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I gaed to the market
As an honest women shou'd,
The knave followed me
As ye ken a knave wou'd.

cho: And a knave has his knave tricks
Aye where'er he be
And I'll tell ye bye and bye
How the knave guided me.

I boucht a pint ale
The knave drank it a'

I cam my ways hame
The knave followed me

I gied him cheese and bread
The knave ate it a'

I gaed to my bed
The knave followed me.

I happen'd to be wi bairn
The knave ran awa.

I paid the nourice fee
The knave got the widdie.

final chorus:
And a knave has his knave tricks
Aye where e'er he be
And I've tamed ye now
How the knave guided me.

Published in The Ballad Book, Kinloch, 1827
Note: Or, in WWII, A Gob is a Slob RG

@Scottish @bawdy @seduction
filename[ KNAVEKN

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A Gob is a Slob


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