at the far end and the kids in between. With the fire stoked high at night and a fan pushing the air our way, electric blankets, plenty of cats and a dog, we all survived and it was a tough winter with lots of snow, cold, and wind. That was our last winter there, though. We moved to New England the next summer for a better job.:-)

06 Feb 07 - 07:51 PM (#1959759)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Alba

Hello Pat, that is a bit of setback..temp of course ma dear.


Positive thoughts coming right at you and I am giving thanks for an abundance of all you need coming into your life in the very near future and so it will be.

Meanwhile, hat, gloves, woolies, sweaters and if you can call a buddy to say your coming to stay with them till the cold snap wains. Darn it if I had the cash I would get you here to my House pronto, actually I'd give you the cash to get your heating fixed duh! Anyways best not to underestimate The power of positive thinking8>)
Oh and make your Dreams as BIG as you want them. The Universe has enough energy to fill your want list. Settle for All not less. *wink*

Love and Light and HEAT!!

06 Feb 07 - 07:53 PM (#1959763)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: kendall

That's what I'm wondering, what is wrong with the furnace? Is it oil fired? If so, have you tried pressing the reset button?
Can you describe the furnace?

06 Feb 07 - 10:41 PM (#1959862)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Sorcha

Surely you can tape or thumbtack blankets (think charity shops) to the ceiling and walls? Use closepins to create corners.

06 Feb 07 - 11:00 PM (#1959873)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Barney O.

Layered clothing, mulitple thin layers. For really low temps that + wrap yourself in plastic (except for your head)...leg holes in large garbage bags, etc.

For quick relief set fire to the house, longer term, move to Borneo.

Good luck.

06 Feb 07 - 11:11 PM (#1959880)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: wysiwyg

Lot of good tips were in THIS OLD THREAD.


07 Feb 07 - 12:51 AM (#1959919)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks for the positive thoughts - I'm a huge believer in stuff like that. Alba, much love and abundance right back at you. (sorry cant do fancy red rolling writing, just pretend you can see it)

iTS 5.40am here and everything is covered in a thick white frost, luckily thats only outside!

The boiler is 30 years old and was going to be replaced this spring anyway(when in funds)Can anyone recommend a good efficient one?
First the pump went about a 6 weeks ago, the system still warmed the water and the kitchen. Then about three weeks ago it stopped firing up at all. Its been looked at by a plumber friend and its a no hoper.

I tried the thin layers last night and felt comfortable enough to sleep soundly.
The worst thing is getting out of the shower, which I'm mentally gearing myself up for in about an hours time.

If it gets any colder here I will have to vote with my feet and stay with a friend until in ends.

Thanks for the link to old thread, some interesting ideas there.

As a woman of a certain age I've been having power surges on a regular basis, but they have abandoned me in my hour of need! bugger!!

Thanks for your concern, I feel warmer already


Pat xx

07 Feb 07 - 01:55 AM (#1959936)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,ozchick

Move to Australia!
The coldest weather we get where I live is a maximum of about 10 degrees celsius in the middle of winter..... It still feels cold to me, but I can't imagine having to deal with pipes freezing etc.
Good luck!

p.s get an electric blanket..... they're great!

07 Feb 07 - 02:25 AM (#1959940)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Wordsmith

Lots of great ideas. Hat, definitely, no matter how it looks. Hooded sweatshirt, with hood knew that...over the hat. Lots of layers, yes, wool socks with cotton over them. Blankets nailed to the molding over the external'd be surprised how much warmer that makes it, and the stuff under the doors, too. Candles are fine if you have tin cans and surround the candles with sand or cat litter so that when they burn down, they don't burn your house down with them. Seriously, a candle in a tin coffee can presumably save your life if you get stranded in a car...crack window a tidge...and pray that the troopers get to you before the candle evaporates. Wrapping yourself in a blanket, also works, on top of the above. I, too, have been there. This worked for me on a short term basis...24" of snowed in...ran out of fuel...but had a wood stove and a propane gas range...electric oven. Figures Mother Nature would abandon you just when you actually wanted a flash or two. Black Cohosh works for that...but you probably knew that? Best of luck. ;)

07 Feb 07 - 10:11 AM (#1959951)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: wysiwyg

As a woman of a certain age I've been having power surges on a regular basis, but they have abandoned me in my hour of need! bugger!!

