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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Phil Ochs)

From the flat plains of Ohio we drifted out one day
For the southern part of our journey.
Underneath the bridge theo Ohio River sang,
As we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

And the red sun of the morning was smiling through the trees
And the darkness of the night was quickly fading,
And the fog hugged the road like a cloudy, cloudy sea,
As we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

And we smoked the tobacco and drank of the wine,
And spoke of the forests we were passing,
And the road would wind and wind and wind,
As we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

And among all the wealth of the beauty that we passed,
There were many old shacks a-growing older,
And we saw the broken bottles laying on the grass
Where we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

The Virginia people watched as we went riding by,
Oh proud as a boulder they were standing.
And we wondered at each other with a meeting of the eye,
As we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

And once in a while we would stop by the road,
And gaze at the womb of the valley.
Almost wishing for a path down below,
Where we stopped in the hills of West Virginia.

Up and down and all around we took our restless ride.
And the rocks they were staring cold and jagged.
Where explosions of the powder had torn away the side,
Where we drove through the hills of West Virginia.

And the orange sun was falling on the southern border line,
As the shadows of the night were now returning.
And we knew the mountains followed us and watched us from behind
As we drove from the hills of West Virginia.


Copyright 1964 Appleseed Music, inc.
Rec. on "I Ain't Marching Anymore" Elektra EKS-7287
filename[ HILLWVA

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