(Sally Rogers)

Babies are born in the circle of the Sun
Circle of the Sun on the birthin' day
Babies are born in the circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on the birthin' day.

Clouds to the east, clouds to the west
Wind and rain to the north and south
Babies are born in the circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on the birthin' day.

Children take their first step in a circle of the sun
Circle of the Sun on their walkin' day
Children take their first step in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on their walkin' day.

Clouds to the east, clouds to the west
Wind and rain to the north and south
Children take their first step in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on their walkin' day.

Children speak their first word in a circle of the sun
Circle of the Sun on their talkin' day
Children speak their first word in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on their talkin' day.

Clouds to the east, clouds to the west
Wind and rain to the north and south
Children speak their first word in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on their talkin' day.

Hope to be married in a circle of the sun
Circle of the Sun on the wedding day
Hope to be married in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on the wedding day.

Clouds to the east, clouds to the west
Wind and rain to the north and south
Hope to be married in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on the wedding day.

And I hope to die in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on my dying day
And spread my ashes in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on my dying day.

Clouds to the east, clouds to the west
Wind and rain to the north and south
Spread my ashes in a circle of the sun
Circle of the sun on the dying day.

Copyright Sally Rogers
Recorded by Sally Rogers- Circle of the Sun
filename[ CIRCLESN
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