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An n old crow sat upon an oak,
Derry, derry derry, dayco
An old crow sat upon an oak
Watching a tailor sew a coat.
Sing hi-ho carrion crow
Derry, derry derry day co.

Oh wife bring me my old bent bow
Derry, derry, derry, day co
Wife bring me my old bent bow
That I may shoot yon carrion crow
Sing hi-ho carrion crow
Derry, derry derry, day co.

The tailor shot and he missed his mark
Derry, derry, derry day co
The tailor shot and he missed his mark
He shot his old sow through the heart.
Sing hi-ho carrion crow
Derry, derry, derry day co.

The old sow died and the bells did toll
Derry, derry derry day co
The old sow died and the bells did toll
The little pigs prayed for the old sow's soul
Hi ho carrion crow
Derry, derry derry, day co

As sung by Frederick Turner of Marlboro Vermont.
@animal @bird @hunt
Recorded by Margaret MacArthur
See alsoÿKANGROO
filename[ CARCROW

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