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Will you wear white, oh my dear, oh my dear
Oh will you wear white, Jennie Jenkins?
I won't wear white
For the color's too bright

I'll buy me a fol-de-roldy-tildy-toddy
seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a-roll-the-find-me
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll

Will you wear blue, my dear, oh my dear
Oh, wear you blue, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear blue
The color's too true

Will you wear red, my dear, oh my dear
Oh will you wear red, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear red
It's the color of my head

Will you wear black, my dear, oh my dear
Oh will you wear black, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear black
It's the color of my back

Will you wear purple, my dear, oh my dear
Oh will you wear purple, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear purple
It's the color of a turkle

Will you wear green, my dear, oh my dear
Oh will you wear green, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear green
For it's a shame to be seen

@color @clothes
Printed in A Treasury of Folk Songs
by Sylvia and John Kolb
filename[ JJENKIN2

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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Jennie Jenkins
Will You Wear Red? (Noted by Cecil Sharp from Mrs. Delie Hughes at Cane River, Burnsville, N.C., in 1918)


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