Ho, ho, you pretty lassy, ho, ho, you sweet little dear,
Come sit you on my lap and do not fear.
Why those rosy blushes, why those blushes, I say!
All on account of a bold lover gag!

Leave your father and mother and come along with me,
And I will carry you to my home across the sea.
Oh, oh, thou pretty lassy, oh, oh, thou sweet little May!
All on account of a bold lover gay.

No hard work for you there, I say,
But silk and satin dresses, May!
and all the day we'll laugh and play.
Oh, you false young lover gay!

Heigh-ho, thou pretty lassy, heigh-ho, thou sweet young May,
Why do you look back at your old home so much
As you go with him on the way?
All on account of a bold lover gay.

Heigh-ho, thou pretty lassy, heigh-ho, thou sweet young maid,
You'll wish you at home had stayed, stayed,
Nor left your old father and mother that day
To go away with your bold lover gay.

Heigh-ho, thou poor pale May, heigh-ho, thou poor young dear,
'Tis well nigh a year since you left here!
And where are your silks and satins, May ?
And what is that under your cloak, I say?
All on account of a bold lover gay!

From Ballads and Songs, Belden
Collected from Miss Hamilton, 1909
DT #505
Laws P23
filename[ LOVERGAY
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