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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Music: Stephen Foster, Words: George P. Morris)

Open thy lattice, love, listen to me!
The cool balmy breeze is abroad on the sea!
The moon like a queen, roams her realms of blue,
And the stars keep their vigils in heaven for you.
Ere morn's gushing light tips the hills with its ray,
Away o'er the waters, away and away!
Then open thy lattice, love, listen to me!
While the moon's in the sky and the breeze on the sea!

Open thy lattice, love, listen to me!
In the voyage of life Love our pilot will be!
He will sit at the helm-wherever we rove,-
And steer by the lodestar he kindled above.
His shell for a shallop will cut the bright spray,
Or skim like a bird o'er the waters away;
Then open thy lattice, love, listen to me!
While the moon's in the sky and the breeze on the sea!

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