Good thing, too, as they will only radiate heat you need to keep in.


07 Feb 07 - 11:19 AM (#1960027)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Bee

Glad you made it through the night warm enough. Given the long term nature of the furnace problem, I second others here in saying, go stay with a friend for a few days, at least during the days, until the weather warms a little. It's stressful to be cold.

07 Feb 07 - 11:33 AM (#1960038)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Donuel

All we needed was an igniter for $65 to ours going again.
a second opinion on repair
electric heaters
10 dogs
drip all water pipes constantly
indoor tent

07 Feb 07 - 12:01 PM (#1960079)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: kendall

Always get a second opinion if the cost is going to be high.

Did the man check the filter? If that is plugged full of sludge the pump can't overcome it.

07 Feb 07 - 12:26 PM (#1960103)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: bubblyrat

I wouldn"t think of living ANYWHERE that was cold in winter without having a wood-burning stove in the house. Relying on modern technology,and gas & electricity is sheer folly !!In the meantime ,use candles by all means,but try putting a candle on a plate or saucer,and then covering it with a "terra cotta" flower- pot,if you still have that kind of thing in America or Canada !!It will act like a small stove,and several of them in the same room will be quite effective. Also, if the candle falls over,it can"t set fire to anything. Be careful with space-heaters if they burn oil or gas---If you tape up your windows,as someone has suggested,you might get a build-up of CO,or CO 2, which could be most unpleasant !! Get a wood-stove next year,and spend your summers chopping logs !!

07 Feb 07 - 12:32 PM (#1960108)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Stilly River Sage

wool socks with cotton over them

That's the wrong order. The cotton is for wicking any moisture and for keeping the wool socks from itching. Cotton by itself when it is wet won't keep you warm, but the wool remedies that (this applies in mountain climbing and hiking, etc. In the house you might deal with a little persperation). And like I said, the comfort of cotton versus wool against your skin is the reason for wearing layered socks.


07 Feb 07 - 12:36 PM (#1960111)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Charley Noble

Another quick fix would be if the chimney were stuffed up with soot, and just needs to be shoveled out. A dirty job but a clean chimney is essential.

Glad you're still hanging in there.

Charley Noble

07 Feb 07 - 02:00 PM (#1960202)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Bee

Cotton socks make my feet cold even with wool over them. Wool-acrylic mixes are better, for me, anyway, next the skin, and not itchy. Did I mention it was -21C here this morning?

07 Feb 07 - 02:38 PM (#1960245)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks again for your input. I'm lucky to work in a warm building so the days are fine. A good friend brought over a heater, I'll use it tomorrow to blow warm air into the bathroom - the morning shower will be less of an ordeal(plugged in outside the bathroom)

Kendall - the friend who checked out my heating is a corgi registered plumber and has offered me a good deal when the funds arrive - he is not in a position to do a freebie. I'm sure he checked everything and the age of the system goes against it. Its my own fault I've known for some time that it was on its way out.(hard lesson)

I'm sat here with silk thermals, tee-shirt, PJ's - cotton, big fluffy dressing gown, socks, and big furry slippers and a red hat.
We might have snow tonight - that might bring the temp up.

I think I've taken a basic need like warmth for granted in the past. I hope I will treasure it when I get it back.

Now today would have been my Dads birthday, I will warm up with the many happy memories and lots of Scottish folk music, luckily my house though cold is detatched, the volume will be on high!

Mild weather hopefully is on the way - monday a high of 10 - I'll get the bikini on then...........maybe not


Pat x

07 Feb 07 - 04:07 PM (#1960323)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: nutty

Don't forget the carbohydrates Pat. Essential for Northern living and guarenteed to provide inner warmth.
I recommend Steak and Kidney Pie with a suet pastry crust or mince and dumplings, both served with lots of mashed potatoes and gravy and of course a good helping of fish and chips for supper.

