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(Miles Wooten)

O late last night, Mr. Jones came home
On the 8:45 from Victorio
He was rich and fat, wore a big bowler hat
And he hated the hippies and the beatniks, o

Well he put his key in his mock Tudor door
And he called to his wife, Well I'm home dear o
The train was late and I had to wait
It must be the hippies and the beatniks, o

It was a sad day when he stepped inside
And downstairs ran his daughter o
Mummy's not here, she's gone I fear
Away with the hippies and the beatniks, o

Go fill up the tank of my four liter jag
The mini's not so speedy o
And I will drive 'til I find her alive
Or dead with the hippies and the beatniks, o

Then he drove high and he drove low
Up the motorways and the byways too
'til he came soon to a hippie commune
And there he spied his lady o

What makes you leave your house and car
Your washing machine and your stereo
Your children three, not to mention me
To go with the hippies and the beatniks, o

What care I for my house and car
My washing machine and my stereo
Or children three, for now I am free
To go with the hippies and the beatniks, o

And as for you, well the day I rue
That ever we did marry o
I'll grow my hair and I'll travel anywhere
Along with the hippies and the beatniks, o

@gypsy @courtship @parody
Child #200
See also files starting with GYP
Copyright Miles Wooten
filename[ GYPHIPPI

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