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Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)

04 Mar 07 - 04:50 AM (#1985574)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE HILLS OF MARGAREE (Jim Brannigan)
From: Jim Lad

words by Jim Brannigan
music ... The tune is taken from "Gramma's Letter" which is a beautiful piece of writing in itself. The music however, is a well sandpapered version of "Bobby McGhee" with maybe a couple of other tunes in it here and there.
You can hear it on "The Hills of Margaree" album or have a quick listen on "Jim Brannigan's Favourites" at CD Baby


Well I hope that you can read these words
We both know my writing's not too good
And I trust this letter finds you
Living in that same suburban neighbourhood
And I finally found the time
To sit me down and maybe try to let you see
How happy we could both be
Living in the lovely hills of Margaree

Last night I heard an owl cry
And so I took a walk outside
And saw the northern lights dance lightly
High above a wild Cape Breton Sky
Felt the north west wind blow softly
All along the valley from the sea
And from my doorway watched the moonrise
High above the hills of Margaree

And I didn't sleep too well you know
I missed you more than words can say last night
Til finally I heard a songbird
Singing to the coming morning light
And I know if you could be here now
It wouldn't take too much to let you see
The blessed Lord Himself
Alive and breathing in the hills of Margaree

For a troubadour sometimes you know
How I can be so quiet in my way
And it's never really bothered me
To be alone and to pass the time of day
But lately I've been lonely dear
And thinking how much happier I'd be
If we could spend one day together
In the lovely hills of Margaree.

That evening by the fireside
You played on the fiddle, soft and low
And I took out my old guitar
It seems so very long ago
Now every violin I hear
Reminds me how much happier I'd be
If we could only be together
In the lovely hills of Margaree

And I know that you were happy
Long before I ever came to pass your way
And even though you wanted to
You never really tried to make me stay
And I don't have the right to ask
If you would ever come along with me
But still I wish that we could be
Together in the hills of Margaree

And I know that you can read these words
Even though my writing's not too good
And I'm sure this letter finds you
Living in that same suburban neighbourhood
And I finally found the time to sit me down
And maybe try to let you see
How happy we could both be
Living in the lovely hills of Margaree
Oh how happy we could both be
Living in the lovely hills of Margaree

Just in case we didn't get back together, I wrote
a contingency verse to replace the last one......

And I know that you can read these words
Even though my writing's not too good
And I'm sure this letter finds you
Living in that same suburban neighbourhood
And if you ever find the time
To sit awhile and maybe think of me
Remember I'll be thinking of you
In the lovely hills of Margaree
Oh remember I'll be thinking of you
In the lovely hills of Margaree.

This ending was a little too "Country" for my
liking, so I married the girl.

04 Mar 07 - 10:38 AM (#1985788)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

My wife's heading off to California for a week. Lucky Bugger!
Good Morning all.

05 Mar 07 - 09:48 AM (#1986874)
Subject: Lyr Add: WHEN I GET DOWN TO MARGAREE (Kevin Gilfoy
From: Jack Lewin

How about another Margaree song

(by Kevin Gilfoy)

Well, my name is John Andrew Macfarlane
The year is 18 hundred and 3.
I'm sittin' alone with my ax and my stone
Staring up at another tree.
I'll sharpen my blade to cut timbers
Although none of it is for me.
But things will be different when I get down to Margaree.

They're waitin' for word back in Pictou,
They're waitin' there to hear from me.
They're waitin' to hear if the land has been cleared
And it's time to bring the family.
There will be plenty of room on this homestead,
But there isn't any room for me.
But things will be different when I get down to Margaree.

My father said he wanted to see me,
On the day that we put out to sea.
'Said "For the love of your clan and respect for the land
Boy, now this is how it has to be.
You're my oldest son lad and I love you
But there's just too many mouths to feed,
So you'll build me my homestead and you'll move on to Margaree."

So now I'm breaking my back
On his ax and his plow
I'm building his dreams
On the sweat of my brow
I want to say I want to stay
But my pride won't allow ...

I wonder if it's like I imagined?
I wonder if there's fish in the streams?
I wonder if the land will be kind to this man?
If there's a pretty girl waiting for me?
But for now I guess I'll keep on working,
I guess I'll knock myself another tree,
For my time will come when I get down to Margaree.
Oh yes the world will be mine when I get down to Margaree!

05 Mar 07 - 10:31 AM (#1986916)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Many of the immigrants landed in Pictou and hung around there for a while before seeking other destinations. Who wrote this one?

05 Mar 07 - 10:35 AM (#1986917)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot


    Just had to learn the Brannigan version.....good song..(sniff-sniff!)   I need memory training now - loadsa words... I'm sorta familiar with it but not sure from where.

             Regards ... Spot

05 Mar 07 - 10:42 AM (#1986934)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad


05 Mar 07 - 10:42 AM (#1986936)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Guten Morgen allerseits!

05 Mar 07 - 10:58 AM (#1986964)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,meself

"Who wrote this one?"

Hmmm ... by the look of things, it was one Kevin Gilfoy ...