07 Feb 07 - 04:10 PM (#1960325)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Ooooh Hazel, that sounds great, mmmmmmmm

pat xx

07 Feb 07 - 05:15 PM (#1960399)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: wysiwyg

And you're sure your pipes are not going to freeze?


07 Feb 07 - 05:54 PM (#1960451)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Scrump

How do you centrally heat your bust - an electric bra?

...ah... sorry, wrong end of stick...

... I'll get me coat.

07 Feb 07 - 06:07 PM (#1960462)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Zany Mouse

Whereabouts are you Pat?


07 Feb 07 - 06:29 PM (#1960490)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,meself

"The worst thing is getting out of the shower, which I'm mentally gearing myself up for in about an hours time."

Let's see if I understand this: you're in the shower, you've got your computer in there and you're composing a message on the internet, and you're going to be in there for another hour? Please tell me you don't have the water thundering down over your head ... !

07 Feb 07 - 10:17 PM (#1960680)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,leeneia

How many ways can you think of to spend time in heated buildings?

visit friends
go to the library and read
become active in a church or similar organization
volunteer at the hospital

08 Feb 07 - 12:41 AM (#1960743)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Wordsmith

Yes, I'm sure of the order, for me at least; wool socks allow your feet to breathe, presuming you're not allergic or they're not too scratchy. The cotton then holds in the heat your feet give off. I used to cross-country ski with this combination and never had a problem with blisters or cold feet. Just trying to offer alternatives. ;)

08 Feb 07 - 01:02 AM (#1960746)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: mg

If it is that cold, wouldn't you want to be wearing heavy sweaters and jackets and leggings or pants instead of regular night

08 Feb 07 - 01:39 AM (#1960756)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Richard Bridge

I'd quite like to know
(a) location (within about 50 miles would do, 100 miles if USA)
(b) outside daytime temperature
(c) inside daytime temperature (with the gas fire on, and temperature stabilised)
(d) outside night temperature
(e) inside night temperature (without the gas fire on)
(f) inside night temperature (with the gas fire on and temperature stabilised).
(g) is there a chimney/grate other than the one the gas fire uses
(h) are there pets/children present (this affects the viability of various types of heating).
(i) what types of bedding are available - and are there additional sleeping bags available.

I do rather get the feeling that we are flapping around without essential facts here...

08 Feb 07 - 01:47 AM (#1960757)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

mg - it all in the layers, thin layers are better than thick at keeping you warm.

zany mouse - I'm in Yorkshire

meself - LOL

leeneia - I only spend time in the house in the evenings, I'm out either at work or somewhere warm during the day

Its much warmer this morning, I don't think there was a frost last night. The forecast says we might have snow which will be nice.

warm thoughts to you all,

pat x

08 Feb 07 - 01:58 AM (#1960762)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

I'd quite like to know
(a) location (within about 50 miles would do, 100 miles if USA)
Mirfield, West Yorkshire
(b) outside daytime temperature
Its not frosty this morning, so I think 1 or 2 degrees
(c) inside daytime temperature (with the gas fire on, and temperature stabilised)
well its warmer thatn outside
(d) outside night temperature
its been minus something for the past few nights
(e) inside night temperature (without the gas fire on)
no idea
(f) inside night temperature (with the gas fire on and temperature stabilised).
again no idea but warmwe than outside
(g) is there a chimney/grate other than the one the gas fire uses
(h) are there pets/children present (this affects the viability of various types of heating).
a cat
(i) what types of bedding are available - and are there additional sleeping bags available
13.5 tog duvet

I'm sorry I cant be precise as I dont have a thermometer.

Its definitely warmer, so i think I'm over the worst


pat x

08 Feb 07 - 02:47 AM (#1960782)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, like I said, the order doesn't make any sense if the wool is against the skin. Maybe you've been getting less result than possible with the way you've done it. I'm not just stating this as a random mountain climber, this was chapter and verse in the mountaineering basic climbing course offered by the Mountaineers, based in Seattle (I took the course and taught for several years with the Everett branch). Here's a citation for you: Mountaineering, Freedom of the Hills has been revised many times, so they probably recommend gortex sox by now, but for many years it was cotton on the inside, wool outside, all inside the climbing boots.

