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O de worl' was made in 6 days & ended on de 7
Ah, he, ah ho are you most done
But accordin' to de contrac' it orter been 11
So clear de track let de bulgine run

Cho: To me hi-rig-a-jig & a low back car
Ah, he! ah, ho! are you most done
Hurrah, my boys & away we'll go
So clear de track, let de bulgine run

But de masons struck for wages, an dey would not work
So dey come to conclusion dat dey fill him up wid dirt

Now Adam was de firs' man an' Eve was de oder
An' Cain he was a wicked man because he kill his brother

O, way down in the garden in the garden where the apple hang low
Ole Satan got de pull & de man had to go

Young Joseph was de favorite an' eat his mush whole
But his brudders sell his coat & dey put him in the hole

Ole Moses lick de Pharaoh an drown him in de sea
An de chillen come along dat land for to see

Lil David was the boss when he finis up Goliah
But he play it pooty low down on ole man Uriah

You may talk about your yaller gals an round the corner Sallies
Dey couldn't come to tea with the queens in the forests

Daniel in de den done sleep all de night
Never mind de lion nor de tiger not a mite

Jonah was a hungry man cos he eat de whale
He manage very well till he come to de tail

Dat's all de fur dat de story goes
So hurry up to heaven in yo' best suit of clothes

Whall claims this was taken from a Minstrel ditty. "The words & the tune of the
1st part were
taken straight from the music hall, but the chorus was altered in tune & music.
In the music hall
version the chorus was":
"Walkee up, O walkee up, O walkee up, O way
Walk into de parlour for to hear de banjo play"

filename[ BULGNE2

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