05 Mar 07 - 11:22 AM (#1987009)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Is/Was he from down your way, Meself? (Jack Lewin aka Kevin Gilfoy )

I'm more than a little befuddled by "Spot's" post. Seems to be suggesting that my song is somewhat less than original. I'm sure he/she will come back and clear that up.

05 Mar 07 - 11:38 AM (#1987025)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jack Lewin

hi jim, jack lewin is just my mudcat name

05 Mar 07 - 11:44 AM (#1987031)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,meself

Don't know, Jim - I just looked at the by-line under the title of the lyrics in the post, above ... But it looks like you can ask the man himself ...

I suspect Spot didn't really mean another "version", but rather another song on the theme of "Margaree".

05 Mar 07 - 11:52 AM (#1987049)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jack Lewin

sorry guys, I'm from Antigonish N.S.

05 Mar 07 - 11:54 AM (#1987053)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Hi Jack: Where are you to?
When the kid has her nap today, I'll post a wee history of my song. In the meantime; Did you write the one Meself posted and if you did, did I get the theme right?

05 Mar 07 - 11:55 AM (#1987059)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Never apologize for being from Antigonish. Piper's is a rer wee pub!

05 Mar 07 - 12:36 PM (#1987123)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot

          Let me do some "clearin' up". I used the term "Brannigan version" because Jim Lads post's first words were - "Words by Jim Brannigan", then we had the song itself. That version is the one I meant. I've only ever heard that one and always presumed it to be the original.    As opposed to the Gilfoy song that I've not heard of at all.... Apologies for confusion   :-)

                      Regards to all.... Spot

05 Mar 07 - 12:45 PM (#1987136)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jack Lewin

No worries Jim, i have a day job and 2 kids. Meself looks like a separate post and yes I did write it and yes the theme is right.
ps some nights Pipers is rerer than others

05 Mar 07 - 01:08 PM (#1987164)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot


    Piper's??? Bourbon by any chance? If so, can you get it in UK?
I'm very fond of whiskies...   !!    :-)

               Regards... Spot

05 Mar 07 - 02:11 PM (#1987236)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Spot: Thank You for that. I went through some of your earlier posts and could easily see that you're always polite. Just had to clear it up though. As for Margaree songs; you could fill an airport hanger with them.
Jack: I thought that your song would have to be fairly recent because of your reference to going "Down to Margaree". Anyone with a map in their hands would tell you it's "Up" unless you happen to live in Nova Scotia. I've often thought that going "Up to Halifax" was indicative of an inferiority complex.
There's a nice fellow in Pictou who runs a summer concert series. His name escapes me for the moment but you'll know him. Does he know your song?
CJFX Rocks!

05 Mar 07 - 02:48 PM (#1987282)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot

More apologies!!

I didn't click that "Pipers" was a previously mentioned pub   (oops!!)

The Hills of Margaree as sung by Jim Brannigan is the only one I've ever heard of. Not heard of Margaree at all , otherwise......

Oh dear..I feel very stupid!!   Must console myself with another large Woodford Reserve!!

                  Regards to all...Spot    :-)

05 Mar 07 - 03:39 PM (#1987339)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jack Lewin

Jim: bang on correct again, I wrote the song a couple of years ago after reading some info on the MacFarlane family history (my Mother was MacFarlene). Not sure of the gentlemans name in Pictou you are talking about but I doubt if he has it. Not being a performer is a disadvantage when it comes to getting your songs circulated.
Spot: Not sure if Pipers carry Woodford Reserve, but they do carry Glenora's Cape Breton Rare. Distilled just a caber toss away from Margaree!!

05 Mar 07 - 04:37 PM (#1987384)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Glenora sits between Mabou and Inverness. They had hoped to release the first batch (Single Malt) for the millenium but had to wait an extra year for the flavours to mature. The only problem now is that they spell it "Whisky" instead of "Whiskey", the first spelling being reserved for products from Scotland only. A bit like the "Champagne" versus "Sparkling White" thing.
Pictou: I'll have to go through my old notes. This fellow puts on a show in the DeCoste centre and is also involved in the Hector Days but doesn't plaster his own name all over the place. Your song is right on theme with what they do.

05 Mar 07 - 04:51 PM (#1987413)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot

I've had to do some net research on Margaree...What a fabulous place!!

That "Myles from Nowhere" is about my my type of business....!!(Good name for a band!!) I envy anyone living in such a place.

I wonder if Glenora's available worldwide....Hmmm...more research comin up!!

                  Regards to all....Spot    (male UK)

05 Mar 07 - 04:55 PM (#1987422)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

I know Myles and his Daughter. They moved up from Ontario. Hence the name.
Heh heh!

05 Mar 07 - 04:58 PM (#1987429)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Spot

Jim Lad...

          Simple question...are you Mr Brannigan?


05 Mar 07 - 05:06 PM (#1987438)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,meself

MISTER Brannigan is his daddy.

Now, just to add to the confusion - I meself did not post any of the lyrics posted (as in "Did you write the one Meself posted ... ").

What else? Oh yeah - there used to be variation of a Scottish (Burns?) song kicking around these parts: "Up among the heather on the hills of Margaree", etc.).