Pat, we have an "open concept" house in the living/kitchen/front room area, but the bedrooms can be closed off to conserve heat. And my closet it large enough that if I decided to evict my clothing and install a cot and a double mattress, they'd fill it but the room would stay warm for sleepers. I have one of those oil-filled radiators and it adds a few degrees to the garage for the dogs. If it got too cold here, the dogs would come in, along with their heater. The cats could hang out in one room, I'm sure the dogs would enjoy a night alongside the beds. (No dogs on the beds! No way! They're bed hogs! It'll be a really really cold night in Texas to be a "two dog night.")


08 Feb 07 - 03:33 AM (#1960820)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Zany Mouse

Would you like a couple of small fan heaters then?

Rhiannon (who has no idea where Mirfield is but we are on the South Yorks border.)

08 Feb 07 - 03:59 AM (#1960829)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,jackfrost

"I'm sat here with silk thermals, tee-shirt, PJ's-cotton,big fluffy dressing gown, socks, and big furry slippers and a red hat"

Sit in a folk club for warmth, you'll not look out of place there dressed like that.

08 Feb 07 - 04:55 AM (#1960870)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Richard Bridge elsewhere

Cat will be safe from gas fire so run gas fire 24/7 and worry about bill later. House should stabilise at at least 16 degrees which is not hazardous and indeed the minimum workplace temparature under the Shops Offices and Factories Act (or at least it was when I last looked).

Borrow a sleeping bag. When not in bed, sit in sleeping bag near gas fire. When in bed, sleep in sleeping bag with duvet wrapped round the lot.

Wash sleeping bag before giving back.

Go to folk club, pick up heating engineer. He will keep you warm (nudge, nudge) until he is obligated enough to fix heating free!

08 Feb 07 - 05:42 AM (#1960899)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing

I have a gadget sent from Japan called a kotatsu (search for kotatsu on wikipedia and you'll find an article about it). It's a table with a quilt over the frame and the leave set over that. Under the quilt there's a heater. And there's another padded quilt underneath to sit on.

It's incredibly warm - somehow, sitting under this, with your bottom half warmed, keeps all of you completely warm.

Only trouble is that I have to use a transformer to plug the heater into - I haven't got one that works for 220-240 volts, and don't know if you can get such a thing. So I'll often just put a hot water bottle in underneath and keep my tootsies on that.

There's a guy selling them on eBay, not too dear, sends them from Japan.

08 Feb 07 - 06:03 AM (#1960914)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST, Grimmy

Chuck a pile of banknotes into a bucket and set fire to them. Not only will it keep you warm but it's cheaper than paying for gas.

08 Feb 07 - 08:52 AM (#1961065)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Charley Noble

Errr, if the lady can't afford to buy a thermometer (which I think would be a high priority item, especially a minimum/maximum one) then she can't afford to buy much of anything.

I'm guessing that youre dwelling unit is a single floor unit flat rather than a townhouse unit, surrounded on each side by other units that are heated.

I would certainly advise keeping the gas fireplace on as long as possible.

There must be some emergency service agencies, charity or otherwise, that might be taped for help. That would require enough energy to focus on them and follow through on their application procedures. That may not be easy if you're working during the day and hunkered down for the rest of the time.

Keep us posted.

So far I've resisted dredging up appropriate topical songs, but I'm tempted to post some from my vast collection.

Warm regards,
Landlady's Daughter

08 Feb 07 - 01:07 PM (#1961338)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

I've had the fire on all day and although I've not yet taken my coat off, its not too bad.

We have had a little snow, but nothing to shake a stick at. The outside temp has warmed up. Its those who live in the south that have had the worst of it this time.

Its not that I can't afford a thermometer, I just never thought of getting one.

I live in an open plan detached house. A new boiler will be quite an outlay, but it wont be long until I get one - its top priority at the moment

Thanks for the offer of some heaters, if its still cold here at the weekend I'm going to stay with a friend - who has a very warm house and lots of red wine!

I dont feel cold when I'm in bed - quite toasty, so I'll leave the heating engineer on the sofa thanks!

