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BS: American Idol 2007

22 Feb 07 - 01:27 PM (#1976160)
Subject: BS: American Idol 2007
From: LilyFestre

Anyone else watching this show? My money is on LaKisha Jones...what a performance!!!


22 Feb 07 - 01:31 PM (#1976165)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: GUEST,lox

Ah yes ... but is it folk ... ;')

(I had to be the first this time)

22 Feb 07 - 01:38 PM (#1976170)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: LilyFestre

This is the first year we have had satellite television (after 8 years of 2 channels via rabbit ears) so it is my first year watching the show. I wasn't too impressed with the men (I like the blonde guy from Seattle who does the sounds and has a very interesting style in how he carries himself and Chris(?) Sligh, the young man with the curls) and think they women, as a group, sang much better. So far I think the show is kind of boring but imagine, as with any other reality show, it will improve as the stakes rise. Simon Cowell is very predictable and uninteresting, IMO.

I actually got goosebumps watching Ms. Jones sing last night. WOW!

Is it folk? Depends on what your definition of folk is...and around here, well, it's anybody's guess!!!


22 Feb 07 - 01:52 PM (#1976182)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Wesley S

I can understand why it has a certain appeal and why it's so popular. But most of the singers violate my "too many notes per second" rule. I think most of them would explode if they were forced to hold a single note for a long period of time without the benifit of vibrato.

22 Feb 07 - 05:13 PM (#1976353)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: jaze

She was incredible. Runner up would be Melinda Doolittle-the background singer who came out blazing on the Aretha song.

22 Feb 07 - 07:47 PM (#1976496)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: John Hardly

My choice would be Melinda Doolittle. In fact, I've been wondering if she's a ringer.

22 Feb 07 - 09:35 PM (#1976605)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Bobert

I've only been 1/2 watchin' but there's a lot of real fine singers this year... Problem is that there are too many balck females who are tryin' to stake out the same ground... Maybe it's just me... I don't listen to any pop/hip hop stuff so if it's done well (from my listenin' point) it's done well and I listened last night and every black woman killed the song they did... I'd hate to have to vote 'cause the women, especially the black women, seen to have it down...

I was watchin' during the trials an' this skinny white dude came out an' blew a song away... He looked like he'd come right outta "Oh< Brother, Were art Thou" and he killed the song... But then I never saw him again... Anyone know anything about him???

I love the white guy with the Gootee... Yeah, he's kinda large and his daddy was a musican who had a hit way back then... This kid has the chops... I'd like to see him in the final 4... He's good... Plus, hes a bluesman...


23 Feb 07 - 01:23 AM (#1976725)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: LilyFestre

Melinda Doolittle rocked also!! So does the 17 year old female (can't think of her name)!! And Bobert, the guy you are talking about is Sundance and he did rock out with a bluesy tune for his audition that was excellent...too bad the rest of his stuff hasn't been more of the same...maybe next week!!!!


23 Feb 07 - 02:10 AM (#1976733)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Peter Kasin

Was LaKisha the first female singer up on Wednesday night? If so, yes, I agree she is wonderful. No gimmicks, just fine nightclub-type singing.


23 Feb 07 - 09:19 AM (#1976952)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Rapparee

Just can't get interested....

23 Feb 07 - 10:35 AM (#1977009)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: LilyFestre

LaKisha was the last woman to sing on the evening all the women sang (Thursday).


23 Feb 07 - 10:52 AM (#1977020)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: GUEST,ib48

its absolute crap

23 Feb 07 - 11:14 AM (#1977037)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Wesley S

But Guest ib48 - it's incredibly popular crap. Even the losers on this show go on to fill concert halls. Like it or not it's what America really want to listen to. I'll pass on it - it's not to my taste - but clearly we're in the minority.

Next time you see a contestant sing a Bill Monroe or Tom Paxton song let me know.

23 Feb 07 - 11:52 AM (#1977067)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: GUEST,Chanteyranger

Lily, it was Wednesday night when all the women singing were broadcasted to the Pacific coast. Whoever was the first one up was, to me, the most impressive.

23 Feb 07 - 12:04 PM (#1977078)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: LilyFestre

Oh yeah..LOL...sorry! TODAY is Friday. I'm so confused!!!!

Thanks for clearing that up!


24 Feb 07 - 12:02 PM (#1978015)
Subject: RE: BS: American Idol 2007
From: Greg F.

"The Gong Show" on steroids & benzedrine. They could improve it significantly by bringing back the hook and the gong.

Personally, I prefer watching people eat bugs and/or engage in infantile, staged 'contests' in remote locations around the globe.

No one ever went broke underestimating the taste or intelligence of the American people --   H.L. Mencken.

In spades.