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HIND HORN (2) Near Edinburgh town was a young child born, With a high loo low and a high loo land; His name was called young Hind Horn And the birk and the broom blooms bonnie-o. Seven years he served the King, All for the sake of his daughter Jean. The King an angry man was he And he sent young Hind Horn to the sea. She's given to him a golden ring With seven diamonds set therein. When this ring grows pale and wan You may know by it that my love is gone. One day he looked his ring upon And he knew she loved another man. He's left the sea and come to the land And there's he's met an old beggar man. "What's news, what news doth thee betide?" "No news but the Princess Jean's a bride." "Will you give to me thy begging tweed And I'll give to you my riding steed?" The beggar he was bound for to ride And Hind Horn he was bound for the bride. When he came to the King's own gate He sought a drink for Hind Horn's sake. He drank out the wine and dropped in the ring And bade them take it to the Princess Jean. "Got you this ring by sea or land, Or got you this from a dead man's hand?" "Not from sea and not from land. But l got it from thy milk-white hand." "I'II cast off my gown of brown And I'll follow you from town to town." "You needn't cast off your gowns of brown For I'll make you the lady of many a town." "I'll cast off my dress of red And l'll follow you and beg my bread." "You needn't cast off your dress of red, For l'll maintain you with wine and bread." The bridegroom had the bride first wed, But young Hind Horn took her first to bed. Recorded by MacColl Child #17 Roud-28 @marriage @token @love filename[ HNDHORN2 TUNE FILE: HNDHORN2 CLICK TO PLAY RG |