Just off to put my PF's and dressing gown into the tumble drier.
I've got a pork chop in the oven and am going to treat myself to some chips.
I'm counting my blessings
Thanks for all your input.........bloody hell a power surge - I'm too hot!!!

Pat xx

08 Feb 07 - 02:21 PM (#1961433)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Richard Bridge

When you go away for the weekend at least leave the gas fire on low - a flood from frozen pipes you don't need right now....

Have you got insurance? Can your friendly plumber construct a believable "accident" scenario with the boiler?

Does your friendly plumber know of (or can he find out) people who are upgrading central heatings? When my late wife insisted on "upgrading" ours (it's never been right since) we had trouble getting rid of an old old boiler that was built like a tank and the only thing that was dysfunctional was the clock (or was it the thermostat) - but it worked fine if you just turned it on and off by hand.

08 Feb 07 - 02:47 PM (#1961476)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Ebbie

Last winter when I moved into a drafty, previously-unheated, cement-floored apartment I was cold, as I said. I brought in four heaters- two of them were the oil-filled radiators, one was a small ceramic heater that blew heat around and one was an oscillating tower that used radiant heat. The tower put out the most heat, by the way.

I wore a coat and hat indoors. But I was still cold. Friends offered me haven but I had a dog and a cat and didn't feel free to leave them. I was fine overnight but the daytime was a misery. The temperature outdoors was in the teens (F) with a strong wind.

The apartment is one level, flat-roofed, attached only by one wall to a small apartment house. No heat reaches the apartment from the outside.

It FELT like it was freezing but the indoor temperature was actually in the mid-50s- I DO have a thermometer. I know the difference- years ago I shared a mountain cabin one winter with two brothers, Until my brother mended it, we could see the outdoors through the one-wall construction and every morning the water bucket was skimmed over - or worse - with ice.

Not to downplay feeling cold- hypothermia can set in at lower than optimum temperatures.

All this to say that when one does NOT have a thermometer, the chances are qute good that the temperature is not freezing. Last winter it was irritating but also oddly comforting to me every time I saw that the thermometer read 50 degrees.

09 Feb 07 - 10:57 AM (#1962281)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,burninglove

Central heating "bust"

Must get one of those myself.

09 Feb 07 - 01:43 PM (#1962437)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Stilly River Sage

If you're going to be burning a gas heater all of this time, you MUST spend about $50 to get yourself a good Carbon Monoxide detector. You don't want us arguing over the poorly worded title on the "Obit: Partridge - Pushing up the Daisies" thread!


09 Feb 07 - 01:45 PM (#1962440)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Jean(eanjay)

SRS - I like that one!

09 Feb 07 - 01:59 PM (#1962453)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Seiri Omaar

If you have a window facing east, leave the curtains WIDE open. I get quite a nice natural heating blast every morning...
And cook stuff like a mad fiend.

09 Feb 07 - 02:11 PM (#1962468)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Dickey

I like those oil filled electric heaters that look like and old fashioned steam radiator. They can heat a fairly large room using a 15 amp receptacle.

You can buy them for a little as $15 here in the US

09 Feb 07 - 02:12 PM (#1962470)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Dickey

Oops that $35, not $15

09 Feb 07 - 02:14 PM (#1962471)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Jean(eanjay)

Guest, Dickey - I've got a couple (I'm in the UK) and they are a reasonable price here and very effective and cheap to run.

09 Feb 07 - 02:23 PM (#1962480)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Ebbie

They cost more in some places, like in Alaska. I paid $65 for mine.

09 Feb 07 - 02:39 PM (#1962500)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Stilly River Sage

I have one of the oil filled radiators that was about $50 at Home Depot a year or two ago. I use it in the dogs' stall in the garage in really cold weather. I chose it because it doesn't have any moving parts or glowing wires or flame. Put one of those in the smallest room in the house and you'll sleep toasty.


09 Feb 07 - 06:31 PM (#1962668)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: robomatic

Well, I had a boiler failure over the past few months that led to a busted pipe and a flooded kitchen. It is being replaced as I write this.

In the interim I'm hanging drop lights in the below-sink cupboards where the vulnerable pipes are. I purchased an electric fire that will provide 'some' local relief.

