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In South Australia I was born!
Heave away! Haul away!
South Australia round Cape Horn!
We're bound for South Australia!

Heave away, you rolling king,
Heave away! Haul away!
All the way you'll hear me sing
We're bound for South Australia!

As I walked out one morning fair,
It's there I met Miss Nancy Blair.

I shook her up, I shook her down,
I shook her round and round the town.

There ain't but one thing grieves my mind,
It's to leave Miss Nancy Blair behind.

And as you wallop round Cape Horn,
You'll wish to Christ you'd never been born!

Up the coast to Vallipo,
Northward on to Callao.

It's back again to Liverpool,
I spent me pay like a bloody fool!

I'm Liverpool born and Liverpool bred,
Long in the arm and thick in the head.

Oh, rock and roll me over boys,
Let's get this damn job over boys.

Recorded by MacColl & LLoyd, Killen, Clancys and many others
filename[ SOAUSTRL

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