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Come all jolly ploughmen and help me to sing
I will sing in the praise of you all
I a man he don't labour how can he get bread
I will sing and make merry with all

It was of two young brethren, two young brethren bold
I was of two young brethren bold
One he was a shepherd and a tender of sheep
The other a planter of corn

We will rile it, we will tile it through mud and through clay
We will plough it up deeper and low
Then after comes the seedsman his corn for to sow
And the harrows to rake it in rose

There is April, there is May, there is June and July
What a pleasure it is for to see the corn grow
In August we will reap it, we will cut, sheaf and bind it
And go down with our scythes for to mow

And after we've reaped it of every sheaf
And have gathered of every ear
With a drop of good beer, boys, and our hearts full of cheer
We will wish them another good year

Our barns they are full and our fields they are clear
Good health to our master and friends
We will make no more to do but we'll plough and we'll sow
And prepare for the very next year

recorded by Dave Weatherhall & Martin Hall on "Voices. Traditional
English Songs" (1991)

"A song from the Copper Family of Rottingdean. It is a rustic idyll
about a way - and pace - of life which has all but disappeared."

@farm @drink @harmony @months @seasonal

filename[ TWOBRETH

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