I still have to crawl into a frigid little space to fix one last leak and determine if the heating loop has any busts in it.

Meanwhile, in a normal set of clothing one loses about 10% of heat out the hands (due to high surface area) and up to 25% out your neck and head (because the human body maintains blood to the brain until the end).

Turtlenecks, scarves, and headcoverings work great. My sis sent me a sock full of rice, you warm it in the microwave and wear it around your neck. (In extremus, boil and eat).

Alcohol may make you feel warm, but it dilates the blood vessels and your body gives up heat to the atmosphere.

Caffeine may make you feel cold, but it is constricting blood vessels and making your fingers and toes cold, but your body as a hole is not losing heat.

I drink lots of soup and I get it down hot! In the evening some green tea.

Supposedly the new boiler is over 90% efficient, much better than the old one, so hopefully I can recoup some portion of this major investment in the coming seasons not that our gas rates have gone up.

Good luck to you Partridge!

09 Feb 07 - 09:28 PM (#1962833)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Bill D

I have an oil-filled electric radiator right next to me in the 'office' keeps me quite warm when at Mudcat, even on low, and I can put my hand on one end of it (away from actual oil-filled parts) after being in the 'other' parts of the house that we don't heat as much now that gas prices are up.

09 Feb 07 - 11:55 PM (#1962929)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Dickey

So the oil filled radiators are a hit eh?

I once had an 1885 vintage, non insulated house with 5 efficiency type rental units in it. Each one was fitted with a window AC with integral gas heat. After 2 years the heating part quit so I bought the oil filled radiators and they actually worked better even with no fan. I think they were cheaper to operate too.

10 Feb 07 - 04:39 AM (#1963011)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Richard Bridge

If you have access to a land-rover or tough van, keep an eye out on local free-ads for electric storage heaters that people are taking out and throwing away - charge the bricks with heat overnight on cheap rate electricity. They are F*** heavy to move though.

10 Feb 07 - 02:50 PM (#1963365)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: autolycus

I agree about the layers of clothing and a hat. Worked form me when I had an outdoor bookstall that I ran through winters of 86 - 91 in East Anglia till c.8p.m. I think it was the hat.

    Also something that's barely been touched on - food. Food creates heat,as anyone whose gone a long period without eating will know.

    So eat.


10 Feb 07 - 05:15 PM (#1963452)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Alice

Pat, you can make a tent to sleep in by draping sheets over your kitchen table. Put a mattress or pillows
on the floor under the table, heat near the opening of the "tent" but not close enough to catch the sheets on
fire. Sleeping in a small, curtained space will keep you warmer.

Alice in Montana

10 Feb 07 - 05:22 PM (#1963455)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Alba

Pat...Just wanted to send you some virtual {{ WARM HUGS}}} and to say I hope you are spending the weekend with some good Freinds in front of a roaring fire and sleeping in a bedroom with the central heating cranking and getting spoiled rotten...**smile**
Love and warmest Wishes

10 Feb 07 - 07:22 PM (#1963572)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: GUEST,Sparticus

Pat, wear a vest
If your boiler's gone west,
You don't want the cold
To get on your chest.
Your friends have suggested,
If you're interested,
Useful ideas
That are well tried and tested.
Eat lots of food,
Don't sleep in the nude,
The last thing you want
Is to be a cool dude.
Get dressed for bed,
Wear a hat on your head
Forget the PJ's
Put a coat on instead.
A sock full of rice,
If warmed, can be nice,
Worn round your neck
To ward off the ice.
If you're of that bent
Your nights could be spent
As snug as a bug,
Upstairs in a tent.
Thanks, Richard Bridge,
For advising partridge
In her hour of need,
When her home's like a fridge.

10 Feb 07 - 07:55 PM (#1963591)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: katlaughing

Well done, poet!

10 Feb 07 - 08:34 PM (#1963611)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Zany Mouse

I'm glad you didn't need our heaters because - guess what - our heating packed in tonight! Hopefully we can get it fixed soon and the REALLY cold spell seems to have passed.


