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The Mudcat Cafesj

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(Bill Staines)

cho: Jubilee, wasn't it a jubilee
Jubilee, wasn't it a jubilee
Well they were singin out together, they were shoutin revelry
Jubilee, Lord wasn't it a jubilee

Well they were dancing by the river, they were dancing by the sea
They were bouncing all the babies up and down upon their knee
They were laughing out happy they was cryin out free
Jubilee, Lord wasn't it a jubilee

They was bangin on the banjos they was playin on guitars
They were blowin out the bass notes on the crockery jars
They was slidin on the wadhboards bangin spoons upon their knee
Jubilee, Lord wasn't it a jubilee

They was comin from the valleys they was comin from the towns
They came to see the paddlewheels and the showboat clowns
They was comin from the farm lands they was comin from the sea
Jubilee, Lord wasn't it a jubilee

Now is'nt it a picture all these times gone by
Well he used to tell me stories with a twinkle in his eye
And i wished i could have been there as set upon his knee
Jubilee, Granddad, wasnt it a jubilee

filename[ JUBBILEE

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