DREMLEN FEYGL (Drowsing Birds)
Words by Leah Rudnicki; Music by Leyb Yampolski

Dremlen feygl af di tsvaygn,
Shlof, mayn tayer kind.
Bay dayn vigl, af dayn nare }
Zitst a fremde un zingt: } x2
Lyu-lyu, lyu-lyu, lyu.

S'iz dayn vigl vu geshtanen
Oysgeflokhtn fun glik,
Un dayn mame, oy dayn mame, }
Kumt shoyn keyn mol nit tsurik } x2
Lyu-lyu, lyu-lyu, lyu.

Kh'hob gezen dayn tatn loyfn
Unter hogl fun shteyn,
Iber felder iz gefloygn }
Zayn faryosemter geveyn. } x2
Lyu-lyu, lyu-lyu, lyu.

@Yiddish @lullaby
filename[ DREMFEYG
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