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Will you wear the grey oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the grey Jennie Jenkins I won't wear the grey for
its the color of the clay So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the black oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the black Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear the black for the color it is slack
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the red oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the red Jennie Jenkins
l won't wear the red for the color I do dread
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the green oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the green Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear the green for its the color that is mean
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the white oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the white, Jennie Jenkins
I won't wear the white tis a color I dislike
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the yellow, oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the yellow, Jennie Jerkins
I won't wear the yellow for the color it is shallow
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

Will you wear the blue oh narrow narrow
Will you wear the blue, Jennie Jenkins
Yes I'll wear the blue for the color it is true
So buy me a Tally-wally aye sir.

From "Vermont Folksongs and Ballads" by Flanders
and Brown, the tune from the singing of Mrs.
Susan Chase in Bethel, Vermont the words copied
from the Green Mountain Songster, compiled by an
old Revolutionary soldier of Sandgate Vermont,
in 1823.

@color @American @clothes
Recorded by Margaret MacArthur
filename[ JJENKINS

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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Jenny Jenkins (Recorded by Mrs. Alice Brown, July 24, 1930, in Bethel, Vermont, from the singing of Mrs. Susan Chase, as learned from her aunt when a little girl. midi from notation in the book)


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