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Chickens crowing in the old plowed field
Chickens crowing in the old plowed field
Chickens crowing in the old plowed field
Down in North Carolina

Waterbound, and I can't get home
Waterbound, and I can't get home
Waterbound, and I can't get home
Down in North Carolina

Me and Tom and Dave Goin' home
Me and Tom and Dave Goin' home
Me and Tom and Dave Goin' home
Before the water rises


The old man's mad and I don't care
The old man's mad and I don't care
The old man's mad and I don't care
I'm gonna get his daughter

If he don't give her up we're gonna run away
If he don't give her up we're gonna run away
If he don't give her up we're gonna run away
Down in North Carolina


Recorded on the New Golden Ring, FSI__
filename[ WATRBOND

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