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(Eric Bogle)

In comes the train and the whole platform shakes
Then it stops with a shudder and a screaming of brakes
The parting has come and my weary soul aches
I'm leaving my Nancy-O
But you stand there so calmly, determinedly gay
And you talk of the weather and events of the day
But your eyes tell me that your tongue doesn't say
Goodbye, Nancy-O

cho: So come a little closer, put your head upon my shoulder
And let me hold you one last time before the whistle blows

My suitcase is lifted and stowed on the train
A thousand regrets whirl around in my brain
The ache in my heart is a black sea of pain
I'm leaving my Nancy-O
But you stand here so calmly, so lovely to see
But the grip of your hand is an unspoken plea
You're not fooling yourself, and you're not fooling me
Goodbye my Nancy-O

But our time has run out and the whistle has blown
So here I must leave you standing alone
We had so little time and now the time's gone
Goodbye my Nancy-O
And as the train starts gently to roll
And as I lean out to wave and to call
I see your first tears trickle and fall
Goodbye my Nancy-O

Copyright Eric Bogle
Sung by Eric Bogle on 'Bogle live in person' - recorded live in Germany,
February 1977, Folkclub Munster - Autogram & Folk Records, Nottuln,
Germany - ALLP-211

BACKGROUND. This song was written for my mother after she had come
to say goodbye at the Railway Station when I emigrated to Australia.
She was only allowed to come to see me off on the condition that no
tears were shed. And she was very good, she almost kept her promise,
but broke down just as the train was pulling out of the station.
Eric Bogle.

Eric wrote this song in April 1971.

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