There's a nice wee lass and her name is Mary Mack
Make no mistake, she's the miss I'm goin' tae tak
There's a lot of other chaps who would get up on her track
But I'm thinking they'll have to getup early

Mary Mack's faither's makin' Mary Mack marry me
My faither's makin' me marry Mary Mack
And I'm goin' tae marry Mary tae get married
an' tak care of me
Well a' be making merry when I marry Mary Mack

This wee lass she has a lot of brass
She has a lot of gas, her faither thinks I'm class
And I'd be a silly ass tae let the matter pass
Her faither thinks she suits me fairly

Noo Mary and her mither gang an awful lot together
In fact you niver see the one, or the one wioot the ither
And the fellow often wonder if its Mary or her mither
Or the both of them together that I'm courting

Noo the weddin day's on Wednesday and everything's arranged
Her name will soon be changed tae mine, unless her mind be
And wi' makin' the arrangements, faith, I'm just aboot deranged
For marriage is an awful undertakin'

It's sure tae be a grand affair and grander than a fair
A coach and pair for rich and poor and every pair that's there
We'll dine upon the finest fare, I'm sure tae get my share
If I don't we'll all be very much mistaken

from the singing of Jake Mitchell of Peterhead. Music hall
filename[ MARYMACK
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