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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Bill Staines)

Who will walk her tonight out in the heather
Who will laugh away the teardrops in her eye
She wants someone to hold her forever
Every new love only brings another lie

Empty winds you hear her say
Fickle winds they shift away
I don't need him in my life
For I can fly

Who will walk her tonight out in the heather
Who will laugh away the teardrop in her eye

Who will smile with him when photographs are yellow
Share his memories when they're flowers in the snow
Who will know his mind when all the words are hollow
Help him face the things he never seems to know

It's the road you hear him say
It's the road and it's my way
I don't need her in my life
Now let me go

Who will smile with him when photographs are yellow
Share his memories when they're flowers in the snow

Empty winds you hear her say
Fickle winds they shift away
I don't need him in my life
For I can fly

Who will walk her tonight out in the heather
Who will laugh away the teardrop in her eye

It's the road you hear him say
It's the road and it's my way
I don't need her in my life
Now let me go

Who will smile with him when photographs are yellow
Share his memories when they're flowers in the snow

Who will smile with them when photographs are yellow
Share their memories when they're flowers in the snow

Copyright Bill Staines
filename[ INTHEHEA

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