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"Oh, hold your tongue, dear Sally, as i gang tae the town
And I'll buy for you a jaunting car and a braw white muslin gown
I'll buy for you a jaunting car and a braw white muslin gown
And likewise a bonnie wee lap dog tae follow your jaunting car"

"Oh, the de'il gang wi' your lap dog, you jaunting cars and all
For I'd rather hae a young man tae row me fae the wall
Oh I'd rather hae a young man wi' no a penny at all
Before that I'd hae an old man tae row me fae the wall

"For your pipes they're never in order, your chanter's no in tune
And I wish that the devil would hae you and put a young man intae
your room
I wish that the devil would hae you and put a young man intae
your room
For I'd rather have a young man wi' no penny at all"

And now the old man's dead and gone, but he's left her a gey fee
He's left tae her ten thousand pounds and all of his lands sae
He's left tae her ten thousand pounds and all of his lands sae
And likewise a bonnie wee lap dog tae follow her jaunting car

Oh and now she's gotten her young man wi' no a penny at all
Aye now she's gotten her young man tae row her fae the wall
But he's smashed her china cups and saucers; aye he's gone and
broke them all
And he's killed her bonnie wee lap dog that followed her jaunting

@marriage @Scottish
recorded by Silly Wizard
filename[ JAUNTCAR

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