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ONE MAN'S HANDS (Kevin Becker) 1. One man's hands can't build a world of peace A woman's hands can't build a world of peace But if two by two we work for peace together We'll see that day come round We'll see that day come round 2. One man's eyes can't always see the truth A woman's eyes can't always see the truth But if two by two we watch for one another We'll see that day come round We'll see that day come round 3. One man's ears can't hear the whole world cry A woman's ears can't hear the whole world cry But if two by two we listen to each other We'll see that day come round We'll see that day come round 4. One man's words can't set a people free A woman's words can't set a people free But if two by two we talk to one another We'll see that day come round We'll see that day come round 5. One man's heart can't fill the world with love A woman's heart can't fill the world with love But if two by two we learn to love each other We'll see that day come round We'll see that day come round Music - Pete Seeger Original Words - Alex Comfort New Words - Kevin Becker (c) Kevin Becker filename[ MANSHAND BL |