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What will we do if we have no money?
Oh true lovers, what will we do then?
I will hall through the town for a hungry crown
And we'll yodel it over again

What will we do if we marry a tinker?
Oh true lovers, what will we do then?
I will sell a tin can and walk on with me man
And we'll yodel it over again

What will we do if we marry a soldier?
Oh true lovers, what will we do then ?
All me handle is gone and I will fight for the fun
And we'll yodel it over again

What will we do if we have a young daughter?
Oh true lovers, what will we do then?
I will take her in hand and we'll walk on with me man
And we'll yodel it over again

What will we do if we have no money?
Oh true lovers, what will we do then?
I will hall through the town for a hungry crown
And we'll yodel it over again

from the singing of Mary Delaney
recorded by the Silly Sisters (Maddy Prior & June Tabor)
on "No More To The Dance" (1988)

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