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BS: Sweet Dreams Abu

20 Feb 07 - 11:22 AM (#1973751)
Subject: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: LilyFestre

Our sweet Boo died during the early morning, sometime between 3:00am and 6:20am.

She was 12 years old, the most gentle black lab we've ever known and a champ at playing bird.

Papa, Amos and I will miss you so much.
Rest in peace sweet, sweet girl.

Ever so sad,

Abu's Mom

20 Feb 07 - 12:07 PM (#1973800)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Bee

I am sorry. It will hurt for a good while, and then comes remembering the good times.

20 Feb 07 - 12:14 PM (#1973803)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: gnu

My condolences.

20 Feb 07 - 12:18 PM (#1973811)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Wesley S

I'm sorry for your loss too. It sounds like Boo was a good ol' dog.

20 Feb 07 - 01:33 PM (#1973889)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Partridge

So sorry, black labs are so lovely. Thinking of you and knowing that your Boo is happy back home and will be there to welcome you when you return,

I had a black lab myself and even after thirty years I can sob for the loss of him.

Pat xxx

20 Feb 07 - 03:03 PM (#1974008)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Sorcha

Running free in the spring meadows.......

20 Feb 07 - 04:52 PM (#1974123)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Becca72

My heart goes out to you, Lily

20 Feb 07 - 05:15 PM (#1974153)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: ranger1

So sorry. I know what you're going through right now. PM me if you want.

20 Feb 07 - 05:18 PM (#1974158)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: skipy

Sorry to read this thread, a member of the family dies, you grieve.
Cry A LOT, it will help.

20 Feb 07 - 05:24 PM (#1974162)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: JudyB

Our deepest sympathy, Lily.

20 Feb 07 - 05:26 PM (#1974166)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: David C. Carter

Had an ol' dog,her name was Boo
Betcha Five dollars she was a good dog too.
I'm sure she was.


20 Feb 07 - 06:32 PM (#1974255)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: LilyFestre

:) Thanks guys.


21 Feb 07 - 04:25 PM (#1975243)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: Partridge

Good dogs are hard to loose. Its hard to come to terms to. Some people expect mourning over a person, and find it strange that an animal can cause the same or deeper emotion.

Be kind to yourself Lily

Pat xx

22 Feb 07 - 10:10 AM (#1975990)
Subject: RE: BS: Sweet Dreams Abu
From: LilyFestre

You know who is having a really hard time of this is Amos, our cocker spaniel. He has been looking for her, is very jumpy and mopey, he follows me everywhere and is hyper alert. He takes his dog bones and runs around the house with it instead of wolfing it down like he usually does. I think he is looking for her, to share it. Abu had been sick. She stopped eating regular dog food so she was getting special food and yummies she loved. It got so she wouldn't eat at all and she would rest her head near the treats. Amos, normally a thief of anything yummy, never touched hers. He knew that was especially for Boo. He also was sleeping near her, often with his head on hers. He is definately in mouring and it is difficult to watch the once non-stop Super Amo so mopey. I know he has to come to terms with this loss too and am hopeful he will return to his busy body, thieving, mischievious self soon. It just is so pitiful.

I went to church yesterday and lit a candle for Abu.