05 Mar 07 - 05:17 PM (#1987446)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

I am?
Meself: No. You did point out the name of the author but did not post the lyrics.
I am also thoroughly convinced that you wrote the tune for "The Dawning of the Day".
I have a very early edition of "The Complete Works of Thomas Moore" which I bought in "Myles from Nowhere".

05 Mar 07 - 05:24 PM (#1987460)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,mg

I was on the ferry boat between Cape Breton and Newfoundland...and people were singing down on the Myra on old Margaree..the fish they are biting (jumping?) for you and for me...

Did they folk process down on the Myra or was Alister's song based on an older song? mg

05 Mar 07 - 05:25 PM (#1987463)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,meself

Re: Jim's homepage - now I know who stole my tweed cap! (Your sin will find you out. Or something like that.)

As for "The Dawning of the Day" - once again, I insist that I did not write that tune - but give me a few minutes and I will!

05 Mar 07 - 05:51 PM (#1987484)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Two different rivers. Three if you count the Margarees twice.
The ferry however was the Joseph & Clara Smallwood unless you're as old as meself.

05 Mar 07 - 08:02 PM (#1987591)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Beer

Jack Lewin. Do you remember the Brigadoon (sp.) in Antigonish? Burnt down years ago. Love Antigonish.
Beer (adrien)

05 Mar 07 - 08:11 PM (#1987594)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Nope but there's an excellent restaurant just out of town Mamma somthing's...

06 Mar 07 - 07:20 AM (#1987980)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jack Lewin

Beer: The "Brig" as my mother-in-law called it was before my time but I did hear stories about it. She was a Cape Breton lass from the Peir who came here to take nursing at St. Martha's and never left.
Jim: Mother Webbs 2-for-1 steak special ended the end of February, the last time we were there (about 2 weeks ago) there was a bus load of hockey players just leaving and ate every steak in the place (the hot turkey with genuine Mabou stuffing was good though).

06 Mar 07 - 07:23 AM (#1987984)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Beer

My eldest sister also took nursing there. I think it was 1955.

06 Mar 07 - 11:03 AM (#1988200)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: Jim Lad

Brenda and I would dine at Mother Webb's on the way to and from the airport, when we were courting. We'd buy the 2 for 1 steaks and take some of the mushrooms & onions home for a breakfast omelet. Great stuff.
Now that we're married, breakfast is a lonely affair.
Good Morning all!

06 Mar 07 - 11:13 AM (#1988208)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree
From: GUEST,meself

That picture of Mother Webb on the wall facing the highway always scares me off. Inspires me to put the pedal to the metal. But if the restaurant is that good, maybe next time I'll just close my eyes and pull in for a bite ...

06 Mar 07 - 09:32 PM (#1988995)
Subject: Lyr Add: MY MARGAREE
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Hi Jim,

I hope you don't mind but I sang The Hills of Margaree at the session in Judique on Sunday. I can't do it the justice that you do but it is a great song! Leonel was there and I passed your message along.

My father was from Whale Cove and I also wrote a song about the Margaree area. The first time that I planned to sing it in public was to be at the Judique guitar session. When I arrived there I was told that John Morris Rankin had been killed that morning at the very spot that the song was about. I couldn't bring myself to sing it until months later.


Away back in the early eighteen hundreds
My ancestors, they sailed across the sea
Leaving Scotland far behind they found a new home
In whale cove down by the shores of Margaree

When the nor'-west wind is howling of the big ice
And the swirling snow makes it so hard to see
I'll be warm and happy sitting in the kitchen
By the wood stove in my home in Margaree

In springtime I look out to Margaree Island
And I can see my father's boat out on the
Where he works so hard just trying to make a living
Pulling fish out of the waters of Margaree

In summertime, I love to go out swimming
Where whale cove cape protects us in it's lee
From whitecaps that are rolling toward the shoreline
To break along the cliffs of Margaree

When the autumn days are growing ever shorter
And a cooler breeze is blowing of the sea
The hills they are ablaze with colored splendor
It's like heaven 'round my home in Margaree

(c) 1999

24 Feb 11 - 03:38 PM (#3102111)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)
From: JohnNoZ

This is one of my favorite songs. I found it on the internet a few years back.

Thanks for writing and singing such a wonderful song, Jim!

24 Feb 11 - 03:50 PM (#3102113)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)
From: Clontarf83

Thanks Jim. My favourite song of yours still.

25 Feb 11 - 12:11 AM (#3102384)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)
From: Sandra in Sydney

one of Jim's songs that sounds like it's traditional, a song I've known forever.

15 Jun 24 - 05:52 AM (#4203936)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)
From: Amergin

I just want to say this is one of my favourite songs.

15 Jun 24 - 06:30 AM (#4203940)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Hills of Margaree (Jim Brannigan)
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for reviving this thread, I'm now listening to Jim's CD The Hills of Margaree.

During COVID I downsized most of my 600+ CDs - around half of them went to a Community Radio program, most of my Mudcatter CDs went to GerryM but I kept my 5 Jim Brannigan CDs! (ps. I do listen to my much smaller CD collection, I don't subscribe to anything)

Is he still performing? Google doesn't have anything recent & he hasn't posted here for about 12 years