13 Feb 07 - 01:36 PM (#1966264)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Hello, Im back. That poem is brill - thanks.
I've spent a few days with a good friend with good central heating. The temperature has risen considerably and I'm not cold anymore. I've taken lots of your advice, and I think the warmth of your concern has helped most of all.

I have a new boiler in the pipeline, so hopefully some time in march I'll be sorted.

Its valentines day tomorrow, I send my love to you all, thanks,


PS no one has ever writ me a poem before............big thanks!

13 Feb 07 - 01:48 PM (#1966284)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Charley Noble

Glad to hear that there's a plan in the works.

Good luck!

I'll post an appropriate song from my collection when we all are ready to laugh about this situation. I and my feller tenants once spent two months in a five-unit building with a dead furnace that the landlord refused to fix. The month it broke down was late October and the location was central Michigan. We used our rent to buy space heaters and plastic for the windows but a judge ordered us out in December. The judge was right. By that time it was a dangerous building and most of us had time to find somewhere else to go. The landlord didn't get the back rent and subsequently tore down the building.

Warm regards,
Landlady's Daughter

13 Feb 07 - 04:37 PM (#1966481)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: John J

Partridge, has your Corgi person said precicely what the boiler fault is? If so, please tell. What is the make & model of the boiler? You say it doesn't fire up and also that it is quite old. It will almost certainly have a pilot light, can you see if it's 'on'? Has your Corgi person disconnected / disabled the boiler? If he has, do you remember if the pilot light was 'on' before? If he hasn't it would suggest that it is still safe (he is legally obliged to disconnect the boiler if it is dangerous). Did the boiler make any funny noises before stopping working? Could you describe these noises?

Lots of questions I know, but they may help with a diagnosis that will find a cure until your new boiler is fitted.


13 Feb 07 - 04:46 PM (#1966498)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Zany Mouse

We had our heating fixed today! Pat, British Gas fixed it for a set price of £146. It's a guaranteed price covering all parts and labour. I'm not sure if it would cover something like a new boiler but it might be worth checking.

I was very impressed with both the price and the service.

Keep warm


13 Feb 07 - 05:30 PM (#1966543)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Rasener

And whats more Rhiannon you got to achieve the wonderful accolade of posting the 100th Post :-)

13 Feb 07 - 08:00 PM (#1966730)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Charley Noble

Well, I spoke too soon. The damn furnace shut down in my house two hours ago while I was whiling my time away on Mudcat! It's a brand new system too. I managed to get the installer over an hour ago and it's running again. Apparently, the oil tank filter gets tempermental when the temperature in the oil tank room falls below 40 degrees F. Well, neither of us had noticed that note in the instructions and now we're beaming an infrared lamp on the oil filtering unit until we can install an in-line heater. It's either that or move the tank inside the furnace room from the bulkhead entryway.

I hope the furnace dosn't stall out again tonight. It's about zero F outside and tomorrow we're expecting at least 12 inches of snow. Two cats are insufficient to keep us from freezing.

Warm regards,
Landlady's Daughter

13 Feb 07 - 08:40 PM (#1966773)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Put one of those in the smallest room in the house and you'll sleep toasty. "

If you want to sit up all night and have a numb bum in the morning!


14 Feb 07 - 12:04 AM (#1966960)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: wysiwyg

Thanks for the update, Pat. Glad you got warmed up!

I really think if we didn't hear from you every once in awhile we might have to come over there. :~)


14 Feb 07 - 01:48 AM (#1966998)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Thanks again for your posts. I hope your boiler doesn't play up anymore Charlie and Rhiannon.

John, its a potterton kingfisher. First the pump stopped working, but the system still fired up and heated the water and the kitchen where it is located . Then it stopped doing any thing - no interesting noises to report. Its in a safe condition - my corgi friend checked that out for me cos I was worried about gas leaking from the pilot light.

Susan, your very welcome to visit, but I would wait until the warmer months :-)

Wishing you all warm thoughts on this fine valentines day


Pat x

14 Feb 07 - 03:43 AM (#1967060)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Richard Bridge

I am not a gas engineer.

This information is for discussion purposes only.

Use it for debate with your Corgi friend. Do not try it yourself unless you are SURE what you are doing, and at your own risk.

