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GO AND LEAVE ME Once I loved with fond affection All his thoughts they were of me Until a dark girl did persuade him Now he thinks no more of me One hour he's happy with another One that has great gold in store While I poor girl am left broken-hearted I'm left alone because I'm poor So go and leave me if you wish, love Never let me cross your mind For if you think I'm so unworthy Go and leave me I don't mind Many's the day, love, with you I've rambled Many was the night that with you I've spent For I always thought you were mine forever But now I know you were only lent Here's the ring, love, which first you gave me When our hearts they were entwined Give it to that dark-haired lady She'll never know that it once was mine Many's the night, love, as you lie sleeping Dreaming in your sweet repose While I young girl lie broken-hearted Listening to the wind that blows Fare thee well friends and kind relations Farewell to you, you false young man 'Tis you that has caused me pain and suffering Never to return again ------------------------------------------------------------------ recorded by Peta Webb on "Voices. Traditional English Songs" (1992) "A love lament heard widely in Britain and Ireland. The chorus comes from Suffolk singer Percy Webb and the verses from many singers, mainly travellers. Peta says that she likes to bring out the woman's scorn for the man who jilts her as well as her pain" - Paul Adams @love @bitching @infidelity filename[ GOLEAVME MJ |