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Hangman, hangman, hangman, slack you rope a while
I think I see my father coming over yonder stile

Father did you bring me silver; father did you bring me gold
Or did you come to see me hang, hang on the gallows bold

No, I didn't bring you silver, no, I didn't bring you gold
I have come for to see you hang, hang on the gallows bold

Oh, the prickilie bush, it grieves my heart full sore
If I ever get out of the prickilie bush, I'll never get in it any

Hangman, hangman, hangman, slack you rope a while
I think I see my mother coming over yonder stile

Mother did you bring me silver; mother did you bring me gold
Or did you come to see me hang, hang on the gallows bold

No, I didn't bring you silver, no, I didn't bring you gold
I have come for to see you hang, hang on the gallows bold

Oh, the prickilie bush, it grieves my heart full sore
If I ever get out of the prickilie bush, I'll never get in it any

Hangman, hangman, hangman, slack you rope a while
I think I see my brother coming over yonder stile

Brother did you bring me silver; brother did you bring me gold
Or did you come to see me hang, hang on the gallows bold

No, I didn't bring you silver, no, I didn't bring you gold
I have come for to see you hang, hang on the gallows bold

Oh, the prickilie bush, it grieves my heart full sore
If I ever get out of the prickilie bush, I'll never get in it any

Hangman, hangman, hangman, slack you rope a while
I think I see my sweetheart coming over yonder stile

Sweetheart did you bring me silver; Sweetheart did you bring me gold
Or did you come to see me hang, hang on the gallows bold

Yes, I Brought you silver and yes, I brought you gold
I did not come for to see you hang, hang on the gallows bold

Oh, the prickilie bush, it grieves my heart full sore
Now that I am out of the prickilie bush, I'll never get in it any

Recorded by A.L. LLoyd
Child #95
@love @family
filename[ HANGMN1

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