Usually a pumped system (as distinct from a gravity or semi-gravity system) will not run without the pump for one of two reasons. First the absence of circulation results in localised overheating and an internal overtemperature sensor turns it off. If that overtemperature switch did not work you MAY have burned holes in the firebox walls and the boiler is dangerous to use and dead unless you know a really good welder who is not going to charge you, and it's a sod of a job to remove the firebox for welding and put it all back again. Assuming that is NOT the problem and the overtemperature switch is just feeling grumpy, you can SOMETIMES re-light by using a reset button. Second, some cleverer systems have a circulation sensor. No circulation, no light of main firebed.

Gas boilers need electrical mains to run their electronic controls. Have you checked that there is electricity where there ought to be?

However, it looks as if your pilot light is off. Pilot light re-lighting usually requires the holding down of a control valve or button while pushing a piezo igniter. Piezo igniters can be little devils. If there is safe access for a taper to where the pilot ought to be, it MAY be worth holding down that control valve and putting a taper to the pilot and seeing if the pilot light lights. Hold the valve down for DOUBLE the period the instructions say. This is because near the flame of the pilot light should be a little temperature probe that shuts off the gas to the main firebed unless the pilot is alight, and it needs to get hot. Then slowly release the valve. In case of failure repeat with larger flame on taper. This is what I have to do usually to get my caravan gas fire alight!

My old swimming pool boiler (I sold that house since and downsized) would let you use a more dangerous trick. If you put a BIG flame on where the pilot light ought to be, you could while holding that flame there, gradually turn the control valve and light the main bed with a big thud. Once the main bed was alight it would often create enough background heat to keep the gas on even though the pilot was dodgy. Once the thermostat (or any other of the controls or safeties) turned the main bed off however, it all cooled down again so it was repeat trick to re-light.

If the pump is dead (you should be able to test that by connecting the pump to a source of mains electricity and feeling for a faint vibration: no vibration, pump is not going round. Simplest way to check mains is to take the connection cover off and check for mains on the pump motor with a voltmeter) it may just be stuck. You should be able to get at a slot in the end of the motor shaft (usually up the same end as the bleed screw sometimes the opposite) with a screwdriver to turn the shaft. You may need to do it with the power ON. That maybe enough to get the pump motor running. If not there should be shutoff valves and screw threaded insert points that make the changing of the pump only half an hour's work. Put a kitchen pan underneath to catch the cupful or so of water that will come out when you loosen the threaded instert points. A pump is about £15 to £20 at a plumber's or builder's merchant. It maybe worth paying a bit more for a Grundfoss Gold.

But didn't your Corgi friend know/do all this anyway?

14 Feb 07 - 11:18 AM (#1967466)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: robomatic

I am 'cooking' once more!

Heat is nice, esp. when it's February in Alaska!

14 Feb 07 - 01:24 PM (#1967595)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

Corgi friend spent about two hours trying various things, I didn't think to ask many technical questions. I did ask if there was a cheap option or a bandage option that would keep it running. The answer unfortunately was no. He tried a new thermostat and some other part I forget the name of. I can't fault him as he did not charge me for either the parts or his time (a good friend)

I've known for some time that I'd need a new boiler.

Hope you have all had a nice valentines day, I have.


Pat x

14 Feb 07 - 06:29 PM (#1967897)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: John J

Could the word you can't remember be 'thermocouple'?

The Potterton Kingfisher is a conventional boiler and therefore fairly simple in operation.

You don't mention if the pilot light is 'on'. A blue-ish flame should be visible from the small window at the front of the boiler.

If the pilot light is on, and your Corgi man has replaced both thermostat and thermocouple, it may be that a) the gas control valve has failed or b) one of the fail-safe thermal cut-outs has tripped or failed in 'safe' state.


08 Mar 07 - 01:55 PM (#1990681)
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
From: Partridge

I just received a lovely warm shawl. Thank you very much Jacqui.

I will pass on the kindness(not the shawl - I'm keeping that!)when I have the opportunity, and I will do it soon.

The world just got a little better, even my cat hasn't bitten me for a week or so(touch wood)


Pat xxxxxx

PS new boiler arriving in the next few weeks