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King Arthur ruled the land, that he did
And a right good ruler was he, that he was
He had three sons of yore and he kicked them out the door
Because they would not sing
Because they would not sing, because they would not sing
He had three sons of yore and he kicked them out the door
Because they would not sing

The first he was a miller, that he was
The second he was a weaver, that he was
And the third he was a little tailor boy
With his broadcloth under his arm

The miller he stole corn, that he did
The weaver he stole yarn, that he did
And the little tailor he stole corduroy
To keep the other fellows warm

The miller he was drowned in his dam, that he was
The weaver he was hanged with his yarn, that he was
But the devil ran away with the little tailor boy
With the broadcloth under his arm

@outlaw @work @royalty
see also ROGUES3
filename[ ROGUES32

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