(Martin Carthy)

I saw her by the showroom window
Standing alone on a market day.
As I passed her by, I heard her sigh.
The victory parade passed on TV.

There were twenty screens in the showroom window,
Victors marching large and small.
As they wheeled on by, I heard her sigh,
"Oh, and oh, for my darling boy!"

They called him Jack. They called him John.
He was there, sat tight offshore.
They caught him cold in the heat of a battle
For the South Atlantic company store.

Mama told me, "Don't you wed a soldier.
Don't ever marry your heart's delight.
He will be gone when the morning comes,
And you will be left for to mourn in the light."

Every night I dreamed that I saw him,
Dreamed I never would see him more.
In my dream, his body came floating
Away with the ocean's rise and fall.

But it was not Death that bowled in the alley,
Skittering away up to my love's door.
It was not Death that cried and howled
In the teeth of the South Atlantic roar -

But a bomb bounding down the alley,
A bomb wrapped in a silver shell,
A bomb that plucked the face from my love,
Spread it wide on the face of the swell.

O sweet and soothing showers,
Breathe upon his burning head!
Ease among his waking dreams
Whose tears nightly drench my bed.

'Twas all a case of saving face
When they sent my love to the war
For eighteen hundred landless tenants
Of the South Atlantic company store --

Eighteen hundred landless tenants,
Eighteen hundred poorer than poor,
Eighteen hundred waking dreams
Of an Empire long gone before.

In that dream, I stand at Bluff
I've an empty shell up to my ear.
The only sound the sound of cash
Being wrung from the snows of Antarctica.

Ring the ring of city roses,
Victors march, markets bloom.
The flame that melted my love's cheek
Come a-dancing the Iron Lady to.

About the Falklands War.
Recorded by Martin Carthy on "Right of Passage," 1988; and on other albums.
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