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BLOW YE WINDS IN THE MORNING (II) It's advertised in Boston, New York and Buffalo A hundred brave Americans, a-sailing for to go. cho: And blow ye winds in the morning Blow ye winds hi oh It's clear away the running gear and blow boys blow. A hundred brave Americans? My God! That is a laugh, For all of you in the NMU could never sail a raft. cho: You call yourselves seamen but I say that is a lie 'Cause greedy little men like you could never qualify, cho: In Lunenberg in Canada they build great wooden ships, And boatswains play guitars instead of cat o' nine tail whips, cho: Instead of diesel engines we've got sails and running gear; The work is hard, but then we don't pollute the atmosphere. cho: Now here we are on deck again, now what do you think of that? And all of you in the NMU can go shit in your hat! cho: @parody @sailor @work (This version was sung on the HMS Rose in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, in the spring of 1971. It was a response to an organizing drive by the NMU) filename[ BLOWYE2 TUNE FILE: BLOWYE CLICK TO PLAY WPM |